@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+Info: constrained 'spi_sck' to bel 'X24/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'spi_io[0]' to bel 'X23/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'spi_io[1]' to bel 'X23/Y0/io1'
+Info: constrained 'spi_io[2]' to bel 'X18/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'spi_io[3]' to bel 'X19/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'spi_cs_n[0]' to bel 'X24/Y0/io1'
+Info: constrained 'spi_cs_n[1]' to bel 'X13/Y31/io0'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_clk' to bel 'X8/Y31/io1'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_de' to bel 'X16/Y31/io0'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_hsync' to bel 'X16/Y31/io1'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_vsync' to bel 'X17/Y31/io0'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_b[3]' to bel 'X9/Y31/io0'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_b[2]' to bel 'X8/Y31/io0'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_b[1]' to bel 'X9/Y31/io1'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_b[0]' to bel 'X13/Y31/io1'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_g[3]' to bel 'X6/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_g[2]' to bel 'X5/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_g[1]' to bel 'X7/Y0/io1'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_g[0]' to bel 'X6/Y0/io1'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_r[3]' to bel 'X9/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_r[2]' to bel 'X9/Y0/io1'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_r[1]' to bel 'X8/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'hdmi_r[0]' to bel 'X7/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'uart_rx' to bel 'X13/Y0/io1'
+Info: constrained 'uart_tx' to bel 'X15/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'clk_in' to bel 'X12/Y31/io1'
+Info: constrained 'btn' to bel 'X16/Y0/io0'
+Info: constrained 'rgb[0]' to bel 'X4/Y31/io0'
+Info: constrained 'rgb[1]' to bel 'X5/Y31/io0'
+Info: constrained 'rgb[2]' to bel 'X6/Y31/io0'
+Info: constraining clock net 'clk_1x' to 23.29 MHz
+Info: constraining clock net 'clk_4x' to 100.70 MHz
+Info: Packing constants..
+Info: Packing IOs..
+Info: spi_cs_n[1] feeds SB_IO phy_I.genblk3.iob_spi_cs_I[1], removing $nextpnr_iobuf spi_cs_n[1].
+Info: spi_cs_n[0] feeds SB_IO phy_I.genblk3.iob_spi_cs_I[0], removing $nextpnr_iobuf spi_cs_n[0].
+Info: rgb[2] use by SB_RGBA_DRV/SB_RGB_DRV rgb_I.rgb_drv_I, not creating SB_IO
+Info: rgb[1] use by SB_RGBA_DRV/SB_RGB_DRV rgb_I.rgb_drv_I, not creating SB_IO
+Info: rgb[0] use by SB_RGBA_DRV/SB_RGB_DRV rgb_I.rgb_drv_I, not creating SB_IO
+Info: hdmi_vsync feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_ctrl_I[1], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_vsync.
+Info: hdmi_r[3] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[11], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_r[3].
+Info: hdmi_r[2] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[10], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_r[2].
+Info: hdmi_r[1] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[9], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_r[1].
+Info: hdmi_r[0] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[8], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_r[0].
+Info: hdmi_hsync feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_ctrl_I[2], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_hsync.
+Info: hdmi_g[3] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[7], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_g[3].
+Info: hdmi_g[2] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[6], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_g[2].
+Info: hdmi_g[1] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[5], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_g[1].
+Info: hdmi_g[0] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[4], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_g[0].
+Info: hdmi_de feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_ctrl_I[0], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_de.
+Info: hdmi_clk feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_clk_I, removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_clk.
+Info: hdmi_b[3] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[3], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_b[3].
+Info: hdmi_b[2] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[2], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_b[2].
+Info: hdmi_b[1] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[1], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_b[1].
+Info: hdmi_b[0] feeds SB_IO vid_I.phy_I.iob_hdmi_data_I[0], removing $nextpnr_obuf hdmi_b[0].
+Info: spi_sck feeds SB_IO phy_I.genblk2.iob_clk_I, removing $nextpnr_iobuf spi_sck.
+Info: spi_io[3] feeds SB_IO phy_I.iob_spi_io_I[3], removing $nextpnr_iobuf spi_io[3].
+Info: spi_io[2] feeds SB_IO phy_I.iob_spi_io_I[2], removing $nextpnr_iobuf spi_io[2].
+Info: spi_io[1] feeds SB_IO phy_I.iob_spi_io_I[1], removing $nextpnr_iobuf spi_io[1].
