Kaynağa Gözat

cores: Remove e1 core

This is not used by any project in this repository and has been
split into its own independent `no2e1` git repo.

Signed-off-by: Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
Sylvain Munaut 4 yıl önce

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-CORE := e1
-NO2BUILD_DIR ?= $(abspath ../../build)
-include $(NO2BUILD_DIR)/core-rules.mk

+ 0 - 155

@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-iCE40 E1 Core Memory Map
-### RX Control (Write Only, addr `0x00`)
-| f | e | d | c | b | a | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-|     /     | oc|               /                   |  mode | e |
-  * `oc`: Overflow Clear
-  * `mode`:
-      - `00`: Transparent
-      - `01`: Byte Alignement
-      - `10`: Basic Frame Alignement
-      - `11`: Multi Frame Alignement
-  * `e`: Enable
-### RX Status (Read Only, addr `0x00`)
-| f | e | d | c | b | a | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-|     /     | o |bof|boe|bif|bie|           /           | a | e |
-  * `o`  : Overflow (a multi frame was dropped)
-  * `bof`: BD Out Full
-  * `boe`: BD Out Empty
-  * `bif`: BD In Full
-  * `bie`: BD In Empty
-  * `e`  : Enabled
-### RX BD Write (Write Only, addr `0x02`)
-Writes to this location push a buffer descriptor to be filled
-with a multiframe by the E1 core.
-| f | e | d | c | b | a | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-|                 /                 |          mf               |
-  * `mf` : Multi-Frame address
-### RX BD Read
-Read from the location retrieve a buffer descriptor that has been
-filled with a multiframe by the E1 core.
-| f | e | d | c | b | a | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-| v | c1| c0|           /           |          mf               |
-  * `v`  : Valid
-  * `c1` : CRC status for sub-multi-frame 1
-  * `c0` : CRC status for sub-multi-frame 0
-  * `mf` : Multi-Frame address
-### TX Control (Write Only, addr `0x04`)
-| f | e | d | c | b | a | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-|     /     | uc|           /           | l | a | t |  mode | e |
-  * `uc`: Underflow Clear
-  * `l` : Loopback
-  * `a` : Alarm (sets Alarm bit on transmitted frames)
-  * `t` : Timing source (0=internal, 1=lock to RX)
-  * `mode`:
-      - `00`: Transparent
-      - `01`: TS0 framing, no CRC4
-      - `10`: TS0 framing, CRC4
-      - `11`: TS0 framing, CRC4 + Auto "E" bits
-  * `e` : Enable
-### TX Status (Read Only, addr `0x04`)
-| f | e | d | c | b | a | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-|           | u |bof|boe|bif|bie|                           | e |
-  * `u`  : Undeflow (a multi frame was missed)
-  * `bof`: BD Out Full
-  * `boe`: BD Out Empty
-  * `bif`: BD In Full
-  * `bie`: BD In Empty
-  * `e`  : Enabled
-### TX BD Write (Write Only, addr `0x06`)
-Writes to this location push a buffer descriptor to be filled
-with a multiframe by the E1 core.
-| f | e | d | c | b | a | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-| / | c1| c0|           /           |          mf               |
-  * `c1` : CRC 'E' bit for sub-multi-frame 1
-  * `c0` : CRC 'E' bit for sub-multi-frame 0
-  * `mf` : Multi-Frame address
-### TX BD Read (Read Only, addr `0x06`)
-Read from the location retrieve a buffer descriptor that has been
-filled with a multiframe by the E1 core.
-| f | e | d | c | b | a | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-| v |               /               |          mf               |
-  * `v`  : Valid
-  * `mf` : Multi-Frame address

+ 0 - 26

@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-CORE := e1
-RTL_SRCS_e1 = $(addprefix rtl/, \
-	e1_crc4.v \
-	e1_rx_clock_recovery.v \
-	e1_rx_deframer.v \
-	e1_rx_filter.v \
-	e1_rx_phy.v \
-	e1_rx_liu.v \
-	e1_rx.v \
-	e1_tx_framer.v \
-	e1_tx_phy.v \
-	e1_tx_liu.v \
-	e1_tx.v \
-	e1_wb.v \
-	hdb3_dec.v \
-	hdb3_enc.v \
-	e1_crc4_tb \
-	e1_tb \
-	e1_tx_framer_tb \
-	hdb3_tb \
-include $(NO2BUILD_DIR)/core-magic.mk

+ 0 - 61

@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * e1_crc4.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 CRC4 computation
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_crc4 #(
-	parameter INIT = 4'h0,
-	parameter POLY = 4'h3
-	// Input
-	input  wire in_bit,
-	input  wire in_first,
-	input  wire in_valid,
-	// Output (updated 1 cycle after input)
-	output wire [3:0] out_crc4,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	reg  [3:0] state;
-	wire [3:0] state_fb_mux;
-	wire [3:0] state_upd_mux;
-	assign state_fb_mux  = (INIT & {4{in_first}}) | (state & {4{~in_first}}); // in_first ? INIT : state
-	assign state_upd_mux = (state_fb_mux[3] != in_bit) ? POLY : 0;
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (in_valid)
-			state <= { state_fb_mux[2:0], 1'b0 } ^ state_upd_mux;
-	assign out_crc4 = state;
-endmodule // e1_crc4

+ 0 - 235

@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- * e1_rx.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 RX top-level
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_rx #(
-	parameter integer LIU = 0,
-	parameter integer MFW = 7
-	// IO pads
-		// Raw PHY
-	input  wire pad_rx_hi_p,
-	input  wire pad_rx_hi_n,
-	input  wire pad_rx_lo_p,
-	input  wire pad_rx_lo_n,
-		// LIU
-	input  wire pad_rx_data,
-	input  wire pad_rx_clk,
-	// Buffer interface
-	output wire [7:0] buf_data,
-	output wire [4:0] buf_ts,
-	output wire [3:0] buf_frame,
-	output wire [MFW-1:0] buf_mf,
-	output wire buf_we,
-	input  wire buf_rdy,
-	// BD interface
-	input  wire [MFW-1:0] bd_mf,
-	output reg  [1:0] bd_crc_e,
-	input  wire bd_valid,
-	output reg  bd_done,
-	output reg  bd_miss,
-	// Loopback output
-	output wire lb_bit,
-	output wire lb_valid,
-	// Status
-	output wire status_aligned,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	// Signals
-	// -------
-	// Low level (input -> bits)
-	wire ll_raw_hi, ll_raw_lo;
-	wire ll_flt_hi, ll_flt_lo, ll_flt_stb;
-	wire ll_cdr_hi, ll_cdr_lo, ll_cdr_stb;
-	wire ll_bit;
-	wire ll_valid;
-	// Deframer
-	wire [7:0] df_data;
-	wire [3:0] df_frame;
-	wire [4:0] df_ts;
-	wire df_ts_is0;
-	wire df_first;
-	wire df_last;
-	wire df_valid;
-	wire df_err_crc;
-	wire df_err_mfa;
-	wire df_err_fas;
-	wire df_err_nfas;
-	wire df_aligned;
-	// Buffer Descriptor handling
-	reg  mf_valid;
-	// Low-level bit recovery
-	// ----------------------
-	generate
-		if (LIU == 0) begin
-			// PHY
-			e1_rx_phy phy_I (
-				.pad_rx_hi_p(pad_rx_hi_p),
-				.pad_rx_hi_n(pad_rx_hi_n),
-				.pad_rx_lo_p(pad_rx_lo_p),
-				.pad_rx_lo_n(pad_rx_lo_n),
-				.rx_hi(ll_raw_hi),
-				.rx_lo(ll_raw_lo),
-				.clk(clk),
-				.rst(rst)
-			);
-			// Glitch filtering
-			e1_rx_filter filter_I (
-				.in_hi(ll_raw_hi),
-				.in_lo(ll_raw_lo),
-				.out_hi(ll_flt_hi),
-				.out_lo(ll_flt_lo),
-				.out_stb(ll_flt_stb),
-				.clk(clk),
-				.rst(rst)
-			);
-			// Clock recovery
-			e1_rx_clock_recovery clock_I (
-				.in_hi(ll_flt_hi),
-				.in_lo(ll_flt_lo),
-				.in_stb(ll_flt_stb),
-				.out_hi(ll_cdr_hi),
-				.out_lo(ll_cdr_lo),
-				.out_stb(ll_cdr_stb),
-				.clk(clk),
-				.rst(rst)
-			);
-			// HDB3 decoding
-			hdb3_dec hdb3_I (
-				.in_pos(ll_cdr_hi),
-				.in_neg(ll_cdr_lo),
-				.in_valid(ll_cdr_stb),
-				.out_data(ll_bit),
-				.out_valid(ll_valid),
-				.clk(clk),
-				.rst(rst)
-			);
-		end else begin
-			// LIU interface
-			e1_rx_liu liuif_I (
-				.pad_rx_data(pad_rx_data),
-				.pad_rx_clk(pad_rx_clk),
-				.out_data(ll_bit),
-				.out_valid(ll_valid),
-				.clk(clk),
-				.rst(rst)
-			);
-		end
-	endgenerate
-	// Loopback output
-	assign lb_bit = ll_bit;
-	assign lb_valid = ll_valid;
-	// High-level frame recovery
-	// -------------------------
-	// Deframer
-	e1_rx_deframer deframer_I (
-		.in_bit(ll_bit),
-		.in_valid(ll_valid),
-		.out_data(df_data),
-		.out_frame(df_frame),
-		.out_ts(df_ts),
-		.out_ts_is0(df_ts_is0),
-		.out_first(df_first),
-		.out_last(df_last),
-		.out_valid(df_valid),
-		.out_err_crc(df_err_crc),
-		.out_err_mfa(df_err_mfa),
-		.out_err_fas(df_err_fas),
-		.out_err_nfas(df_err_nfas),
-		.aligned(df_aligned),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	// Buffer Descriptor
-		// Keep track if we have a valid MF capture
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			mf_valid <= 1'b0;
-		else
-			mf_valid <= ((df_valid & df_first) ? bd_valid : mf_valid) & df_aligned;
-		// We register those because a 1 cycle delay doesn't matter
-		// (we won't get another byte write for ~ 120 cycle)
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		bd_done <= df_valid & df_last  &  mf_valid;
-		bd_miss <= df_valid & df_first & ~bd_valid;
-	end
-		// Track the CRC status of the two SMF
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			bd_crc_e <= 2'b00;
-		else
-			bd_crc_e <= (bd_done) ? 2'b00 : (bd_crc_e | {
-				df_valid & df_err_crc &  df_frame[3],	// CRC error in second SMF
-				df_valid & df_err_crc & ~df_frame[3]	// CRC error in first SMF
-			});
-	// Buffer write
-	assign buf_data  = df_data;
-	assign buf_ts    = df_ts;
-	assign buf_frame = df_frame;
-	assign buf_mf    = bd_mf;
-	assign buf_we    = df_valid & bd_valid;
-	// Status output
-	assign status_aligned = df_aligned;
-endmodule // e1_rx

