@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+import binascii
+import random
+import serial
+import sys
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Serial commands
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WishboneInterface(object):
+ 'SYNC' : 0,
+ 'REG_ACCESS' : 1,
+ 'DATA_SET' : 2,
+ 'DATA_GET' : 3,
+ 'AUX_CSR' : 4,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, port):
+ self.ser = ser = serial.Serial()
+ ser.port = port
+ ser.baudrate = 2000000
+ ser.stopbits = 2
+ ser.timeout = 0.1
+ ser.open()
+ if not self.sync():
+ raise RuntimeError("Unable to sync")
+ def sync(self):
+ for i in range(10):
+ self.ser.write(b'\x00')
+ d = self.ser.read(4)
+ if (len(d) == 4) and (d == b'\xca\xfe\xba\xbe'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def write(self, addr, data):
+ cmd_a = ((self.COMMANDS['DATA_SET'] << 36) | data).to_bytes(5, 'big')
+ cmd_b = ((self.COMMANDS['REG_ACCESS'] << 36) | addr).to_bytes(5, 'big')
+ self.ser.write(cmd_a + cmd_b)
+ def read(self, addr):
+ cmd_a = ((self.COMMANDS['REG_ACCESS'] << 36) | (1<<20) | addr).to_bytes(5, 'big')
+ cmd_b = ((self.COMMANDS['DATA_GET'] << 36)).to_bytes(5, 'big')
+ self.ser.write(cmd_a + cmd_b)
+ d = self.ser.read(4)
+ if len(d) != 4:
+ raise RuntimeError('Comm error')
+ return int.from_bytes(d, 'big')
+ def aux_csr(self, value):
+ cmd = ((self.COMMANDS['AUX_CSR'] << 36) | value).to_bytes(5, 'big')
+ self.ser.write(cmd)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# QSPI controller
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class QSPIController(object):
+ 'csr': 0,
+ 'rf': 3,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, intf, base, cs=0):
+ self.intf = intf
+ self.base = base
+ self.cs = cs
+ self._end()
+ def _write(self, reg, val):
+ self.intf.write(self.base + self.CORE_REGS.get(reg, reg), val)
+ def _read(self, reg):
+ return self.intf.read(self.base + self.CORE_REGS.get(reg, reg))
+ def _begin(self):
+ # Request external control
+ self._write('csr', 0x00000004 | (self.cs << 4))
+ self._write('csr', 0x00000002 | (self.cs << 4))
+ def _end(self):
+ # Release external control
+ self._write('csr', 0x00000004)
+ def spi_xfer(self, tx_data, dummy_len=0, rx_len=0):
+ # Start transaction
+ self._begin()
+ # Total length
+ l = len(tx_data) + rx_len + dummy_len
+ # Prep buffers
+ tx_data = tx_data + bytes( ((l + 3) & ~3) - len(tx_data) )
+ rx_data = b''
+ # Run
+ while l > 0:
+ # Word and command
+ w = int.from_bytes(tx_data[0:4], 'big')
+ c = 0x13 if l >= 4 else (0x10 + l - 1)
+ s = 0 if l >= 4 else 8*(4-l)
+ # Issue
+ self._write(c, w);
+ w = self._read('rf')
+ # Get RX
+ rx_data = rx_data + ((w << s) & 0xffffffff).to_bytes(4, 'big')
+ # Next
+ l = l - 4
+ tx_data = tx_data[4:]
+ # End transaction
+ self._end()
+ # Return interesting part
+ return rx_data[-rx_len:]
+ def _qpi_tx(self, data, command=False):
+ while len(data):
+ # Base command
+ cmd = 0x1c if command else 0x18
+ # Grab chunk
+ word = data[0:4]
+ data = data[4:]
+ cmd |= len(word) - 1
+ word = word + bytes(-len(word) & 3)
+ # Transmit
+ self._write(cmd, int.from_bytes(word, 'big'));
+ def _qpi_rx(self, l):
+ data = b''
+ while l > 0:
+ # Issue read
+ wl = 4 if l >= 4 else l
+ cmd = 0x14 | (wl-1)
+ self._write(cmd, 0)
+ word = self._read('rf')
+ # Accumulate
+ data = data + (word & (0xffffffff >> (8*(4-wl)))).to_bytes(wl, 'big')
+ # Next
+ l = l - 4
+ return data
+ def qpi_xfer(self, cmd=b'', payload=b'', dummy_len=0, rx_len=0):