+Info: spi_io[0] feeds SB_IO phy_I.iob_spi_io_I[0], removing $nextpnr_iobuf spi_io[0].
+Info: Packing LUT-FFs..
+Info: 2643 LCs used as LUT4 only
+Info: 998 LCs used as LUT4 and DFF
+Info: Packing non-LUT FFs..
+Info: 1080 LCs used as DFF only
+Info: Packing carries..
+Info: 7 LCs used as CARRY only
+Info: Packing indirect carry+LUT pairs...
+Info: 7 LUTs merged into carry LCs
+Info: Packing RAMs..
+Info: Placing PLLs..
+Info: constrained PLL 'sys_mgr_I.pll_I' to X12/Y31/pll_3
+Info: Packing special functions..
+Info: constrained SB_RGBA_DRV 'rgb_I.rgb_drv_I' to X0/Y30/rgba_drv_0
+Info: constrained SB_LEDDA_IP 'rgb_I.led_I' to X0/Y31/ledda_ip_2
+Info: Packing PLLs..
+Info: PLL 'sys_mgr_I.pll_I' has LOCK output, need to pass all outputs via LUT
+Info: constrained 'sys_mgr_I.crg_I.pll_lock_SB_LUT4_I3_LC' to X1/Y30/lc0
+Info: Promoting globals..
+Info: promoting cpu_I.decode_to_execute_IS_DIV_SB_LUT4_I2_O_SB_LUT4_I2_O_SB_LUT4_O_9_I2_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_CARRY_CO_I1_SB_LUT4_I2_O[2] [reset] (fanout 33)
+Info: promoting memctrl_I.wb_cyc_SB_LUT4_I3_O_SB_LUT4_I3_O [reset] (fanout 22)
+Info: promoting cpu_I.decode_to_execute_MEMORY_ENABLE_SB_LUT4_I0_I3_SB_LUT4_I3_1_O_SB_LUT4_I3_O_SB_LUT4_I3_O_SB_DFFR_D_Q_SB_LUT4_I1_O [cen] (fanout 161)
+Info: promoting cpu_I.IBusCachedPlugin_fetchPc_pcRegPropagate [cen] (fanout 119)
+Info: promoting cache_bus_I.wb_ack_i_SB_LUT4_I2_O_SB_LUT4_I3_O [cen] (fanout 65)
+Info: Constraining chains...
+Info: 26 LCs used to legalise carry chains.
+Info: Checksum: 0x141aed55
+Info: Device utilisation:
+Info: ICESTORM_LC: 4752/ 5280 90%
+Info: ICESTORM_RAM: 23/ 30 76%
+Info: SB_IO: 27/ 96 28%
+Info: SB_GB: 8/ 8 100%
+Info: ICESTORM_PLL: 1/ 1 100%
+Info: SB_WARMBOOT: 0/ 1 0%
+Info: ICESTORM_DSP: 4/ 8 50%
+Info: ICESTORM_HFOSC: 0/ 1 0%
+Info: ICESTORM_LFOSC: 0/ 1 0%
+Info: SB_I2C: 0/ 2 0%
+Info: SB_SPI: 0/ 2 0%
+Info: IO_I3C: 0/ 2 0%
+Info: SB_LEDDA_IP: 1/ 1 100%
+Info: SB_RGBA_DRV: 1/ 1 100%
+Info: ICESTORM_SPRAM: 4/ 4 100%
+Info: Placed 166 cells based on constraints.
+Info: Creating initial analytic placement for 4078 cells, random placement wirelen = 118835.
+Info: at initial placer iter 0, wirelen = 2768
+Info: at initial placer iter 1, wirelen = 2917
+Info: at initial placer iter 2, wirelen = 2933
+Info: at initial placer iter 3, wirelen = 2933
+Info: Running main analytical placer, max placement attempts per cell = 2905255.