+ 0 - 74

@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- * e1_rx_clock_recovery.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 Clock recovery/sampling
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_rx_clock_recovery (
-	// Input
-	input  wire in_hi,
-	input  wire in_lo,
-	input  wire in_stb,
-	// Output
-	output wire out_hi,
-	output wire out_lo,
-	output wire out_stb,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	reg [5:0] cnt;
-	reg enabled;
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (rst)
-			enabled <= 1'b0;
-		else
-			enabled <= enabled | in_stb;
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		if (rst)
-			cnt <= 5'h0f;
-		else begin
-			if (in_stb)
-				cnt <= 5'h01;
-			else if (cnt[5])
-				cnt <= 5'h0d;
-			else if (enabled)
-				cnt <= cnt - 1;
-		end
-	end
-	assign out_hi = in_hi;
-	assign out_lo = in_lo;
-	assign out_stb = cnt[5];
-endmodule // e1_rx_clock_recovery

+ 0 - 418

@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
- * e1_rx_deframer.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 Frame alignement recovery and checking as described G.706
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_rx_deframer #(
-	parameter integer TS0_START = 0
-	// Input
-	input  wire in_bit,
-	input  wire in_valid,
-	// Output
-	output reg  [7:0] out_data,
-	output reg  [3:0] out_frame,
-	output reg  [4:0] out_ts,
-	output reg  out_ts_is0,
-	output reg  out_first,
-	output reg  out_last,
-	output reg  out_valid,
-	output wire out_err_crc,
-	output wire out_err_mfa,
-	output wire out_err_fas,
-	output wire out_err_nfas,
-	output reg  aligned,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	// FSM defines
-	// -----------
-	localparam
-		ST_ALIGNED = 4;
-	reg [2:0] fsm_state;
-	reg [2:0] fsm_state_nxt;
-	// Signals
-	// -------
-	// Input
-	reg  strobe;
-	reg  [7:0] data;
-	reg  data_match_fas;
-	// Position tracking
-	reg  [2:0] bit;
-	reg  bit_first;
-	reg  bit_last;
-	reg  [4:0] ts;
-	reg  ts_is_ts0;
-	reg  ts_is_ts31;
-	reg  [3:0] frame;
-	reg  frame_smf_first;		// First of a sub-multiframe
-	reg  frame_smf_last;		// Last of a sub-multiframe
-	reg  frame_mf_first;		// First of the multiframe
-	reg  frame_mf_last;			// Last of the multiframe
-	// Alignement control signal
-	wire align_frame;
-	wire align_mframe;
-	// Helpers
-	reg  fas_pos;
-	reg [6:0] mfa_timeout;
-	reg  [15:0] ts0_msbs;
-	wire [5:0] ts0_msbs_sync;
-	wire [3:0] ts0_msbs_crc;
-	reg  ts0_msbs_match_mf;
-	reg  ts0_msbs_match_crc;
-	wire crc_in_bit;
-	wire crc_in_first;
-	wire crc_in_valid;
-	wire crc_capture;
-	wire [3:0] crc_out;
-	reg  [3:0] crc_smf;
-	reg ed_fas,  ep_fas;
-	reg ed_nfas, ep_nfas;
-	reg ed_crc,  ep_crc;
-	reg ed_mfa,  ep_mfa;
-	reg [1:0] ec_fas;
-	reg [1:0] ec_nfas;
-	reg [1:0] ec_crc;
-	reg [1:0] ec_mfa;
-	reg error;
-	// Input shift register
-	// --------------------
-	// Strobe signal
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (rst)
-			strobe <= 1'b0;
-		else
-			strobe <= in_valid;
-	// Actual data
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (in_valid)
-			data <= { data[6:0], in_bit };
-	// Pre-matching of FAS
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (in_valid)
-			data_match_fas <= (data[5:0] == 6'b001101) & in_bit;
-	// FSM logic
-	// ---------
-	// State register
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (rst | error)
-			fsm_state <= ST_FRAME_SEARCH;
-		else if (strobe)
-			fsm_state <= fsm_state_nxt;
-	// State transitions
-	always @(*)
-	begin
-		// Default is to stay on the current state
-		fsm_state_nxt <= fsm_state;
-		// Act depending on current state
-		case (fsm_state)
-			ST_FRAME_SEARCH: begin
-				// As soon as we have a FAS, we assume we're byte align
-				// and check it's the right one
-				if (data_match_fas)
-					fsm_state_nxt <= ST_FRAME_VALIDATE;
-			end
-				// We expect a non-FAS then a FAS, any error and we retry
-				// frame search
-				if (bit_last & ts_is_ts0)
-					if (fas_pos)
-						fsm_state_nxt <= data_match_fas ? ST_MULTIFRAME_SEARCH : ST_FRAME_SEARCH;
-					else
-						fsm_state_nxt <= data[6] ? ST_FRAME_VALIDATE : ST_FRAME_SEARCH;
-			end
-				// Either we find a possible alignement and we proceed to
-				// validate it, or we timeout and fall back to frame search
-				if (bit_last & ts_is_ts0)
-					if (mfa_timeout[6])
-						fsm_state_nxt <= ST_FRAME_SEARCH;
-					else if (ts0_msbs_match_mf)
-						fsm_state_nxt <= ST_MULTIFRAME_VALIDATE;
-			end
-				// If we get a second alignement of the MSBs at the right
-				// position before the timeout, we're good and aligned !
-				if (bit_last & ts_is_ts0)
-					if (mfa_timeout[6])
-						fsm_state_nxt <= ST_FRAME_SEARCH;
-					else if (frame_mf_first & ts0_msbs_match_mf)
-						fsm_state_nxt <= ST_ALIGNED;
-			end
-			ST_ALIGNED: begin
-				// Nothing to do. Only error case cas get us out and they're
-				// handled separately
-			end
-		endcase
-	end
-	// Position tracking
-	// -----------------
-	// Bit position
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (align_frame) begin
-			bit <= 3'b000;
-			bit_first <= 1'b1;
-			bit_last  <= 1'b0;
-		end else if (strobe) begin
-			bit <= bit + 1;
-			bit_first <= (bit == 3'b111);
-			bit_last  <= (bit == 3'b110);
-		end
-	// Time Slot
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (align_frame) begin
-			ts <= 5'h01;
-			ts_is_ts0  <= 1'b0;
-			ts_is_ts31 <= 1'b0;
-		end else if (strobe & bit_last) begin
-			ts <= ts + 1;
-			ts_is_ts0  <= ts_is_ts31;
-			ts_is_ts31 <= (ts == 5'h1e);
-		end
-	// Frame
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (align_mframe) begin
-			frame <= 4'h0;
-			frame_smf_first <= 1'b1;
-			frame_smf_last  <= 1'b0;
-			frame_mf_first  <= 1'b1;
-			frame_mf_last   <= 1'b0;
-		end else if (strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts31) begin
-			frame <= frame + 1;
-			frame_smf_first <= frame_smf_last;
-			frame_smf_last  <= (frame[2:0] == 3'h6);
-			frame_mf_first  <= frame_mf_last;
-			frame_mf_last   <= (frame == 4'he);
-		end
-	// Control for alignement
-	assign align_frame  = (fsm_state == ST_FRAME_SEARCH);
-	assign align_mframe = (fsm_state == ST_MULTIFRAME_SEARCH);
-	// Helpers
-	// -------
-	// Frame Alignement Signal position tracking
-		// During ST_FRAME_SEARCH, the frame counter is still locked until we
-		// have multi-frame alignement. So just track the LSB of the frame
-		// number independently so we can check the next FAS
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (align_frame)
-			fas_pos <= 1'b0;
-		else
-			fas_pos <= fas_pos ^ (strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0);
