@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from collections import namedtuple
+import re
+# SerDes group numbers:
+# [15:12] Group
+# [11: 8] SubGroup
+# [ 7: 4] Type
+# [ 3] n/a
+# [ 2: 0] LC number
+# SubGroups:
+# 0 Data Out path 0
+# 1 Data Out path 1
+# 2 Data Out Enable
+# 4 Data In path 0
+# 5 Data In path 1
+# 6 Data In common
+# Types:
+# 0 OSERDES Capture
+# 1 OSERDES Shift
+# 2 OSERDES NegEdge Delay
+# 8 ISERDES Slow Capture
+# 9 ISERDES Fast Capture
+# a ISERDES Shift
+# b ISERDES PreMux
+# Placement priority
+# type near
+# 2 io Output Neg Edge delay
+# b io Input Pre mux
+# a io Input Shift
+# 9 'a' Input Fast Capture
+# 1 io Output Shift
+# 0 '1' Output Capture
+# 8 '9's Input Slow Capture
+class BEL(namedtuple('BEL', 'x y z')):
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json_attr(kls, v):
+ def to_int(s):
+ return int(re.sub(r'[^\d-]+', '', s))
+ return kls(*[to_int(x) for x in v.split('/', 3)])
+class ControlGroup(namedtuple('ControlGroup', 'clk rst ena neg')):
+ @classmethod
+ def from_lc(kls, lc):
+ netname = lambda lc, p: lc.ports[p].net.name if (lc.ports[p].net is not None) else None
+ return kls(
+ netname(lc, 'CLK'),
+ netname(lc, 'SR'),
+ netname(lc, 'CEN'),
+ lc.params['NEG_CLK'] == '1'
+ )
+class FullCellId(namedtuple('SDGId', 'gid sid typ lc')):
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json_attr(kls, v):
+ return kls(
+ v >> 12,
+ (v >> 8) & 0xf,
+ (v >> 4) & 0xf,
+ (v >> 0) & 0x7
+ )
+class SerDesGroup:
+ def __init__(self, gid):
+ self.gid = gid
+ self.blocks = {}
+ self.io = None
+ def add_lc(self, lc, fcid=None):
+ # Get Full Cell ID if not provided
+ if fcid is None:
+ grp = int(lc.attrs['SERDES_GRP'], 2)
+ fcid = FullCellId.from_json_attr(grp)
+ # Add to the cell list
+ if (fcid.sid, fcid.typ) not in self.blocks:
+ self.blocks[(fcid.sid, fcid.typ)] = SerDesBlock(self, fcid.sid, fcid.typ)
+ self.blocks[(fcid.sid, fcid.typ)].add_lc(lc, fcid=fcid)
+ def analyze(self):
+ # Process all blocks
+ for blk in self.blocks.values():
+ # Analyze
+ blk.analyze()
+ # Check IO
+ if blk.io is not None:
+ if (self.io is not None) and (self.io != blk.io):
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Incompatible IO sites found in SerDes group {self.gid}: {self.io} vs {blk.io}')
+ self.io = blk.io
+class SerDesBlock:
+ NAMES = {
+ 0x0: 'OSERDES Capture',
+ 0x1: 'OSERDES Shift',
+ 0x2: 'OSERDES NegEdge Delay',
+ 0x8: 'ISERDES Slow Capture',
+ 0x9: 'ISERDES Fast Capture',
+ 0xa: 'ISERDES Shift',
+ 0xb: 'ISERDES PreMux',
+ }
+ def __init__(self, group, sid, typ):
+ # Identity
+ self.group = group
+ self.sid = sid
+ self.typ = typ
+ # Container
+ self.lcs = 8 * [None]
+ self.io = None
+ self.cg = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f'SerDesBlock({self.sid:x}/{self.typ:x} {self.NAMES[self.typ]})'
+ def _find_io_site_for_lc(self, lc):
+ # Check in/out ports
+ for pn in [ 'I0', 'I1', 'I2', 'I3', 'O' ]:
+ n = lc.ports[pn].net
+ if (n is None) or n.name.startswith('$PACKER_'):
+ continue
+ pl = [ n.driver ] + list(n.users)
+ for p in pl:
+ if (p.cell.type == 'SB_IO') and ('BEL' in p.cell.attrs):
+ return BEL.from_json_attr(p.cell.attrs['BEL'])
+ return None
+ def add_lc(self, lc, fcid=None):
+ # Get Full Cell ID if not provided
+ if fcid is None:
+ grp = int(lc.attrs['SERDES_GRP'], 2)
+ fcid = FullCellId.from_json_attr(grp)
+ # Add to LCs
+ if self.lcs[fcid.lc] is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Duplicate LC for FullCellId {fcid}')
+ self.lcs[fcid.lc] = lc
+ def find_io_site(self):
+ for lc in self.lcs:
+ if lc is None:
+ continue
+ s = self._find_io_site_for_lc(lc)
+ if s is not None:
+ return s
+ return None
+ def analyze(self):
+ # Check and truncate LC array
+ l = len(self)
+ if not all([x is not None for x in self.lcs[0:l]]):
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid group in block {self.group.gid}/{self.sid}/{self.typ}')
+ self.lcs = self.lcs[0:l]
+ # Identify IO site connection if there is one
+ self.io = self.find_io_site()
+ # Identify the control group
+ self.cg = ControlGroup.from_lc(self.lcs[0])
+ def assign_bel(self, base_bel, zofs=0):
+ for i, lc in enumerate(self.lcs):