+Info: at iteration #1, type ALL: wirelen solved = 2937, spread = 51169, legal = 56479; time = 0.21s
+Info: at iteration #2, type ALL: wirelen solved = 3782, spread = 48902, legal = 56745; time = 0.26s
+Info: at iteration #3, type ALL: wirelen solved = 4667, spread = 48007, legal = 55169; time = 0.22s
+Info: at iteration #4, type ALL: wirelen solved = 5928, spread = 42741, legal = 51608; time = 0.23s
+Info: at iteration #5, type ALL: wirelen solved = 7207, spread = 39852, legal = 48615; time = 0.23s
+Info: at iteration #6, type ALL: wirelen solved = 8163, spread = 37351, legal = 46373; time = 0.21s
+Info: at iteration #7, type ALL: wirelen solved = 9195, spread = 35612, legal = 43356; time = 0.21s
+Info: at iteration #8, type ALL: wirelen solved = 10319, spread = 34750, legal = 42982; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #9, type ALL: wirelen solved = 10985, spread = 33851, legal = 42255; time = 0.21s
+Info: at iteration #10, type ALL: wirelen solved = 11241, spread = 34186, legal = 41715; time = 0.20s
+Info: at iteration #11, type ALL: wirelen solved = 11825, spread = 33600, legal = 42837; time = 0.21s
+Info: at iteration #12, type ALL: wirelen solved = 12343, spread = 32961, legal = 41620; time = 0.21s
+Info: at iteration #13, type ALL: wirelen solved = 13155, spread = 32890, legal = 42149; time = 0.20s
+Info: at iteration #14, type ALL: wirelen solved = 13372, spread = 32749, legal = 42676; time = 0.21s
+Info: at iteration #15, type ALL: wirelen solved = 14038, spread = 32590, legal = 40111; time = 0.20s
+Info: at iteration #16, type ALL: wirelen solved = 14438, spread = 32378, legal = 40301; time = 0.20s
+Info: at iteration #17, type ALL: wirelen solved = 14960, spread = 32321, legal = 39675; time = 0.20s
+Info: at iteration #18, type ALL: wirelen solved = 15513, spread = 32251, legal = 41169; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #19, type ALL: wirelen solved = 15712, spread = 32323, legal = 40199; time = 0.20s
+Info: at iteration #20, type ALL: wirelen solved = 15813, spread = 32080, legal = 40527; time = 0.21s
+Info: at iteration #21, type ALL: wirelen solved = 16254, spread = 32382, legal = 40563; time = 0.20s
+Info: at iteration #22, type ALL: wirelen solved = 16468, spread = 31699, legal = 39619; time = 0.18s
+Info: at iteration #23, type ALL: wirelen solved = 16708, spread = 31755, legal = 39610; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #24, type ALL: wirelen solved = 17085, spread = 31750, legal = 38655; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #25, type ALL: wirelen solved = 17247, spread = 31450, legal = 38929; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #26, type ALL: wirelen solved = 17475, spread = 31665, legal = 38888; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #27, type ALL: wirelen solved = 17679, spread = 31585, legal = 40492; time = 0.21s
+Info: at iteration #28, type ALL: wirelen solved = 17827, spread = 32344, legal = 38184; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #29, type ALL: wirelen solved = 17795, spread = 31350, legal = 39624; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #30, type ALL: wirelen solved = 18180, spread = 32659, legal = 40015; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #31, type ALL: wirelen solved = 18469, spread = 32321, legal = 38990; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #32, type ALL: wirelen solved = 18552, spread = 31817, legal = 39920; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #33, type ALL: wirelen solved = 18745, spread = 31677, legal = 37898; time = 0.18s
+Info: at iteration #34, type ALL: wirelen solved = 18949, spread = 32257, legal = 39037; time = 0.20s
+Info: at iteration #35, type ALL: wirelen solved = 19065, spread = 32283, legal = 38482; time = 0.26s
+Info: at iteration #36, type ALL: wirelen solved = 19414, spread = 32046, legal = 39782; time = 0.18s
+Info: at iteration #37, type ALL: wirelen solved = 19486, spread = 32570, legal = 37679; time = 0.18s
+Info: at iteration #38, type ALL: wirelen solved = 19502, spread = 32693, legal = 38542; time = 0.19s
+Info: at iteration #39, type ALL: wirelen solved = 19732, spread = 32683, legal = 40053; time = 0.26s
+Info: at iteration #40, type ALL: wirelen solved = 20142, spread = 32355, legal = 38432; time = 0.18s
+Info: at iteration #41, type ALL: wirelen solved = 20191, spread = 32400, legal = 38449; time = 0.18s
+Info: at iteration #42, type ALL: wirelen solved = 20359, spread = 32721, legal = 39413; time = 0.19s
+Info: HeAP Placer Time: 10.85s
+Info: of which solving equations: 4.15s
+Info: of which spreading cells: 0.83s
+Info: of which strict legalisation: 3.68s
+Info: Running simulated annealing placer for refinement.