-	// Multi Frame Alignement timout
-		// We have 8 ms = 64 frames to acquire multi frame alignement
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (align_frame)
-			mfa_timeout <= 7'h3f;
-		else if (strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0)
-			mfa_timeout <= mfa_timeout - 1;
-	// Track the history of all 16 TS0 MSBs
-	// and also update some pre-matching flags
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (fsm_state == ST_FRAME_SEARCH) begin
-			// If we're not aligned =>avoid spurious matches
-			ts0_msbs <= 16'hffff;
-			ts0_msbs_match_mf  <= 1'b0;
-			ts0_msbs_match_crc <= 1'b0;
-		end else if (strobe & ts_is_ts0 & bit_first) begin
-			// We register it ASAP so that when we have the full byte (i.e.
-			// when the FSM updates), the history is up to date
-			ts0_msbs <= { ts0_msbs[14:0], data[0] };
-			ts0_msbs_match_mf  <= (ts0_msbs_sync == 6'b001011);
-			ts0_msbs_match_crc <= (crc_smf == ts0_msbs_crc);
-		end
-	assign ts0_msbs_sync = { ts0_msbs[14], ts0_msbs[12], ts0_msbs[10], ts0_msbs[8], ts0_msbs[6], ts0_msbs[4] };
-	assign ts0_msbs_crc  = { ts0_msbs[6], ts0_msbs[4], ts0_msbs[2], ts0_msbs[0] };
-	// CRC4 computation
-	assign crc_in_bit  = (bit_first & ts_is_ts0 & fas_pos) ? 1'b0 : data[0];
-	assign crc_in_first = bit_first & ts_is_ts0 & frame_smf_first;
-	assign crc_in_valid = strobe;
-	assign crc_capture  = crc_in_first;
-	e1_crc4 crc_I (
-		.in_bit(crc_in_bit),
-		.in_first(crc_in_first),
-		.in_valid(crc_in_valid),
-		.out_crc4(crc_out),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (crc_capture)
-			crc_smf <= crc_out;
-	// Track errors of FAS, non-FAS, CRC
-		// We register these detection bits and so the counter will be 'late'
-		// but they're used as LOS detection which is pretty much async to the
-		// rest and used to go back to ST_SEARCH_BIT anyway ...
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		// Only track when we're frame aligned
-		if ((fsm_state != ST_MULTIFRAME_SEARCH) && (fsm_state != ST_ALIGNED)) begin
-			ep_fas  <= 1'b0;
-			ed_fas  <= 1'b0;
-			ep_nfas <= 1'b0;
-			ed_nfas <= 1'b0;
-		end else begin
-			ep_fas  <= strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0 &  fas_pos;
-			ed_fas  <= strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0 &  fas_pos & ~data_match_fas;
-			ep_nfas <= strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0 & ~fas_pos;
-			ed_nfas <= strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0 & ~fas_pos & ~data[6];
-		end
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		// CRC and MultiFrameAlign errors tracked only when properly
-		// aligned to the multiframe
-		if (fsm_state != ST_ALIGNED) begin
-			ep_crc <= 1'b0;
-			ed_crc <= 1'b0;
-			ep_mfa <= 1'b0;
-			ed_mfa <= 1'b0;
-		end else begin
-			ep_crc <= strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0 & frame_smf_last;
-			ed_crc <= strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0 & frame_smf_last & ~ts0_msbs_match_crc;
-			ep_mfa <= strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0 & frame_mf_first;
-			ed_mfa <= strobe & bit_last & ts_is_ts0 & frame_mf_first & ~ts0_msbs_match_mf;
-		end
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (fsm_state == ST_FRAME_SEARCH) begin
-			ec_fas  <= 0;
-			ec_nfas <= 0;
-			ec_crc  <= 0;
-			ec_mfa  <= 0;
-		end else begin
-			ec_fas  <= (ep_fas  & ~ed_fas)  ? 0 : (ec_fas  + ed_fas);
-			ec_nfas <= (ep_nfas & ~ed_nfas) ? 0 : (ec_nfas + ed_nfas);
-			ec_crc  <= (ep_crc  & ~ed_crc)  ? 0 : (ec_crc  + ed_crc);
-			ec_mfa  <= (ep_mfa  & ~ed_mfa)  ? 0 : (ec_mfa  + ed_mfa);
-		end
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		error <= (ec_fas == 2'b11) | (ec_nfas == 2'b11) | (ec_crc == 2'b11) | (ec_mfa == 2'b11);
-	// Output
-	// ------
-	// Data output
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (rst) begin
-			out_valid   <= 1'b0;
-			out_data    <= 8'h00;
-			out_frame   <= 4'h0;
-			out_ts      <= 5'h00;
-			out_ts_is0  <= 1'b1;
-			out_first   <= 1'b1;
-			out_last    <= 1'b0;
-		end else begin
-			if (TS0_START)
-				out_valid <= strobe && bit_last && (
-					(fsm_state == ST_ALIGNED) || (
-						(fsm_state == ST_MULTIFRAME_VALIDATE) &&
-						(ts_is_ts0 && ~mfa_timeout[6] && frame_mf_first && ts0_msbs_match_mf)
-					)
-				);
-			else
-				out_valid <= strobe & bit_last & (fsm_state == ST_ALIGNED);
-			out_data    <= data;
-			out_frame   <= frame;
-			out_ts      <= ts;
-			out_ts_is0  <= ts_is_ts0;
-			out_first   <= ts_is_ts0  & frame_mf_first;
-			out_last    <= ts_is_ts31 & frame_mf_last;
-		end
-	// Error indicators
-	assign out_err_crc  = ed_crc;
-	assign out_err_mfa  = ed_mfa;
-	assign out_err_fas  = ed_fas;
-	assign out_err_nfas = ed_nfas;
-	// Status
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (rst)
-			aligned <= 1'b0;
-		else
-			aligned <= fsm_state == ST_ALIGNED;
-endmodule // e1_rx_deframer

+ 0 - 108

@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- * e1_rx_filter.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 RX glitch filtering and pulse detection
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_rx_filter (
-	// Input
-	input  wire in_hi,
-	input  wire in_lo,
-	// Output
-	output reg  out_hi,
-	output reg  out_lo,
-	output reg  out_stb,		// Strobe on any 0->1 transition
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	// Signals
-	reg in_hi_r;
-	reg in_lo_r;
-	reg [1:0] cnt_hi;
-	reg [1:0] cnt_lo;
-	// Register incoming data first
-		// They come from IO register buffer, but from async data, so a
-		// second FF is good practice
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		in_hi_r <= in_hi;
-		in_lo_r <= in_lo;
-	end
-	// Counters
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		if (rst) begin
-			cnt_hi <= 2'b00;
-			cnt_lo <= 2'b00;
-		end else begin
-			// Hi
-			if (in_hi_r & ~in_lo_r & (cnt_hi != 2'b11))
-				cnt_hi <= cnt_hi + 1;
-			else if (~in_hi_r & cnt_hi != 2'b00)
-				cnt_hi <= cnt_hi - 1;
-			else
-				cnt_hi <= cnt_hi;
-			// Lo
-			if (in_lo_r & ~in_hi_r & (cnt_lo != 2'b11))
-				cnt_lo <= cnt_lo + 1;
-			else if (~in_lo_r & (cnt_lo != 2'b00))
-				cnt_lo <= cnt_lo - 1;
-			else
-				cnt_lo <= cnt_lo;
-		end
-	end
-	// Flip flops
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		// Default is no 1->0 transition
-		out_stb <= 1'b0;
-		// Hi
-		if (cnt_hi == 2'b11 & ~out_hi & ~out_lo) begin
-			out_hi <= 1'b1;
-			out_stb <= 1'b1;
-		end else if (cnt_hi == 2'b00)
-			out_hi <= 1'b0;
-		// Lo
-		if (cnt_lo == 2'b11 & ~out_lo & ~out_hi) begin
-			out_lo <= 1'b1;
-			out_stb <= 1'b1;
-		end else if (cnt_lo == 2'b00)
-			out_lo <= 1'b0;
-	end
-endmodule // e1_rx_filter