+ lc.setAttr('BEL', 'X%d/Y%d/lc%d' % (base_bel.x, base_bel.y, base_bel.z + zofs + i))
+ def __len__(self):
+ return sum([x is not None for x in self.lcs])
+class PlacerSite:
+ def __init__(self, pos):
+ self.pos = pos
+ self.free = 8
+ self.blocks = []
+ self.cg = None
+ def valid_for_block(self, blk):
+ return (self.free >= len(blk)) and (
+ (self.cg is None) or
+ (blk.cg is None) or
+ (self.cg == blk.cg)
+ )
+ def add_block(self, blk):
+ # Assign the block into position
+ pos = BEL(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, 8-self.free)
+ blk.assign_bel(pos)
+ # Add to blocks here
+ self.blocks.append(blk)
+ # Update constrainsts
+ self.cg = blk.cg
+ self.free -= len(blk)
+ return pos
+class Placer:
+ # Type Place Target
+ (0x2, lambda p, b: b.group.io),
+ (0xb, lambda p, b: b.group.io),
+ (0xa, lambda p, b: b.group.io),
+ (0x9, lambda p, b: p.pos_of( b.group.blocks[(4|(b.sid & 1), 0xa)] ) ),
+ (0x1, lambda p, b: b.group.io),
+ (0x0, lambda p, b: p.pos_of( b.group.blocks[(b.sid, 0x1)] ) ),
+ (0x8, lambda p, b: p.pos_of( b.group.blocks[(4, 0xa)], b.group.blocks.get((5, 0xa)) ) ),
+ ]
+ # Xofs Yofs
+ ( 0, 1),
+ (-1, 1),
+ ( 1, 1),
+ (-1, 0),
+ ( 1, 0),
+ ( 0, -1),
+ (-1, -1),
+ ( 1, -1),
+ ( 0, 1),
+ ( 0, 2),
+ ( 0, 3),
+ ( 0, 4),
+ (-1, 1),
+ ( 1, 1),
+ (-1, 2),
+ ( 1, 2),
+ (-1, 3),
+ ( 1, 3),
+ (-1, 4),
+ ( 1, 4),
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, groups, top=False):
+ # Save groups to place
+ self.groups = groups
+ # Generate site grid
+ self.top = top
+ self.m_fwd = {}
+ self.m_back = {}
+ for y in (range(26,31) if self.top else range(1,6)):
+ for x in range(1,25):
+ # Invalid, used by SPRAM
+ if x in [6,19]:
+ continue
+ self.m_fwd[BEL(x,y,0)] = PlacerSite(BEL(x,y, 0))
+ def _blocks_by_type(self, typ):
+ r = []
+ for grp in self.groups:
+ for blk in grp.blocks.values():
+ if blk.typ == typ:
+ r.append(blk)
+ return sorted(r, key=lambda b: (b.group.gid, b.sid))
+ def place(self):
+ # Scan by priority order
+ for typ, fn in self.PRIORITY:
+ # Collect all blocks per type and sorted by gid,sid
+ blocks = self._blocks_by_type(typ)
+ # Place each block
+ for blk in blocks:
+ # Get target location
+ tgt = fn(self, blk)
+ if type(tgt) == list:
+ x = int(round(sum([b.x for b in tgt]) / len(tgt)))
+ y = int(round(sum([b.y for b in tgt]) / len(tgt)))
+ tgt = BEL(x, y, 0)
+ # Scan placement preference and try to place
+ for xofs, yofs in self.PLACE_PREF:
+ # Flip for top
+ if self.top:
+ yofs = -yofs
+ p = BEL(tgt.x + xofs, tgt.y + yofs, 0)
+ if (p in self.m_fwd) and (self.m_fwd[p].valid_for_block(blk)):
+ self.place_block(blk, p)
+ break
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to place {blk}')
+ # Debug
+ if debug:
+ for g in self.groups:
+ print(f"Group {g.gid} for IO {g.io}")
+ for b in g.blocks.values():
+ print(f"\t{str(b):40s}: {len(b)} LCs placed @ {self.pos_of(b)}")
+ print()
+ def place_block(self, blk, pos):
+ self.m_back[blk] = self.m_fwd[pos].add_block(blk)
+ def pos_of(self, *blocks):
+ if len(blocks) > 1:
+ return [ self.m_back.get(b) for b in blocks if b is not None ]
+ else:
+ return self.m_back.get(blocks[0])
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Main
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+debug = True
+# Collect
+# -------
+groups = {}
+for n,c in ctx.cells:
+ # Filter out dummy 'BEL' attributes
+ if 'BEL' in c.attrs:
+ if not c.attrs['BEL'].strip():
+ c.unsetAttr('BEL')
+ # Does the cell need grouping ?
+ if 'SERDES_GRP' in c.attrs:
+ # Get group
+ grp = int(c.attrs['SERDES_GRP'], 2)
+ c.unsetAttr('SERDES_GRP')
+ # Skip invalid/dummy
+ if grp == 0xffffffff:
+ continue
+ # Add LC to our list
+ fcid = FullCellId.from_json_attr(grp)
+ if fcid.gid not in groups:
+ groups[fcid.gid] = SerDesGroup(fcid.gid)
+ groups[fcid.gid].add_lc(c, fcid=fcid)
+# Analyze and split into top/bottom
+# ---------------------------------
+groups_top = []
+groups_bot = []
+for g in groups.values():
+ # Analyze
+ g.analyze()
+ # Sort
+ if g.io.y == 0:
+ groups_bot.append(g)
+ else:
+ groups_top.append(g)
+# Execute placer
+# --------------
+if groups_top:
+ p_top = Placer(groups_top, top=True)
+ p_top.place()
+if groups_bot:
+ p_bot = Placer(groups_bot, top=False)
+ p_bot.place()