+Info: at iteration #1: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 2032, wirelen = 37679
+Info: at iteration #5: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 1553, wirelen = 29523
+Info: at iteration #10: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 1733, wirelen = 28312
+Info: at iteration #15: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 1844, wirelen = 27610
+Info: at iteration #20: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 1799, wirelen = 27213
+Info: at iteration #25: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 1754, wirelen = 27074
+Info: at iteration #27: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 1755, wirelen = 27040
+Info: SA placement time 9.96s
+Info: Max frequency for clock 'clk_1x': 24.50 MHz (PASS at 23.29 MHz)
+Info: Max frequency for clock 'clk_4x': 80.75 MHz (FAIL at 100.70 MHz)
+Info: Max delay <async> -> posedge clk_1x: 2.99 ns
+Info: Max delay posedge clk_1x -> <async> : 5.34 ns
+Info: Max delay posedge clk_1x -> posedge clk_4x: 5.20 ns
+Info: Max delay posedge clk_4x -> posedge clk_1x: 18.73 ns
+Info: Slack histogram:
+Info: legend: * represents 20 endpoint(s)
+Info: + represents [1,20) endpoint(s)
+Info: [ -2454, -340) |+
+Info: [ -340, 1774) |+
+Info: [ 1774, 3888) |***+
+Info: [ 3888, 6002) |*******+
+Info: [ 6002, 8116) |*********+
+Info: [ 8116, 10230) |*******+
+Info: [ 10230, 12344) |****+
+Info: [ 12344, 14458) |********+
+Info: [ 14458, 16572) |**************+
+Info: [ 16572, 18686) |***********+
+Info: [ 18686, 20800) |******+
+Info: [ 20800, 22914) |************+
+Info: [ 22914, 25028) |************************+
+Info: [ 25028, 27142) |********************+
+Info: [ 27142, 29256) |******************+
+Info: [ 29256, 31370) |********************+
+Info: [ 31370, 33484) |**************+
+Info: [ 33484, 35598) |******************************+
+Info: [ 35598, 37712) |***************************************+
+Info: [ 37712, 39826) |************************************************************
+Info: Checksum: 0xf8df3b74
+Info: Routing..
+Info: Setting up routing queue.
+Info: Routing 15364 arcs.
+Info: | (re-)routed arcs | delta | remaining| time spent |
+Info: IterCnt | w/ripup wo/ripup | w/r wo/r | arcs| batch(sec) total(sec)|
+Info: 1000 | 52 947 | 52 947 | 14432| 1.18 1.18|
+Info: 2000 | 149 1850 | 97 903 | 13560| 0.43 1.61|
+Info: 3000 | 311 2688 | 162 838 | 12807| 0.37 1.99|
+Info: 4000 | 466 3505 | 155 817 | 12032| 0.28 2.27|
+Info: 5000 | 858 4113 | 392 608 | 11613| 0.42 2.69|
+Info: 6000 | 1152 4819 | 294 706 | 11083| 0.46 3.15|
+Info: 7000 | 1434 5510 | 282 691 | 10544| 0.40 3.55|
+Info: 8000 | 1792 6151 | 358 641 | 10083| 0.47 4.02|
+Info: 9000 | 2201 6742 | 409 591 | 9813| 0.54 4.56|
+Info: 10000 | 2495 7406 | 294 664 | 9297| 0.37 4.93|
+Info: 11000 | 2825 8050 | 330 644 | 8865| 0.38 5.32|
+Info: 12000 | 3173 8694 | 348 644 | 8320| 0.36 5.68|
+Info: 13000 | 3472 9349 | 299 655 | 7758| 0.31 5.98|
+Info: 14000 | 3826 9982 | 354 633 | 7317| 0.43 6.42|
+Info: 15000 | 4184 10597 | 358 615 | 6898| 0.38 6.80|
+Info: 16000 | 4635 11127 | 451 530 | 6704| 0.57 7.37|
+Info: 17000 | 5048 11689 | 413 562 | 6402| 0.51 7.88|
+Info: 18000 | 5491 12232 | 443 543 | 6109| 0.54 8.42|
+Info: 19000 | 5875 12776 | 384 544 | 5716| 0.54 8.96|
+Info: 20000 | 6380 13268 | 505 492 | 5515| 0.57 9.53|
+Info: 21000 | 6835 13806 | 455 538 | 5232| 0.54 10.08|
+Info: 22000 | 7280 14361 | 445 555 | 4961| 0.55 10.63|
+Info: 23000 | 7670 14964 | 390 603 | 4657| 0.51 11.14|
+Info: 24000 | 8134 15500 | 464 536 | 4408| 0.60 11.73|
+Info: 25000 | 8590 16040 | 456 540 | 4148| 0.51 12.25|
+Info: 26000 | 9091 16538 | 501 498 | 3978| 0.63 12.88|
+Info: 27000 | 9585 17034 | 494 496 | 3749| 0.56 13.44|
+Info: 28000 | 10079 17519 | 494 485 | 3543| 0.60 14.04|
+Info: 29000 | 10619 17972 | 540 453 | 3429| 0.65 14.69|
+Info: 30000 | 11131 18450 | 512 478 | 3218| 0.59 15.29|
+Info: 31000 | 11713 18868 | 582 418 | 3093| 0.65 15.94|
+Info: 32000 | 12221 19360 | 508 492 | 2957| 0.61 16.55|
+Info: 33000 | 12747 19829 | 526 469 | 2848| 0.66 17.21|
+Info: 34000 | 13291 20278 | 544 449 | 2709| 0.69 17.90|
+Info: 35000 | 13861 20701 | 570 423 | 2628| 0.73 18.63|
+Info: 36000 | 14477 21085 | 616 384 | 2563| 0.73 19.36|
+Info: 37000 | 15047 21515 | 570 430 | 2476| 0.67 20.03|
+Info: 38000 | 15661 21900 | 614 385 | 2421| 0.66 20.68|