+ 0 - 83

@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * e1_rx_liu.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 RX interface to external LIU
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_rx_liu (
-	// Pads
-	input  wire pad_rx_data,
-	input  wire pad_rx_clk,
-	// Output
-	output reg  out_data,
-	output reg  out_valid,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	wire rx_data;
-	wire rx_clk;
-	reg  rx_data_r;
-	reg  rx_clk_r;
-	// IOBs (registered)
-	SB_IO #(
-		.PIN_TYPE(6'b0000_00),
-		.PULLUP(1'b0),
-		.NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0)
-	) rx_iobs_I[1:0] (
-		.PACKAGE_PIN({pad_rx_data, pad_rx_clk}),
-		.CLOCK_ENABLE(1'b1),
-		.INPUT_CLK(clk),
-		.OUTPUT_CLK(1'b0),
-		.OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b0),
-		.D_OUT_0(1'b0),
-		.D_OUT_1(1'b0),
-		.D_IN_0({rx_data, rx_clk}),
-		.D_IN_1()
-	);
-	// First internal register
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		rx_data_r <= rx_data;
-		rx_clk_r  <= rx_clk;
-	end
-	// Second internal register + clk falling edge detect
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		out_data  <= rx_data_r;
-		out_valid <= rx_clk_r & ~rx_clk;
-	end
-endmodule // e1_rx_liu

+ 0 - 83

@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * e1_rx_phy.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 RX IOB instances
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_rx_phy (
-	// IO pads
-	input  wire pad_rx_hi_p,
-	input  wire pad_rx_hi_n,	// Unused in ice40
-	input  wire pad_rx_lo_p,
-	input  wire pad_rx_lo_n,	// Unused in ice40
-	// Output
-	output wire rx_hi,
-	output wire rx_lo,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-    SB_IO #(
-        .PIN_TYPE(6'b000000),
-        .PULLUP(1'b0),
-        .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0),
-    ) rx_hi_I (
-        .PACKAGE_PIN(pad_rx_hi_p),
-        .LATCH_INPUT_VALUE(1'b0),
-        .CLOCK_ENABLE(1'b1),
-        .INPUT_CLK(clk),
-        .OUTPUT_CLK(1'b0),
-        .OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b0),
-        .D_OUT_0(1'b0),
-        .D_OUT_1(1'b0),
-        .D_IN_0(rx_hi),
-        .D_IN_1()
-    );
-    SB_IO #(
-        .PIN_TYPE(6'b000000),
-        .PULLUP(1'b0),
-        .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0),
-    ) rx_lo_I (
-        .PACKAGE_PIN(pad_rx_lo_p),
-        .LATCH_INPUT_VALUE(1'b0),
-        .CLOCK_ENABLE(1'b1),
-        .INPUT_CLK(clk),
-        .OUTPUT_CLK(1'b0),
-        .OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b0),
-        .D_OUT_0(1'b0),
-        .D_OUT_1(1'b0),
-        .D_IN_0(rx_lo),
-        .D_IN_1()
-    );
-endmodule // e1_rx_phy

+ 0 - 221

@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- * e1_tx.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 TX top-level
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_tx #(
-	parameter integer LIU = 0,
-	parameter integer MFW = 7
-	// IO pads
-		// Raw PHY
-	output wire pad_tx_hi,
-	output wire pad_tx_lo,
-		// LIU
-	output wire pad_tx_data,
-	output wire pad_tx_clk,
-	// Buffer interface
-	input  wire [7:0] buf_data,
-	output wire [4:0] buf_ts,
-	output wire [3:0] buf_frame,
-	output wire [MFW-1:0] buf_mf,
-	output wire buf_re,
-	input  wire buf_rdy,
-	// BD interface
-	input  wire [MFW-1:0] bd_mf,
-	input  wire [1:0] bd_crc_e,
-	input  wire bd_valid,
-	output reg  bd_done,
-	output reg  bd_miss,
-	// Loopback input
-	input  wire lb_bit,
-	input  wire lb_valid,
-	// Control
-	input  wire ctrl_time_src,  // 0=internal, 1=external
-	input  wire ctrl_do_framing,
-	input  wire ctrl_do_crc4,
-	input  wire ctrl_loopback,
-	input  wire alarm,
-	// Timing sources
-	input  wire ext_tick,
-	output wire int_tick,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	// Signals
-	// -------
-	// Buffer Descriptor handling
-	reg  mf_valid;
-	// Framer
-	wire [7:0] f_data;
-	wire [1:0] f_crc_e;
-	wire [3:0] f_frame;
-	wire [4:0] f_ts;
-	wire f_mf_first;
-	wire f_mf_last;
-	wire f_req;
-	wire f_rdy;
-	// Low-level (bit -> pulses)
-	wire ll_bit, ll_valid;
-	wire ll_pg_hi,  ll_pg_lo, ll_pg_stb;
-	wire ll_raw_hi, ll_raw_lo;
-	// Pulse generator
-	reg  [4:0] pg_hi;
-	reg  [4:0] pg_lo;
-	// Frame generation
-	// ----------------
-	// Buffer Descriptor
-		// Keep track if we're in a valid MF at all
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			mf_valid <= 1'b0;
-		else if (f_req & f_mf_first)
-			mf_valid <= bd_valid;
-		// We register those because a 1 cycle delay doesn't matter
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		bd_done <= f_req & f_mf_last  &  mf_valid;
-		bd_miss <= f_req & f_mf_first & ~bd_valid;
-	end
-	// Buffer read
-	assign buf_ts    = f_ts;
-	assign buf_frame = f_frame;
-	assign buf_mf    = bd_mf;
-	assign buf_re    = f_req & bd_valid;
-	assign f_data  = buf_data;
-	assign f_crc_e = bd_crc_e;
-	assign f_rdy   = buf_rdy & mf_valid;
-	// Framer
-	e1_tx_framer framer_I (
-		.in_data(f_data),
-		.in_crc_e(f_crc_e),
-		.in_frame(f_frame),
-		.in_ts(f_ts),
-		.in_mf_first(f_mf_first),
-		.in_mf_last(f_mf_last),
-		.in_req(f_req),
-		.in_rdy(f_rdy),
-		.out_bit(ll_bit),
-		.out_valid(ll_valid),
-		.lb_bit(lb_bit),
-		.lb_valid(lb_valid),
-		.ctrl_time_src(ctrl_time_src),
-		.ctrl_do_framing(ctrl_do_framing),
-		.ctrl_do_crc4(ctrl_do_crc4),
-		.ctrl_loopback(ctrl_loopback),
-		.alarm(alarm),
-		.ext_tick(ext_tick),
-		.int_tick(int_tick),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	// Low-level
-	// ---------
-	generate
-		if (LIU == 0) begin
-			// HDB3 encoding
-			hdb3_enc hdb3_I (
-				.out_pos(ll_pg_hi),
-				.out_neg(ll_pg_lo),
-				.out_valid(ll_pg_stb),
-				.in_data(ll_bit),
-				.in_valid(ll_valid),
-				.clk(clk),
-				.rst(rst)
-			);
-			// Pulse generation
-			always @(posedge clk)
-			begin
-				if (rst) begin
-					pg_hi <= 0;
-					pg_lo <= 0;
-				end else begin
-					if (ll_pg_stb) begin
-						pg_hi <= ll_pg_hi ? 5'h19 : 5'h00;
-						pg_lo <= ll_pg_lo ? 5'h19 : 5'h00;
-					end else begin
-						pg_hi <= pg_hi - pg_hi[4];
-						pg_lo <= pg_lo - pg_lo[4];
-					end
-				end
-			end
-			assign ll_raw_hi = pg_hi[4];
-			assign ll_raw_lo = pg_lo[4];
-			// PHY
-			e1_tx_phy phy_I (
-				.pad_tx_hi(pad_tx_hi),
-				.pad_tx_lo(pad_tx_lo),
-				.tx_hi(ll_raw_hi),
-				.tx_lo(ll_raw_lo),
-				.clk(clk),
-				.rst(rst)
-			);
-		end else begin
-			// LIU interface
-			e1_tx_liu liuif_I (
-				.pad_tx_data(pad_tx_data),
-				.pad_tx_clk(pad_tx_clk),
-				.in_data(ll_bit),
-				.in_valid(ll_valid),
-				.clk(clk),
-				.rst(rst)
-			);
-		end
-	endgenerate
-endmodule // e1_tx