+ # Start transaction
+ self._begin()
+ # TX command
+ if cmd:
+ self._qpi_tx(cmd, True)
+ # TX payload
+ if payload:
+ self._qpi_tx(payload, False)
+ # Dummy
+ if dummy_len:
+ self._qpi_rx(dummy_len)
+ # RX payload
+ if rx_len:
+ rv = self._qpi_rx(rx_len)
+ else:
+ rv = None
+ # End transaction
+ self._end()
+ return rv
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# HyperRAM controller
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class HyperRAMController(object):
+ 'csr': 0,
+ 'cmd': 1,
+ 'wq0': 2,
+ 'wq1': 3,
+ }
+ CSR_RUN = (1 << 0)
+ CSR_RESET = (1 << 1)
+ CSR_IDLE_CFG = (1 << 2)
+ CSR_IDLE_RUN = (1 << 3)
+ CSR_CMD_LAT = lambda self, x: ((x-1) & 15) << 8
+ CSR_CAP_LAT = lambda self, x: ((x-1) & 15) << 12
+ CSR_PHY_DELAY = lambda self, x: (x & 15) << 16
+ CSR_PHY_PHASE = lambda self, x: (x & 3) << 20
+ CSR_PHY_EDGE = lambda self, x: (x & 1) << 22
+ CMD_LEN = lambda self, x: ((x-1) & 15) << 8
+ CMD_LAT = lambda self, x: ((x-1) & 15) << 4
+ CMD_CS = lambda self, x: (x & 3) << 2
+ CMD_REG = (1 << 1)
+ CMD_MEM = (0 << 1)
+ CMD_READ = (1 << 0)
+ CMD_WRITE = (0 << 0)
+ # Selected so:
+ # - each byte is unique
+ # - ORing all bytes in a single word == 255
+ # - ANDing all bytes in a single word == 0
+ CAL_WORDS = [ 0x600dbabe, 0xb16b00b5 ]
+ # Register addresses
+ 'id0': 0,
+ 'id1': 1,
+ 'cr0': 0 | (1 << 11),
+ 'cr1': 1 | (1 << 11),
+ }
+ def __init__(self, intf, base, latency=3, csm=0xf, burst_len=128):
+ self.intf = intf
+ self.base = base
+ self.latency = latency
+ self.csm = csm
+ self.burst_len = burst_len
+ # We're always in 2x latency mode, also the location where
+ # latency start and the 1 cycle added by the core because it works
+ # 32 bit at a time means we can remove 2 cycles of the latency
+ self._cmd_latency = (2 * latency - 2) // 2
+ def _write(self, reg, val):
+ self.intf.write(self.base + self.CORE_REGS[reg], val)
+ def _read(self, reg):
+ return self.intf.read(self.base + self.CORE_REGS[reg])
+ def _cr0(self, dpd=False, drive_strength=None, latency=6, fixed_latency=True, hybrid_burst=True, burst_len=32):
+ DRIVE = {
+ None: 0,
+ 115: 1,
+ 67: 2,
+ 46: 3,
+ 34: 4,
+ 27: 5,
+ 22: 6,
+ 19: 7,
+ }
+ 3: 14,
+ 4: 15,
+ 5: 0,
+ 6: 1,
+ }
+ 128: 0,
+ 64: 1,
+ 32: 3,
+ 16: 2,
+ }
+ return (
+ ((dpd ^ 1) << 15) |
+ (DRIVE[drive_strength] << 12) |
+ (0xf << 8) |
+ (LATENCY[latency] << 4) |
+ (fixed_latency << 3) |
+ (hybrid_burst << 2) |
+ (BURST_LEN[burst_len] << 0)
+ )
+ def _cr1(self, dri=None):
+ DRI = {
+ None: 2,
+ "1x": 2 ,
+ "1.5x": 3,
+ "2x": 0,
+ "4x": 1,
+ }
+ return DRI[dri]
+ def _ca(self, addr, rwn=0, reg=0, linear=0):
+ return (
+ (rwn << 47) |
+ (reg << 46) |
+ ((linear | reg) << 45) |
+ ((addr >> 3) << 16) |
+ ((addr & 7) << 0)
+ )
+ def _wait_idle(self):
+ # Wait until it's in IDLE Config mode
+ for i in range(10):
+ if self._read('csr') & self.CSR_IDLE_CFG:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('HyperRAM controller timeout')
+ def _reg_write(self, cs, reg, val):
+ ca = self._ca(self.HYPERRAM_REGS[reg], rwn=0, reg=1)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x30)
+ self._write('wq0', ca >> 16)
+ self._write('wq0', ((ca & 0xffff) << 16) | val)
+ self._write('wq0', 0)
+ self._write('cmd',
+ self.CMD_CS(cs) |
+ self.CMD_REG |
+ self.CMD_WRITE
+ )
+ self._wait_idle()
+ def _reg_read(self, cs, reg):
+ ca = self._ca(self.HYPERRAM_REGS[reg], rwn=1, reg=1)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x30)