+Info: 39000 | 16222 22339 | 561 439 | 2339| 0.63 21.32|
+Info: 40000 | 16805 22755 | 583 416 | 2237| 0.77 22.09|
+Info: 41000 | 17381 23179 | 576 424 | 2129| 0.70 22.79|
+Info: 42000 | 17926 23633 | 545 454 | 2073| 0.85 23.64|
+Info: 43000 | 18461 24098 | 535 465 | 1951| 0.69 24.33|
+Info: 44000 | 19006 24545 | 545 447 | 1866| 0.62 24.95|
+Info: 45000 | 19617 24934 | 611 389 | 1767| 0.70 25.65|
+Info: 46000 | 20021 25492 | 404 558 | 1345| 0.59 26.24|
+Info: 47000 | 20533 25980 | 512 488 | 1024| 0.47 26.71|
+Info: 48000 | 21059 26454 | 526 474 | 902| 0.50 27.21|
+Info: 49000 | 21406 27107 | 347 653 | 448| 1.06 28.27|
+Info: 50000 | 21803 27710 | 397 603 | 92| 1.07 29.35|
+Info: 50781 | 22266 28029 | 463 319 | 0| 0.88 30.22|
+Info: Routing complete.
+Info: Router1 time 30.22s
+Info: Checksum: 0x6dd3b8f9
+Info: Critical path report for clock 'clk_1x' (posedge -> posedge):
+Info: type curr total name
+Info: clk-to-q 1.39 1.39 Source cpu_I.decode_to_execute_RS2_SB_DFFE_Q_21_DFFLC.O
+Info: routing 5.44 6.83 Net cpu_I.decode_to_execute_RS2[10] (5,10) -> (13,23)
+Info: Sink cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_9_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.I1
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /home/jduchniewicz/Projects/SideHustle/FPGASignalsKS/ice40-playground/projects/riscv_doom/rtl/VexRiscv.v:838.45-838.56
+Info: logic 1.23 8.06 Source cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_9_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.O
+Info: routing 1.76 9.82 Net cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_9_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3[2] (13,23) -> (12,24)
+Info: Sink cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_9_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.I3
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: logic 0.87 10.69 Source cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_9_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.O
+Info: routing 1.76 12.46 Net cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_9_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2_SB_LUT4_O_I3[1] (12,24) -> (11,24)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_1_I2_SB_LUT4_O_LC.I3
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: logic 0.87 13.33 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_1_I2_SB_LUT4_O_LC.O
+Info: routing 1.76 15.09 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_1_I2[2] (11,24) -> (10,24)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_1_LC.I2
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: logic 0.61 15.70 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_1_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 15.70 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_2_I2[3] (10,24) -> (10,24)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_2_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 15.98 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_2_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 15.98 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_3_I2[3] (10,24) -> (10,24)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_3_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 16.26 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_3_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 16.26 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_4_I2[3] (10,24) -> (10,24)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_4_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 16.53 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_4_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 16.53 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_5_I2[3] (10,24) -> (10,24)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_5_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 16.81 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_5_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.56 17.37 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_6_I2[3] (10,24) -> (10,25)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_6_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 17.65 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_6_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 17.65 