+ 0 - 274

@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
- * e1_tx_framer.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 Frame generation as described G.704
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_tx_framer (
-	// Fetch interface
-	input  wire [7:0] in_data,
-	input  wire [1:0] in_crc_e,	// CRC error bits to use in this multiframe
-	output wire [3:0] in_frame,
-	output wire [4:0] in_ts,
-	output reg  in_mf_first,	// First request for this multiframe
-	output reg  in_mf_last,		// Last  request for this multiframe
-	output reg  in_req,
-	input  wire in_rdy,
-	// Output
-	output reg  out_bit,
-	output reg  out_valid,
-	// Loopback Input
-	input  wire lb_bit,
-	input  wire lb_valid,
-	// Control
-	input  wire ctrl_time_src,	// 0=internal, 1=external
-	input  wire ctrl_do_framing,
-	input  wire ctrl_do_crc4,
-	input  wire ctrl_loopback,
-	input  wire alarm,
-	// Timing sources
-	input  wire ext_tick,
-	output wire int_tick,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	// Signals
-	// -------
-	// Tick source
-	reg  [5:0] tick_cnt;
-	reg  strobe;
-	// Fetch unit
-	reg  [3:0] fetch_frame;
-	reg  [4:0] fetch_ts;
-	reg  fetch_ts_is0;
-	reg  fetch_ts_is31;
-	reg  fetch_first;
-	reg  fetch_last;
-	reg  fetch_done;
-	wire [7:0] fetch_data;
-	wire [1:0] fetch_crc_e;
-	wire fetch_valid;
-	wire fetch_ack;
-	// TS0 generation
-	reg  [7:0] shift_data_nxt;
-	wire [7:0] odd_bit0;
-	// Shift register
-	reg  [7:0] shift_data;
-	reg  shift_at_first;
-	reg  shift_at_last;
-	reg  shift_at_crc;
-	// CRC4
-	wire crc_in_bit;
-	wire crc_in_first;
-	wire crc_in_valid;
-	reg  crc_capture;
-	wire [3:0] crc_out;
-	reg  [3:0] crc_smf;
-	// Tick source
-	// -----------
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			tick_cnt <= 5'b00000;
-		else
-			tick_cnt <= strobe ? 5'b01100 : (tick_cnt - 1);
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		strobe <= (ctrl_time_src ? ext_tick : tick_cnt[4]) & ~strobe;
-	assign int_tick = strobe;
-	// Fetch control
-	// -------------
-	// Frame
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			fetch_frame <= 4'hf;
-		else if (fetch_ack)
-			fetch_frame <= fetch_frame + fetch_ts_is31;
-	// Time Slot
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst) begin
-			fetch_ts   <= 5'h1f;
-			fetch_ts_is0  <= 1'b0;
-			fetch_ts_is31 <= 1'b1;
-		end else if (fetch_ack) begin
-			fetch_ts   <= fetch_ts + 1;
-			fetch_ts_is0  <= fetch_ts_is31;
-			fetch_ts_is31 <= (fetch_ts == 5'h1e);
-		end
-	// External request
-	assign in_frame = fetch_frame;
-	assign in_ts = fetch_ts;
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst) begin
-			in_mf_first <= 1'b0;
-			in_mf_last  <= 1'b1;
-		end else if (fetch_ack) begin
-			in_mf_first <= in_mf_last;
-			in_mf_last  <= (fetch_frame == 4'hf) && (fetch_ts == 5'h1e) ;
-		end
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		in_req <= fetch_ack;
-	// Track the first ever request (hence first valid data ...)
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			fetch_done <= 1'b0;
-		else if (in_req)
-			fetch_done <= 1'b1;
-	// Data output to next stage
-	assign fetch_data  = in_data;
-	assign fetch_crc_e = in_crc_e;
-	assign fetch_valid = in_rdy & fetch_done;
-	// TS0 generation
-	// --------------
-		// After fetch_ack we have plenty of time to generate the next data
-		// from the response
-	assign odd_bit0 = { fetch_crc_e[1:0], 6'b110100 };
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (fetch_ts_is0 & ctrl_do_framing) begin
-			// TS0 with auto-framing
-			if (fetch_frame[0])
-				// Odd frame number
-				shift_data_nxt <= { odd_bit0[fetch_frame[3:1]], 1'b1, alarm, 5'b11111 };
-			else
-				// Even frame number
-				shift_data_nxt <= 8'h1b;	// CRC bits are set later
-		end else begin
-			// Either auto-frame is disabled, or this is not TS0
-			// If there is no valid data available, fill with 0xff
-			shift_data_nxt <= fetch_valid ? fetch_data : 8'hff;
-		end
-	// Shift register
-	// --------------
-	reg [3:0] bit_cnt;
-	reg bit_first;
-	// Bit counter
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			bit_cnt <= 4'b1000;
-		else if (strobe)
-			bit_cnt <= bit_cnt[3] ? 4'b0110 : (bit_cnt - 1);
-	// Shift register
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			shift_data <= 8'hff;
-		else if (strobe)
-			shift_data <= bit_cnt[3] ? shift_data_nxt : { shift_data[6:0], 1'b1 };
-	// Ack to upstream
-	assign fetch_ack = strobe & bit_cnt[3];
-	// Track special positions
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst) begin
-			shift_at_first <= 1'b1;
-			shift_at_last  <= 1'b0;
-			shift_at_crc   <= 1'b0;
-		end else if (strobe) begin
-			shift_at_first <= (fetch_frame[2:0] == 3'b000) & fetch_ts_is0 &  bit_cnt[3];
-			shift_at_last  <= (fetch_frame[2:0] == 3'b000) & fetch_ts_is0 & (bit_cnt[2:0] == 3'b000);
-			shift_at_crc   <= ~fetch_frame[0]              & fetch_ts_is0 & bit_cnt[3];
-		end
-	// CRC4
-	// ----
-	// CRC4 computation
-	assign crc_in_bit   = shift_at_crc ? 1'b0 : shift_data[7];
-	assign crc_in_first = shift_at_first;
-	assign crc_in_valid = strobe;
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		crc_capture <= shift_at_last;
-	e1_crc4 crc_I (
-		.in_bit(crc_in_bit),
-		.in_first(crc_in_first),
-		.in_valid(crc_in_valid),
-		.out_crc4(crc_out),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			crc_smf <= 4'b1111;
-		else if (crc_capture)
-			crc_smf <= crc_out;
-		else if (shift_at_crc & strobe)
-			crc_smf <= { crc_smf[2:0], 1'b1 };
-	// Output
-	// ------
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst) begin
-			out_bit   <= 1'b1;
-			out_valid <= 1'b0;
-		end else begin
-			out_bit   <= ctrl_loopback ? lb_bit   : ((ctrl_do_crc4 & shift_at_crc) ? crc_smf[3] : shift_data[7]);
-			out_valid <= ctrl_loopback ? lb_valid : strobe;
-		end
-endmodule // e1_tx_framer

+ 0 - 106

@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * e1_tx_liu.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 RX interface to external LIU
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_tx_liu (
-	// Pads
-	input  wire pad_tx_data,
-	input  wire pad_tx_clk,
-	// Intput
-	input  wire in_data,
-	input  wire in_valid,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	// Signals
-	reg [5:0] cnt_cur;
-	reg [5:0] cnt_nxt;
-	reg  tx_data;
-	wire tx_clk;
-	// Counters
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (in_valid)
-			cnt_nxt <= 0;
-		else
-			cnt_nxt <= cnt_nxt + 1;
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (in_valid)
-			cnt_cur <= { 1'b1, cnt_nxt[5:1] };
-		else
-			cnt_cur <= cnt_cur - 1;
-	// TX
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (in_valid)
-			tx_data <= in_data;
-	assign tx_clk = cnt_cur[5];
-	// IOBs (registered)
-	SB_IO #(
-		.PIN_TYPE(6'b0101_00),
-		.PULLUP(1'b0),
-		.NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0)
-	) tx_data_iob_I (
-		.PACKAGE_PIN(pad_tx_data),
-		.CLOCK_ENABLE(1'b1),
-		.INPUT_CLK(1'b0),
-		.OUTPUT_CLK(clk),
-		.OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b1),
-		.D_OUT_0(tx_data),
-		.D_OUT_1(1'b0),
-		.D_IN_0(),
-		.D_IN_1()
-	);
-	SB_IO #(
-		.PIN_TYPE(6'b0101_00),
-		.PULLUP(1'b0),
-		.NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0)
-	) tx_clk_iob_I (
-		.PACKAGE_PIN(pad_tx_clk),
-		.CLOCK_ENABLE(1'b1),
-		.INPUT_CLK(1'b0),
-		.OUTPUT_CLK(clk),
-		.OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b1),
-		.D_OUT_0(tx_clk),
-		.D_OUT_1(1'b0),
-		.D_IN_0(),
-		.D_IN_1()
-	);
-endmodule // e1_tx_liu