+ self._write('wq0', ca >> 16)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x20)
+ self._write('wq0', (ca & 0xffff) << 16)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x00)
+ self._write('wq0', 0)
+ self._write('cmd',
+ self.CMD_LAT(self._cmd_latency) |
+ self.CMD_CS(cs) |
+ self.CMD_REG |
+ self.CMD_READ
+ )
+ self._wait_idle()
+ rv = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ w1 = self._read('wq1')
+ w0 = self._read('wq0')
+ rv.append( (w0, w1) )
+ return rv[-1][0] >> 16
+ def _mem_write(self, cs, addr, val, count=1, mask=0x0):
+ ca = self._ca(addr, rwn=0, reg=0)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x30)
+ self._write('wq0', ca >> 16)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x20)
+ self._write('wq0', (ca & 0xffff) << 16)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x30 | mask)
+ self._write('wq0', val)
+ self._write('cmd',
+ self.CMD_LEN(count) |
+ self.CMD_LAT(self._cmd_latency) |
+ self.CMD_CS(cs) |
+ self.CMD_MEM |
+ self.CMD_WRITE
+ )
+ self._wait_idle()
+ def _mem_read(self, cs, addr, count=3):
+ if count > 3:
+ raise ValueError('Unable to read more than 3 words at a time')
+ ca = self._ca(addr, rwn=1, reg=0)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x30)
+ self._write('wq0', ca >> 16)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x20)
+ self._write('wq0', (ca & 0xffff) << 16)
+ self._write('wq1', 0x00)
+ self._write('wq0', 0)
+ self._write('cmd',
+ self.CMD_LEN(count) |
+ self.CMD_LAT(self._cmd_latency) |
+ self.CMD_CS(cs) |
+ self.CMD_MEM |
+ self.CMD_READ
+ )
+ self._wait_idle()
+ rv = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ w1 = self._read('wq1')
+ w0 = self._read('wq0')
+ rv.append( (w0, w1) )
+ return rv[-count:]
+ def _train_check_edge_delay(self, cs, edge, delay):
+ # Configure for base capture latency and phase
+ self._write('csr',
+ self.CSR_PHY_EDGE(edge) |
+ self.CSR_PHY_PHASE(0) |
+ self.CSR_PHY_DELAY(delay) |
+ self.CSR_CMD_LAT(self._cmd_latency) |
+ self.CSR_CAP_LAT(3)
+ )
+ # Find the capture latency and phase
+ data = self._mem_read(cs, 0, count=3)
+ for w,a in data:
+ print(f"{bin(a)} {w:08x}")
+ for i in range(3):
+ if (data[i][1] & 0xf):
+ break
+ else:
+ return None
+ for j in range(4):
+ if data[i][1] & (8 >> j):
+ break
+ cap_latency = 3 + i + (j > 0)
+ phase = (4 - j) % 4
+ # Re-configure core
+ self._write('csr',
+ self.CSR_PHY_EDGE(edge) |
+ self.CSR_PHY_PHASE(phase) |
+ self.CSR_PHY_DELAY(delay) |
+ self.CSR_CMD_LAT(self._cmd_latency) |
+ self.CSR_CAP_LAT(cap_latency)
+ )
+ # Confirm data
+ data = self._mem_read(cs, 0, count=3)
+ ref = [
+ (self.CAL_WORDS[0], 0x3a),
+ (self.CAL_WORDS[1], 0x3a),
+ (self.CAL_WORDS[0], 0x3a),
+ ]
+ if data != ref:
+ return None
+ return (cap_latency, phase)
+ def _train_consolidate(self, train):
+ # Checks combination valid for all chips
+ rv = {}
+ for delay, results in train.items():
+ r = [v for k,v in results.items() if self.csm & (1 << k)]
+ for x in r:
+ if (x is None) or (x != r[0]):
+ print("[.] delay=%2d -> Invalid" % delay)
+ rv[delay] = None
+ break
+ else:
+ print("[.] delay=%2d -> cap_latency=%d, phase=%d" % (delay, *r[0]))
+ rv[delay] = r[0]
+ return rv
+ def _train_group(self, train):
+ groups = []
+ c_v = None
+ c_d = []
+ c_first = False
+ c_last = False
+ for idx, (delay, result) in enumerate(sorted(train.items())):
+ # First / Last checks
+ is_first = idx == 0
+ is_last = idx == (len(train) - 1)
+ # Continue ?