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_7_I2[3] (10,25) -> (10,25)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_7_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 17.92 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_7_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 17.92 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_8_I2[3] (10,25) -> (10,25)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_8_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 18.20 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_8_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 18.20 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_9_I2[3] (10,25) -> (10,25)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_9_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 18.48 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_9_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 18.48 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_10_I2[3] (10,25) -> (10,25)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_10_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 18.76 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_10_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 18.76 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_11_I2[3] (10,25) -> (10,25)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_11_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 19.04 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_11_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 19.04 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_12_I2[3] (10,25) -> (10,25)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_12_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 19.31 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_12_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 19.31 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_13_I2[3] (10,25) -> (10,25)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_13_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 19.59 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_13_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.56 20.15 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_14_I2[3] (10,25) -> (10,26)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_14_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 20.43 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_14_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 20.43 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_27_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2[3] (10,26) -> (10,26)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_27_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 20.70 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_27_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 20.70 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_15_I2[3] (10,26) -> (10,26)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_15_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 20.98 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_15_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 20.98 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_26_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2[3] (10,26) -> (10,26)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_26_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 21.26 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_26_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 21.26 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_25_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2[3] (10,26) -> (10,26)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_25_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 21.54 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_25_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 21.54 Net cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_31_I2_SB_LUT4_O_1_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2[3] (10,26) -> (10,26)