+ 0 - 81

@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * e1_tx_phy.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 TX IOB instances
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_tx_phy (
-	// IO pads
-	output wire pad_tx_hi,
-	output wire pad_tx_lo,
-	// Input
-	input  wire tx_hi,
-	input  wire tx_lo,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-    SB_IO #(
-        .PIN_TYPE(6'b010100),
-        .PULLUP(1'b0),
-        .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0),
-    ) tx_hi_I (
-        .PACKAGE_PIN(pad_tx_hi),
-        .LATCH_INPUT_VALUE(1'b0),
-        .CLOCK_ENABLE(1'b1),
-        .INPUT_CLK(1'b0),
-        .OUTPUT_CLK(clk),
-        .OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b0),
-        .D_OUT_0(tx_hi),
-        .D_OUT_1(1'b0),
-        .D_IN_0(),
-        .D_IN_1()
-    );
-    SB_IO #(
-        .PIN_TYPE(6'b010100),
-        .PULLUP(1'b0),
-        .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0),
-    ) tx_lo_I (
-        .PACKAGE_PIN(pad_tx_lo),
-        .LATCH_INPUT_VALUE(1'b0),
-        .CLOCK_ENABLE(1'b1),
-        .INPUT_CLK(1'b0),
-        .OUTPUT_CLK(clk),
-        .OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b0),
-        .D_OUT_0(tx_lo),
-        .D_OUT_1(1'b0),
-        .D_IN_0(),
-        .D_IN_1()
-    );
-endmodule // e1_tx_phy

+ 0 - 476

@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
- * e1_wb.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * E1 wishbone top-level
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module e1_wb #(
-	parameter integer MFW = 7
-	// IO pads
-	input  wire pad_rx_hi_p,
-	input  wire pad_rx_hi_n,
-	input  wire pad_rx_lo_p,
-	input  wire pad_rx_lo_n,
-	output wire pad_tx_hi,
-	output wire pad_tx_lo,
-	// Buffer interface
-		// E1 RX (write)
-	output wire [7:0] buf_rx_data,
-	output wire [4:0] buf_rx_ts,
-	output wire [3:0] buf_rx_frame,
-	output wire [MFW-1:0] buf_rx_mf,
-	output wire buf_rx_we,
-	input  wire buf_rx_rdy,
-		// E1 TX (read)
-	input  wire [7:0] buf_tx_data,
-	output wire [4:0] buf_tx_ts,
-	output wire [3:0] buf_tx_frame,
-	output wire [MFW-1:0] buf_tx_mf,
-	output wire buf_tx_re,
-	input  wire buf_tx_rdy,
-	// Wishbone slave
-	input  wire [ 3:0] bus_addr,
-	input  wire [15:0] bus_wdata,
-	output reg  [15:0] bus_rdata,
-	input  wire bus_cyc,
-	input  wire bus_we,
-	output wire bus_ack,
-	// External strobes
-	output reg  irq,
-	output wire tick_tx,
-	output wire tick_rx,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	// Signals
-	// -------
-	// CSRs and bus access
-	wire bus_clr;
-	reg  bus_ack_i;
-	reg  crx_wren;
-	reg  crx_clear;
-	reg  ctx_wren;
-	reg  ctx_clear;
-	wire [15:0] bus_rd_rx_status;
-	wire [15:0] bus_rd_rx_bdout;
-	wire [15:0] bus_rd_tx_status;
-	wire [15:0] bus_rd_tx_bdout;
-	// FIFOs
-		// BD RX In
-	wire [MFW-1:0] bri_di;
-	wire [MFW-1:0] bri_do;
-	reg  bri_wren;
-	wire bri_rden;
-	wire bri_full;
-	wire bri_empty;
-		// BD RX Out
-	wire [MFW+1:0] bro_di;
-	wire [MFW+1:0] bro_do;
-	wire bro_wren;
-	reg  bro_rden;
-	wire bro_full;
-	wire bro_empty;
-		// BD TX In
-	wire [MFW+1:0] bti_di;
-	wire [MFW+1:0] bti_do;
-	reg  bti_wren;
-	wire bti_rden;
-	wire bti_full;
-	wire bti_empty;
-		// BD TX Out
-	wire [MFW-1:0] bto_di;
-	wire [MFW-1:0] bto_do;
-	wire bto_wren;
-	reg  bto_rden;
-	wire bto_full;
-	wire bto_empty;
-	// RX
-		// Control
-	reg  rx_rst;
-	reg  rx_enabled;
-	reg  [1:0] rx_mode;
-	wire rx_aligned;
-	reg  rx_overflow;
-		// BD interface
-	wire [MFW-1:0] bdrx_mf;
-	wire [1:0] bdrx_crc_e;
-	wire bdrx_valid;
-	wire bdrx_done;
-	wire bdrx_miss;
-	// Loopback path
-	wire lb_bit;
-	wire lb_valid;
-	// Timing
-	wire ext_tick;
-	wire int_tick;
-	// TX
-		// Control
-	reg  tx_rst;
-	reg  tx_enabled;
-	reg  [1:0] tx_mode;
-	reg  tx_time_src;
-	reg  tx_alarm;
-	reg  tx_loopback;
-	reg  tx_underflow;
-	reg  [1:0] tx_crc_e_auto;
-		// BD interface
-	wire [MFW-1:0] bdtx_mf;
-	wire [1:0] bdtx_crc_e;
-	wire bdtx_valid;
-	wire bdtx_done;
-	wire bdtx_miss;
-	// CSRs & FIFO bus access
-	// ----------------------
-	// Ack is always 1 cycle after access
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		bus_ack_i <= bus_cyc & ~bus_ack_i;
-	assign bus_ack = bus_ack_i;
-	assign bus_clr = ~bus_cyc | bus_ack_i;
-	// Control WrEn
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (bus_clr | ~bus_we) begin
-			crx_wren  <= 1'b0;
-			crx_clear <= 1'b0;
-			ctx_wren  <= 1'b0;
-			ctx_clear <= 1'b0;
-		end else begin
-			crx_wren  <= (bus_addr == 4'h0);
-			crx_clear <= (bus_addr == 4'h0) & bus_wdata[12];
-			ctx_wren  <= (bus_addr == 4'h4);
-			ctx_clear <= (bus_addr == 4'h4) & bus_wdata[12];
-		end
-	// Control regs
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst) begin
-			rx_mode     <= 2'b00;
-			rx_enabled  <= 1'b0;
-			tx_loopback <= 1'b0;
-			tx_alarm    <= 1'b0;
-			tx_time_src <= 1'b0;
-			tx_mode     <= 2'b00;
-			tx_enabled  <= 1'b0;
-		end else begin
-			if (crx_wren) begin
-				rx_mode     <= bus_wdata[2:1];
-				rx_enabled  <= bus_wdata[0];
-			end
-			if (ctx_wren) begin
-				tx_loopback <= bus_wdata[5];
-				tx_alarm    <= bus_wdata[4];
-				tx_time_src <= bus_wdata[3];
-				tx_mode     <= bus_wdata[2:1];
-				tx_enabled  <= bus_wdata[0];
-			end
-		end
-	// Status data
-	assign bus_rd_rx_status = {
-		3'b000,
-		rx_overflow,
-		bro_full,
-		bro_empty,
-		bri_full,
-		bri_empty,
-		6'b000000,
-		rx_aligned,
-		rx_enabled
-	};
-	assign bus_rd_tx_status = {
-		3'b000,
-		tx_underflow,
-		bto_full,
-		bto_empty,
-		bti_full,
-		bti_empty,
-		7'b0000000,
-		tx_enabled
-	};
-	// BD FIFO WrEn / RdEn
-		// (note we must mask on full/empty here to be consistent with what we
-		//  return in the data !)
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (bus_clr) begin
-			bri_wren <= 1'b0;
-			bti_wren <= 1'b0;
-			bro_rden <= 1'b0;
-			bto_rden <= 1'b0;
-		end else begin
-			bri_wren <=  bus_we & ~bri_full  & (bus_addr == 4'h2);
-			bti_wren <=  bus_we & ~bti_full  & (bus_addr == 4'h6);
-			bro_rden <= ~bus_we & ~bro_empty & (bus_addr == 4'h2);
-			bto_rden <= ~bus_we & ~bto_empty & (bus_addr == 4'h6);
-		end
-	// BD FIFO Data
-	assign bri_di = bus_wdata[MFW-1:0];
-	assign bti_di = { bus_wdata[14:13], bus_wdata[MFW-1:0] };
-	assign bus_rd_rx_bdout = { ~bro_empty, bro_do[MFW+1:MFW], {(13-MFW){1'b0}}, bro_do[MFW-1:0] };
-	assign bus_rd_tx_bdout = { ~bto_empty,                    {(15-MFW){1'b0}}, bto_do[MFW-1:0] };
-	// Read MUX
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (bus_clr)
-			bus_rdata <= 16'h0000;
-		else
-			case (bus_addr[3:0])
-				4'h0:    bus_rdata <= bus_rd_rx_status;	// RX Status
-				4'h2:    bus_rdata <= bus_rd_rx_bdout;	// RX BD Out
-				4'h4:    bus_rdata <= bus_rd_tx_status;	// TX Status
-				4'h6:    bus_rdata <= bus_rd_tx_bdout;	// TX BD Out
-				default: bus_rdata <= 16'h0000;
-			endcase
-	// BD fifos
-	// --------
-	// BD RX In
-	fifo_sync_shift #(
-		.DEPTH(4),
-	) bd_rx_in_I (
-		.wr_data(bri_di),
-		.wr_ena(bri_wren),
-		.wr_full(bri_full),
-		.rd_data(bri_do),
-		.rd_ena(bri_rden),
-		.rd_empty(bri_empty),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	// BD RX Out
-	fifo_sync_shift #(
-		.DEPTH(4),
-		.WIDTH(MFW+2)
-	) bd_rx_out_I (
-		.wr_data(bro_di),
-		.wr_ena(bro_wren),
-		.wr_full(bro_full),
-		.rd_data(bro_do),
-		.rd_ena(bro_rden),
-		.rd_empty(bro_empty),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	// BD TX In
-	fifo_sync_shift #(
-		.DEPTH(4),
-		.WIDTH(MFW+2)
-	) bd_tx_in_I (
-		.wr_data(bti_di),
-		.wr_ena(bti_wren),
-		.wr_full(bti_full),
-		.rd_data(bti_do),
-		.rd_ena(bti_rden),
-		.rd_empty(bti_empty),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	// BD TX Out
-	fifo_sync_shift #(
-		.DEPTH(4),
-	) bd_tx_out_I (
-		.wr_data(bto_di),
-		.wr_ena(bto_wren),
-		.wr_full(bto_full),
-		.rd_data(bto_do),
-		.rd_ena(bto_rden),
-		.rd_empty(bto_empty),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	// RX submodule
-	// ------------
-	// RX core
-	e1_rx #(
-		.MFW(MFW)
-	) rx_I (
-		.pad_rx_hi_p(pad_rx_hi_p),
-		.pad_rx_hi_n(pad_rx_hi_n),
-		.pad_rx_lo_p(pad_rx_lo_p),
-		.pad_rx_lo_n(pad_rx_lo_n),
-		.buf_data(buf_rx_data),
-		.buf_ts(buf_rx_ts),
-		.buf_frame(buf_rx_frame),
-		.buf_mf(buf_rx_mf),
-		.buf_we(buf_rx_we),
-		.buf_rdy(buf_rx_rdy),
-		.bd_mf(bdrx_mf),
-		.bd_crc_e(bdrx_crc_e),
-		.bd_valid(bdrx_valid),
-		.bd_done(bdrx_done),
-		.bd_miss(bdrx_miss),
-		.lb_bit(lb_bit),
-		.lb_valid(lb_valid),
-		.status_aligned(rx_aligned),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rx_rst)
-	);
-	// BD FIFO interface
-	assign bdrx_mf    =  bri_do;
-	assign bdrx_valid = ~bri_empty;
-	assign bri_rden = bdrx_done;
-	assign bro_di   = { bdrx_crc_e, bdrx_mf };
-	assign bro_wren = ~bro_full & bdrx_done;
-	// Control logic
-		// Local reset
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			rx_rst <= 1'b1;
-		else
-			rx_rst <= ~rx_enabled;
-		// Overflow
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			rx_overflow <= 1'b0;
-		else
-			rx_overflow <= (rx_overflow & ~crx_clear) | bdrx_miss;
-	// TX submodule
-	// ------------
-	// TX core
-	e1_tx #(
-		.MFW(MFW)
-	) tx_I (
-		.pad_tx_hi(pad_tx_hi),
-		.pad_tx_lo(pad_tx_lo),
-		.buf_data(buf_tx_data),
-		.buf_ts(buf_tx_ts),
-		.buf_frame(buf_tx_frame),
-		.buf_mf(buf_tx_mf),
-		.buf_re(buf_tx_re),
-		.buf_rdy(buf_tx_rdy),
-		.bd_mf(bdtx_mf),
-		.bd_crc_e(bdtx_crc_e),
-		.bd_valid(bdtx_valid),
-		.bd_done(bdtx_done),
-		.bd_miss(bdtx_miss),
-		.lb_bit(lb_bit),
-		.lb_valid(lb_valid),
-		.ext_tick(ext_tick),
-		.int_tick(int_tick),
-		.ctrl_time_src(tx_time_src),
-		.ctrl_do_framing(tx_mode != 2'b00),
-		.ctrl_do_crc4(tx_mode[1]),
-		.ctrl_loopback(tx_loopback),
-		.alarm(tx_alarm),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(tx_rst)
-	);
-	assign ext_tick = lb_valid;
-	// Auto E-bit tracking
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		tx_crc_e_auto <= (bdtx_done ? 2'b00 : tx_crc_e_auto) | (bdrx_done ? bdrx_crc_e : 2'b00);
-	// BD FIFO interface
-	assign bdtx_mf    =  bti_do[MFW-1:0];
-	assign bdtx_crc_e = (tx_mode == 2'b11) ? tx_crc_e_auto : bti_do[MFW+1:MFW];
-	assign bdtx_valid = ~bti_empty;
-	assign bti_rden = bdtx_done;
-	assign bto_di   =  bdtx_mf;
-	assign bto_wren = ~bto_full & bdtx_done;
-	// Control logic
-		// Local reset
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			tx_rst <= 1'b1;
-		else
-			tx_rst <= ~tx_enabled;
-		// Underflow
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			tx_underflow <= 1'b0;
-		else
-			tx_underflow <= (tx_underflow & ~ctx_clear) | bdtx_miss;
-	// External strobes
-	// ----------------
-	always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
-		if (rst)
-			irq <= 1'b0;
-		else
-			irq <= ~bro_empty | rx_overflow | ~bto_empty | tx_underflow;
-	assign tick_tx = int_tick;	/* tick used for TX */
-	assign tick_rx = ext_tick;	/* tick recovered from RX */
-endmodule // e1_wb

