@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module qspi_phy_ice40_4x #(
wire [ 3:0] iob_io_oe;
wire [ 3:0] iob_io_o;
wire [ 3:0] iob_io_i;
- reg [CL:0] iob_cs_oe;
+ reg [CL:0] iob_cs_o;
// IOs
@@ -177,21 +177,21 @@ module qspi_phy_ice40_4x #(
if (N_CS) begin
- // Simple register
+ // Delay to match serdes delay
always @(posedge clk_1x)
- iob_cs_oe <= ~phy_cs_o;
+ iob_cs_o <= phy_cs_o;
- // IOB: Chip select
+ // Because of potential conflict with IO site, we don't register
+ // the CS signal at all and rely on the fact it's held low a bit longer
+ // than needed by the controller.
SB_IO #(
- .PIN_TYPE(6'b 1101_01), // Out:SDRwOE, In:n/a
+ .PIN_TYPE(6'b0110_11),
) iob_spi_cs_I[N_CS-1:0] (
- .OUTPUT_ENABLE(iob_cs_oe),
- .D_OUT_0(1'b0),
- .OUTPUT_CLK(clk_4x)
+ .D_OUT_0(iob_cs_o)