+Info: Sink cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_31_I2_SB_LUT4_O_1_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 21.82 Source cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_31_I2_SB_LUT4_O_1_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 21.82 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_CARRY_CO_CI (10,26) -> (10,26)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_CARRY_CO_I1_SB_LUT4_I2_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: logic 0.28 22.09 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_CARRY_CO_I1_SB_LUT4_I2_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 0.00 22.09 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I2[3] (10,26) -> (10,26)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.CIN
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.28 22.37 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_LC.COUT
+Info: routing 1.22 23.59 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_CARRY_CI_CO (10,26) -> (10,27)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_CARRY_CI_CO_SB_LUT4_I3_LC.I3
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/arith_map.v:62.5-70.4
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/abc9_model.v:4.9-4.11
+Info: logic 0.87 24.46 Source cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_CARRY_CI_CO_SB_LUT4_I3_LC.O
+Info: routing 1.76 26.23 Net cpu_I.execute_SrcPlugin_addSub_SB_LUT4_O_24_I3_SB_LUT4_O_I3_SB_CARRY_CI_CO_SB_LUT4_I3_O[3] (10,27) -> (9,28)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.decode_to_execute_SRC_LESS_UNSIGNED_SB_LUT4_I1_O_SB_LUT4_O_LC.I3
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: logic 0.87 27.10 Source cpu_I.decode_to_execute_SRC_LESS_UNSIGNED_SB_LUT4_I1_O_SB_LUT4_O_LC.O
+Info: routing 2.95 30.05 Net cpu_I.decode_to_execute_SRC_LESS_UNSIGNED_SB_LUT4_I1_O[3] (9,28) -> (9,24)
+Info: Sink cpu_I._zz_280__SB_DFFER_D_Q_SB_LUT4_I2_O_SB_LUT4_O_1_LC.I3
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: logic 0.87 30.92 Source cpu_I._zz_280__SB_DFFER_D_Q_SB_LUT4_I2_O_SB_LUT4_O_1_LC.O
+Info: routing 1.76 32.69 Net cpu_I._zz_280__SB_DFFER_D_Q_SB_LUT4_I2_O[3] (9,24) -> (8,23)
+Info: Sink cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_28_LC.I3
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: logic 0.87 33.56 Source cpu_I._zz_31__SB_LUT4_O_28_LC.O
+Info: routing 3.70 37.26 Net cpu_I._zz_31_[0] (8,23) -> (7,12)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.decode_RS2_SB_LUT4_O_LC.I3
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: logic 0.87 38.14 Source cpu_I.decode_RS2_SB_LUT4_O_LC.O
+Info: routing 4.14 42.28 Net cpu_I.decode_RS2[0] (7,12) -> (0,5)
+Info: Sink cpu_I.execute_to_memory_MUL_LL_SB_MAC16_O_DSP.B_0
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /home/jduchniewicz/Projects/SideHustle/FPGASignalsKS/ice40-playground/projects/riscv_doom/rtl/VexRiscv.v:774.23-774.33
+Info: setup 0.10 42.38 Source cpu_I.execute_to_memory_MUL_LL_SB_MAC16_O_DSP.B_0
+Info: 15.01 ns logic, 27.37 ns routing
+Info: Critical path report for clock 'clk_4x' (posedge -> posedge):
+Info: type curr total name
+Info: clk-to-q 1.39 1.39 Source sys_mgr_I.crg_I.clk_div_SB_LUT4_I1_LC.O
+Info: routing 2.29 3.68 Net sys_mgr_I.crg_I.clk_div[1] (10,2) -> (12,0)
+Info: Sink sys_mgr_I.crg_I.gbuf_1x_I.USER_SIGNAL_TO_GLOBAL_BUFFER
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /home/jduchniewicz/Projects/SideHustle/FPGASignalsKS/ice40-playground/cores/no2ice40//rtl/ice40_serdes_crg.v:78.15-78.35
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/techmap.v:270.23-270.24
+Info: logic 1.59 5.27 Source sys_mgr_I.crg_I.gbuf_1x_I.GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT
+Info: routing 1.76 7.03 Net clk_1x (12,0) -> (20,4)
+Info: Sink sys_mgr_I.sync_96m_I.ff_samp0_I.genblk1.genblk1.genblk1.genblk1.genblk1.dff_I_DFFLC.I0
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /home/jduchniewicz/Projects/SideHustle/FPGASignalsKS/ice40-playground/cores/no2misc//rtl/prims.v:179.14-179.17
+Info: setup 1.23 8.26 Source sys_mgr_I.sync_96m_I.ff_samp0_I.genblk1.genblk1.genblk1.genblk1.genblk1.dff_I_DFFLC.I0
+Info: 4.21 ns logic, 4.05 ns routing
+Info: Critical path report for cross-domain path '<async>' -> 'posedge clk_1x':
+Info: type curr total name
+Info: source 0.00 0.00 Source uart_rx$sb_io.D_IN_0
+Info: routing 1.76 1.76 Net uart_rx$SB_IO_IN (13,0) -> (12,1)
+Info: Sink uart_I.uart_rx_I.genblk1.gf_I.sync_SB_DFF_Q_1_DFFLC.I0
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /home/jduchniewicz/Projects/SideHustle/FPGASignalsKS/ice40-playground/projects/riscv_doom/rtl/top.v:28.14-28.21