+ 0 - 89

@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * hdb3_dec.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * HDB3 symbols -> bit decoding as described in G.703
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module hdb3_dec (
-	// Input
-	input  wire in_pos,
-	input  wire in_neg,
-	input  wire in_valid,
-	// Output
-	output wire out_data,
-	output reg  out_valid,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	// Signals
-	wire violation;
-	reg [3:0] data;
-	reg pstate;			// Pulse state
-	// Output
-	assign out_data = data[3];
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		out_valid <= in_valid;
-	// Main logic
-	assign violation = (in_pos & pstate) | (in_neg & ~pstate);
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		if (rst) begin
-			// Reset state
-			data   <= 4'h0;
-			pstate <= 1'b0;
-		end else if (in_valid) begin
-			if (in_pos ^ in_neg) begin
-				// Is it a violation ?
-				if (violation) begin
-					// Violation
-					data   <= 4'h0;
-					pstate <= pstate;
-				end else begin
-					// Normal data (or possibly balancing pulse that will be
-					// post-corrected)
-					data   <= { data[2:0], 1'b1 };
-					pstate <= pstate ^ 1;
-				end
-			end else begin
-				// Zero (or error, we map to 0)
-				data   <= { data[2:0], 1'b0 };
-				pstate <= pstate;
-			end
-		end
-	end
-endmodule // hdb3_dec

+ 0 - 150

@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- * hdb3_enc.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * HDB3 bit ->symbols encoding as described in G.703
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-module hdb3_enc (
-	// Input
-	input  wire in_data,
-	input  wire in_valid,
-	// Output
-	output wire out_pos,
-	output wire out_neg,
-	output reg  out_valid,
-	// Common
-	input  wire clk,
-	input  wire rst
-	// Signals
-	reg [3:0] d_pos;
-	reg [3:0] d_neg;
-	reg [1:0] zcnt;		// Zero-Count
-	reg pstate;			// Pulse state
-	reg vstate; 		// Violation state
-	// Output
-	assign out_pos = d_pos[3];
-	assign out_neg = d_neg[3];
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		out_valid <= in_valid;
-	// Main logic
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		if (rst) begin
-			// Reset state
-			d_pos  <= 4'h0;
-			d_neg  <= 4'h0;
-			zcnt   <= 2'b00;
-			pstate <= 1'b0;
-			vstate <= 1'b0;
-		end else if (in_valid) begin
-			// Check for 4 zeros
-			if ((zcnt == 2'b11) && (in_data == 1'b0)) begin
-				// This is a run, handle special case
-				// But need to check if it's 000V or B00V
-				if (pstate == vstate) begin
-					// Pulse State is the same state as the last violation
-					// state. So this next violation state is going to be
-					// opposite polarity, so no DC to compensate -> 000V
-						// New data: Violation bit
-					d_pos[0] <=  pstate;
-					d_neg[0] <= ~pstate;
-						// Shift reg
-					d_pos[3:1] <= d_pos[2:0];
-					d_neg[3:1] <= d_neg[2:0];
-						// Zero count: Reset
-					zcnt <= 2'b00;
-						// Pulse state tracking
-					pstate <= pstate;
-						// Violation state tracking
-					vstate <= vstate ^ 1;
-				end else begin
-					// Pulse State is the opposite state as the last violation
-					// state. So this next violation would be the same
-					// polarity ... need to use B00V to avoid DC
-						// New data: Violation bit
-					d_pos[0] <= ~pstate;
-					d_neg[0] <=  pstate;
-						// Shift reg
-					d_pos[2:1] <= d_pos[1:0];
-					d_neg[2:1] <= d_neg[1:0];
-						// Balancing bit
-					d_pos[3] <= ~pstate;
-					d_neg[3] <=  pstate;
-						// Zero count: Reset
-					zcnt <= 2'b00;
-						// Pulse state tracking
-					pstate <= pstate ^ 1;
-						// Violation state tracking
-					vstate <= vstate ^ 1;
-				end
-			end else begin
-				// Normal case
-					// New data
-				d_pos[0] <= in_data & ~pstate;
-				d_neg[0] <= in_data &  pstate;
-					// Shift reg
-				d_pos[3:1] <= d_pos[2:0];
-				d_neg[3:1] <= d_neg[2:0];
-					// Zero count
-				if (in_data == 1'b0)
-					zcnt <= zcnt + 1;
-				else
-					zcnt <= 2'b00;
-					// Pulse state tracking
-				pstate <= pstate ^ in_data;
-					// Violation state tracking
-				vstate <= vstate;
-			end
-		end
-	end
-endmodule // hdb3_enc

