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cores/usb: Improve CRC implementation/synthesis

Two things are done here:
 - Rewriting `in_first ? { WIDTH{1'b1} } : state` to use a
   AND gating instead avoid yosys creating a Set / Reset FF.

   This allows to remove the manual dffe_n instance and makes the core
   more easily portable

 - The logic is modified to 'invert' all the bits, since the actual
   CRC was the negated state.

Signed-off-by: Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
Sylvain Munaut 5 anni fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 6 aggiunte e 17 eliminazioni
  1. 6 17

+ 6 - 17

@@ -44,36 +44,25 @@ module usb_crc #(
 	input  wire rst
-	wire [WIDTH-1:0] state;
+	reg  [WIDTH-1:0] state;
 	wire [WIDTH-1:0] state_fb_mux;
 	wire [WIDTH-1:0] state_upd_mux;
 	wire [WIDTH-1:0] state_nxt;
-	assign state_fb_mux  = in_first ? { WIDTH{1'b1} } : state;
-	assign state_upd_mux = (state_fb_mux[WIDTH-1] != in_bit) ? POLY : 0;
-	assign state_nxt = { state_fb_mux[WIDTH-2:0], 1'b0 } ^ state_upd_mux;
+	assign state_fb_mux  = state & { WIDTH{~in_first} };
+	assign state_upd_mux = (state_fb_mux[WIDTH-1] == in_bit) ? POLY : 0;
+	assign state_nxt = { state_fb_mux[WIDTH-2:0], 1'b1 } ^ state_upd_mux;
 	always @(posedge clk)
 		if (in_valid)
 			state <= state_nxt;
-	dffe_n #(
-	) state_reg_I (
-		.d(state_nxt),
-		.q(state),
-		.ce(in_valid),
-		.clk(clk)
-	);
-	assign crc_match = (state == MATCH);
+	assign crc_match = (state == ~MATCH);
 	genvar i;
 		for (i=0; i<WIDTH; i=i+1)
-			assign crc[i] = ~state[WIDTH-1-i];
+			assign crc[i] = state[WIDTH-1-i];
 endmodule // usb_crc