+Info: setup 1.23 2.99 Source uart_I.uart_rx_I.genblk1.gf_I.sync_SB_DFF_Q_1_DFFLC.I0
+Info: 1.23 ns logic, 1.76 ns routing
+Info: Critical path report for cross-domain path 'posedge clk_1x' -> '<async>':
+Info: type curr total name
+Info: clk-to-q 1.39 1.39 Source uart_I.uart_tx_I.go_SB_LUT4_I3_8_LC.O
+Info: routing 5.98 7.37 Net uart_tx$SB_IO_OUT (2,9) -> (15,0)
+Info: Sink uart_tx$sb_io.D_OUT_0
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /home/jduchniewicz/Projects/SideHustle/FPGASignalsKS/ice40-playground/projects/riscv_doom/rtl/top.v:29.14-29.21
+Info: 1.39 ns logic, 5.98 ns routing
+Info: Critical path report for cross-domain path 'posedge clk_1x' -> 'posedge clk_4x':
+Info: type curr total name
+Info: clk-to-q 1.39 1.39 Source phy_I.bit[1].osd_o_I.genblk1[0].dff_cap_I.genblk1.dff_I_DFFLC.O
+Info: routing 2.41 3.80 Net phy_I.bit[1].osd_o_I.cap_out[0] (24,3) -> (24,1)
+Info: Sink phy_I.bit[1].osd_o_I.genblk2[0].dff_shift_I.d_SB_LUT4_O_LC.I2
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /home/jduchniewicz/Projects/SideHustle/FPGASignalsKS/ice40-playground/cores/no2ice40//rtl/ice40_serdes_dff.v:21.14-21.15
+Info: setup 1.15 4.95 Source phy_I.bit[1].osd_o_I.genblk2[0].dff_shift_I.d_SB_LUT4_O_LC.I2
+Info: 2.55 ns logic, 2.41 ns routing
+Info: Critical path report for cross-domain path 'posedge clk_4x' -> 'posedge clk_1x':
+Info: type curr total name
+Info: clk-to-q 1.39 1.39 Source sys_mgr_I.crg_I.rst_i_SB_DFFS_Q_D_SB_LUT4_O_LC.O
+Info: routing 2.29 3.68 Net sys_mgr_I.crg_I.rst_i (10,2) -> (13,0)
+Info: Sink sys_mgr_I.crg_I.gbuf_rst_I.USER_SIGNAL_TO_GLOBAL_BUFFER
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /home/jduchniewicz/Projects/SideHustle/FPGASignalsKS/ice40-playground/cores/no2ice40//rtl/ice40_serdes_crg.v:33.13-33.18
+Info: logic 1.59 5.27 Source sys_mgr_I.crg_I.gbuf_rst_I.GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT
+Info: routing 1.76 7.03 Net rst (13,0) -> (22,15)
+Info: Sink cache_bus_I.state_SB_DFF_Q_2_D_SB_LUT4_O_I1_SB_LUT4_O_LC.I2
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /home/jduchniewicz/Projects/SideHustle/FPGASignalsKS/ice40-playground/cores/no2misc//rtl/prims.v:180.14-180.17
+Info: logic 1.21 8.23 Source cache_bus_I.state_SB_DFF_Q_2_D_SB_LUT4_O_I1_SB_LUT4_O_LC.O
+Info: routing 1.76 10.00 Net cache_bus_I.state_SB_DFF_Q_2_D_SB_LUT4_O_I1[1] (22,15) -> (21,15)
+Info: Sink cache_bus_I.state_SB_DFF_Q_2_D_SB_LUT4_O_LC.I1
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: logic 1.23 11.23 Source cache_bus_I.state_SB_DFF_Q_2_D_SB_LUT4_O_LC.O
+Info: routing 1.76 12.99 Net cache_bus_I.state_SB_DFF_Q_2_D[0] (21,15) -> (21,15)
+Info: Sink cache_bus_I.state_SB_DFF_Q_2_DFFLC.I0
+Info: Defined in:
+Info: /usr/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v:6.21-6.22
+Info: setup 1.23 14.22 Source cache_bus_I.state_SB_DFF_Q_2_DFFLC.I0
+Info: 6.65 ns logic, 7.57 ns routing
+Info: Max frequency for clock 'clk_1x': 23.59 MHz (PASS at 23.29 MHz)
+Info: Max frequency for clock 'clk_4x': 121.01 MHz (PASS at 100.70 MHz)
+Info: Max delay <async> -> posedge clk_1x: 2.99 ns
+Info: Max delay posedge clk_1x -> <async> : 7.37 ns
+Info: Max delay posedge clk_1x -> posedge clk_4x: 4.95 ns
+Info: Max delay posedge clk_4x -> posedge clk_1x: 14.22 ns
+Info: Slack histogram:
+Info: legend: * represents 18 endpoint(s)
+Info: + represents [1,18) endpoint(s)
+Info: [ 560, 2518) |+
+Info: [ 2518, 4476) |*+
+Info: [ 4476, 6434) |**********+
+Info: [ 6434, 8392) |**********+
+Info: [ 8392, 10350) |****+
+Info: [ 10350, 12308) |****+
+Info: [ 12308, 14266) |*****************+
+Info: [ 14266, 16224) |***********+
+Info: [ 16224, 18182) |**************+
+Info: [ 18182, 20140) |*******+
+Info: [ 20140, 22098) |**********+
+Info: [ 22098, 24056) |************************+
+Info: [ 24056, 26014) |*******************+
+Info: [ 26014, 27972) |*******************+
+Info: [ 27972, 29930) |**************+
+Info: [ 29930, 31888) |*********************+
+Info: [ 31888, 33846) |*****************+
+Info: [ 33846, 35804) |********************************+
+Info: [ 35804, 37762) |************************************************************
+Info: [ 37762, 39720) |********************************************************+
+Info: Program finished normally.