+ if result and (c_v == result):
+ c_d.append(delay)
+ c_first |= is_first
+ c_last |= is_last
+ # Or not ...
+ else:
+ # Flush current
+ if c_v is not None:
+ groups.append( (c_v, c_d, c_first, c_last) )
+ # New item
+ c_v = result
+ c_d = [ delay ]
+ c_first = is_first
+ c_last = is_last
+ if c_v is not None:
+ groups.append( (c_v, c_d, c_first, c_last) )
+ return groups
+ def _train_pick_params(self, best):
+ # Pick delay
+ if best[2] and best[3]:
+ d = (best[1][0] + best[1][-1]) // 2
+ elif best[2]:
+ d = min(best[1])
+ elif best[3]:
+ d = max(best[1])
+ else:
+ d = int(round(sum(best[1]) / len(best[1])))
+ # If the group is only a single value 'wide', print warning it might be marginal
+ if len(best[1]) == 1:
+ print("[w] Training results might be marginal. Consider switching capture clock phase by 90 deg")
+ # Return delay and params
+ return d, best[0][0], best[0][1]
+ def init(self):
+ # Reset HyperRAM and controller
+ self._write('csr', self.CSR_RESET)
+ self._wait_idle()
+ self._write('csr', 0)
+ self._wait_idle()
+ # Chip config
+ self.cr0 = self._cr0(latency=self.latency, burst_len=self.burst_len)
+ self.cr1 = self._cr1()
+ if False:
+ cs = 0
+ for i in range(5):
+ print(hex(self.cr0))
+ self._reg_write(cs, 'cr0', self.cr0)
+ self._mem_write(cs, 0, self.CAL_WORDS[0], count=3)
+ self._mem_write(cs, 2, self.CAL_WORDS[1], count=1)
+ self._write('csr',
+ self.CSR_PHY_EDGE(1) |
+ self.CSR_PHY_PHASE(0) |
+ self.CSR_PHY_DELAY(0) |
+ self.CSR_CMD_LAT(self._cmd_latency) |
+ self.CSR_CAP_LAT(3)
+ )
+ print(f"{self._read('csr'):08x}")
+ for w,a in self._mem_read(cs, 0, count=3):
+ print(f"{bin(a)} {w:08x}")
+ return False
+ # Execute configuration and training on all chips
+ edge = 1
+ train = {}
+ for cs in range(4):
+ if not self.csm & (1 << cs):
+ continue
+ # Debug
+ print("[+] Training CS=%d" % cs)
+ # CR write
+ self._reg_write(cs, 'cr0', self.cr0)
+ self._reg_write(cs, 'cr1', self.cr1)
+ # Write the calibration words
+ self._mem_write(cs, 0, self.CAL_WORDS[0], count=3)
+ self._mem_write(cs, 2, self.CAL_WORDS[1], count=1)
+ # Scan delays
+ any_valid = False
+ for delay in [0, 5, 10, 15]:
+ d = self._train_check_edge_delay(cs, edge, delay)
+ print("[.] delay=%2d -> %s" % (delay, "Failed" if (d is None) else ("cap_latency=%d, phase=%d" % d)))
+ train.setdefault(delay, {})[cs] = d
+ any_valid |= d is not None
+ # If nothing valid found, assume chip is missing
+ if not any_valid:
+ print("[w] No working delay found, assuming chip is missing: disabling it !")
+ self.csm &= ~(1 << cs)
+ # Are any chips still enabled ?
+ if not self.csm:
+ print("[!] All chips disabled, somethins is wrong ...")
+ return False
+ # Find the best combination
+ print("[+] Compiling training results")
+ # Check what works for all chips
+ train = self._train_consolidate(train)
+ if not any(train.values()):
+ print("[!] Unable to find single valid combination for all chips :(")
+ return False
+ # Group them
+ groups = self._train_group(train)
+ # Pick best group
+ best = sorted(groups, key=lambda x: len(x[1]) + 2 * (x[2] + x[3]), reverse=True)[0]
+ # Select delay
+ self._delay, self._cap_latency, self._phase = self._train_pick_params(best)
+ # Load final configuration
+ print("[+] Core configured for cmd_latency=%d, capture_latency=%d, phase=%d, delay=%d" % (
+ self._cmd_latency, self._cap_latency, self._phase, self._delay
+ ))
+ self._csr = (
+ self.CSR_PHY_EDGE(edge) |
+ self.CSR_PHY_PHASE(self._phase) |
+ self.CSR_PHY_DELAY(self._delay) |
+ self.CSR_CMD_LAT(self._cmd_latency) |
+ self.CSR_CAP_LAT(self._cap_latency)
+ )
+ self._write('csr', self._csr)
+ # Success
+ return True
+ def set_runtime(self, runtime):
+ self._write('csr', self._csr | (self.CSR_RUN if runtime else 0))
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Memory tester
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class MemoryTester(object):
+ 'cmd': 0,
+ 'addr': 1,
+ }
+ CMD_DUAL = 1 << 18
+ CMD_CHECK_RST = 1 << 17
+ CMD_READ = 1 << 16
+ CMD_WRITE = 0 << 16
+ CMD_BUF_ADDR = lambda self, addr: addr << 8
+ CMD_LEN = lambda self, l: (l-1) << 0
+ def __init__(self, intf, base):
+ self.intf = intf
+ self.base = base
+ def _write(self, reg, val):
+ self.intf.write(self.base + self.CORE_REGS[reg], val)
+ def _read(self, reg):
+ return self.intf.read(self.base + self.CORE_REGS[reg])
+ def ram_write(self, addr, val):
+ self.intf.write(self.base + 0x100 + addr, val)
+ def ram_read(self, addr):
+ return self.intf.read(self.base + 0x100 + addr)
+ def cmd_write(self, ram_addr, buf_addr, xfer_len):
+ self._write('addr', ram_addr)
+ self._write('cmd',
+ self.CMD_WRITE |
+ self.CMD_BUF_ADDR(buf_addr) |
+ self.CMD_LEN(xfer_len)
+ )
+ def cmd_read(self, ram_addr, buf_addr, xfer_len, check_reset=False, dual=False):
+ self._write('addr', ram_addr)
+ self._write('cmd',
+ (self.CMD_DUAL if dual else 0) |
+ (self.CMD_CHECK_RST if check_reset else 0) |
+ self.CMD_READ |
+ self.CMD_BUF_ADDR(buf_addr) |
+ self.CMD_LEN(xfer_len)
+ )
+ def load_data(self, addr, data):
+ for base in range(0, len(data), 128):
+ # Upload chunk to RAM (128 bytes = max burst len)
+ for j in range(0, 128, 4):
+ b = (data[base+j:base+j+4] + b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')[0:4]
+ w = int.from_bytes(b, 'big')
+ self.ram_write(j // 4, w)
+ # Issue command to write chunk to RAM
+ self.cmd_write(addr + (base // 4), 0, 32)
+ def run(self, base, size):
+ # Check alignement
+ if (base & 31) or (size & 31):
+ raise ValueError('Base Address and Size argument for memory testing must be aligned on 32-words')
+ # Load random block of data
+ ref_data = [
+ random.randint(0, (1<<32)-1)
+ for i in range(256)
+ ]
+ for i in range(256):
+ self.ram_write(i, ref_data[i])
+ # Fill memory
+ for addr in range(base, base+size, 32):
+ print(" . Writing block @ %08x\r" % (addr,), end='')
+ self.cmd_write(addr, addr & 0xff, 32)
+ # Validate all blocks
+ all_good = True
+ for addr in range(base, base+size, 32):
+ blk_first = (addr & 0xfff) == 0x000
+ blk_last = (addr & 0xfff) == 0xfe0
+ print(" . Reading block @ %08x\r" % (addr,), end='')
+ self.cmd_read(addr, addr & 0xff, 32, check_reset=blk_first)
+ if blk_last:
+ if not (self._read('cmd') & 2):
+ print(" ! Failed at block %08x" % (addr,))
+ all_good = False
+ print(" \r", end='')
+ return all_good
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# HDMI Output
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class HDMIOutput(object):
+ def __init__(self, intf, base):
+ self.intf = intf
+ self.base = base
+ def _write(self, reg, val):
+ self.intf.write(self.base + self.CORE_REGS[reg], val)
+ def _read(self, reg):
+ return self.intf.read(self.base + self.CORE_REGS[reg])
+ def pal_write(self, addr, val):
+ self.intf.write(self.base + (1<<6) + addr, val)
+ def enable(self, fb_addr, burst_len):
+ # Frame Buffer address
+ self.intf.write(self.base + 1, fb_addr)
+ # Burst Config
+ bn_cnt = ((1920 // 8) - 1) // burst_len
+ bn_len = burst_len - 1
+ bl_len = (1920 // 8) - (burst_len * bn_cnt) - 1
+ bl_inc = bl_len
+ self.intf.write(self.base + 0,
+ (1 << 31) |
+ (bn_cnt << 24) |
+ (bn_len << 16) |
+ (bl_len << 8) |
+ (bl_inc << 0)
+ )
+ def disable(self):
+ self.intf.write(self.base + 0, 0)