+ 0 - 90

@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- * e1_crc4_tb.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-`timescale 1ns / 100ps
-module e1_crc4_tb;
-	// Signals
-	reg rst = 1;
-	reg clk = 1;
-	reg [31:0] data;
-	wire in_bit;
-	reg  in_valid;
-	reg  in_first;
-	wire [3:0] crc;
-	// Setup recording
-	initial begin
-		$dumpfile("e1_crc4_tb.vcd");
-		$dumpvars(0,e1_crc4_tb);
-	end
-	// Reset pulse
-	initial begin
-		# 31 rst = 0;
-		# 20000 $finish;
-	end
-	// Clocks
-	always #5 clk = !clk;
-	// DUT
-	e1_crc4 dut_I (
-		.in_bit(in_bit),
-		.in_first(in_first),
-		.in_valid(in_valid),
-		.out_crc4(crc),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	// Data feed
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (rst)
-			in_valid <= 1'b0;
-		else
-			in_valid <= 1'b1;
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (rst)
-			in_first <= 1'b1;
-		else if (in_valid)
-			in_first <= 1'b0;
-	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (rst)
-			//data <= 32'h600dbabe;
-			data <= 32'h0badbabe;
-		else if (in_valid)
-			data <= { data[31:0], 1'b0 };
-	assign in_bit = data[31];
-endmodule // e1_crc4_tb

+ 0 - 142

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- * e1_tb.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-`timescale 1ns / 100ps
-module e1_tb;
-	// Signals
-	reg rst = 1;
-	reg clk_16m = 0;
-	reg clk_30m72 = 0;
-	reg  [7:0] in_file_data;
-	reg  in_file_valid;
-	reg  in_file_done;
-	wire e1_in_tip;
-	wire e1_in_ring;
-	wire e1_bit;
-	wire e1_valid;
-	wire e1_out_tip;
-	wire e1_out_ring;
-	wire df_valid;
-	wire [7:0] df_data;
-	wire [4:0] df_ts;
-	// Setup recording
-	initial begin
-		$dumpfile("e1_tb.vcd");
-		$dumpvars(0,e1_tb);
-	end
-	// Reset pulse
-	initial begin
-		# 200 rst = 0;
-		# 10000000 $finish;
-	end
-	// Clocks
-	always #31.25 clk_16m = !clk_16m;
-	always #16.276 clk_30m72 = !clk_30m72;
-	// DUT
-	e1_rx rx_I (
-		.pad_rx_hi_p( e1_in_ring),
-		.pad_rx_hi_n(~e1_in_ring),
-		.pad_rx_lo_p( e1_in_tip),
-		.pad_rx_lo_n(~e1_in_tip),
-		.out_bit(e1_bit),
-		.out_valid(e1_valid),
-		.clk(clk_30m72),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	e1_tx tx_I (
-		.pad_tx_hi(e1_out_ring),
-		.pad_tx_lo(e1_out_tip),
-		.in_bit(e1_bit),
-		.in_valid(e1_valid),
-		.clk(clk_30m72),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	e1_rx_deframer rx_deframer_I (
-		.in_bit(e1_bit),
-		.in_valid(e1_valid),
-		.out_data(df_data),
-		.out_valid(df_valid),
-		.out_ts(df_ts),
-		.clk(clk_30m72),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	// Read file
-	integer fh_in, rv;
-	initial
-		fh_in = $fopen("../data/capture_e1_raw.bin", "rb");
-	always @(posedge clk_16m)
-	begin
-		if (rst) begin
-			in_file_data  <= 8'h00;
-			in_file_valid <= 1'b0;
-			in_file_done  <= 1'b0;
-		end else begin
-			if (!in_file_done) begin
-				rv = $fread(in_file_data, fh_in);
-				in_file_valid <= (rv == 1);
-				in_file_done  <= (rv != 1);
-			end else begin
-				in_file_data  <= 8'h00;
-				in_file_valid <= 1'b0;
-				in_file_done  <= 1'b1;
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	// Write file
-	integer fh_out;
-	initial
-		fh_out = $fopen("/tmp/e1.txt", "w");
-	always @(posedge clk_30m72)
-	begin
-		if (e1_valid) begin
-			$fwrite(fh_out, "%d", e1_bit);
-		end
-	end
-	// Input
-	assign e1_in_tip  = in_file_data[0] & in_file_valid;
-	assign e1_in_ring = in_file_data[1] & in_file_valid;
-endmodule // e1_tb

+ 0 - 106

@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * e1_tx_framer_tb.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-`timescale 1ns / 100ps
-module e1_tx_framer_tb;
-	// Signals
-	reg rst = 1;
-	reg clk_30m72 = 0;
-	wire [7:0] in_data;
-	wire [1:0] in_crc_e;
-	wire [3:0] in_frame;
-	wire [4:0] in_ts;
-	wire in_mf_first;
-	wire in_mf_last;
-	wire in_req;
-	wire in_rdy;
-	wire out_bit;
-	wire out_valid;
-	// Setup recording
-	initial begin
-		$dumpfile("e1_tx_framer_tb.vcd");
-		$dumpvars(0,e1_tx_framer_tb);
-	end
-	// Reset pulse
-	initial begin
-		# 200 rst = 0;
-		# 10000000 $finish;
-	end
-	// Clocks
-	always #16.276 clk_30m72 = !clk_30m72;
-	// DUT
-	e1_tx_framer framer_I (
-		.in_data(in_data),
-		.in_crc_e(in_crc_e),
-		.in_frame(in_frame),
-		.in_ts(in_ts),
-		.in_mf_first(in_mf_first),
-		.in_mf_last(in_mf_last),
-		.in_req(in_req),
-		.in_rdy(in_rdy),
-		.lb_bit(1'b0),
-		.lb_valid(1'b0),
-		.out_bit(out_bit),
-		.out_valid(out_valid),
-		.ctrl_time_src(1'b0),
-		.ctrl_do_framing(1'b1),
-		.ctrl_do_crc4(1'b1),
-		.ctrl_loopback(1'b0),
-		.alarm(1'b0),
-		.ext_tick(1'b0),
-		.clk(clk_30m72),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	reg [7:0] cnt = 8'h00;
-	always @(posedge clk_30m72)
-		if (in_req)
-			cnt <= cnt + 1;
-	assign in_data  = in_ts == 5'h10 ? 8'hf9 : cnt;
-	assign in_crc_e = 2'b11;
-	assign in_rdy   = 1'b1;
-	e1_rx_deframer rx_deframer_I (
-		.in_bit(out_bit),
-		.in_valid(out_valid),
-		.out_data(),
-		.out_valid(),
-		.out_ts(),
-		.clk(clk_30m72),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-endmodule // e1_tx_framer_tb

+ 0 - 100

@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- * hdb3_tb.v
- *
- * vim: ts=4 sw=4
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019  Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-`default_nettype none
-`timescale 1ns / 100ps
-module hdb3_tb;
-	// Signals
-	reg rst = 1;
-	reg clk = 0;
-	reg  in_data;
-	reg  in_valid;
-	wire hdb3_pos;
-	wire hdb3_neg;
-	wire hdb3_valid;
-	wire out_data;
-	wire out_valid;
-	reg  [31:0] data;
-	wire out_data_ref;
-	wire out_data_err;
-	// Setup recording
-	initial begin
-		$dumpfile("hdb3_tb.vcd");
-		$dumpvars(0,hdb3_tb);
-	end
-	// Reset pulse
-	initial begin
-		# 31 rst = 0;
-		# 10000 $finish;
-	end
-	// Clocks
-	always #5 clk = !clk;
-	// DUT
-	hdb3_enc dut_enc_I (
-		.in_data(in_data),
-		.in_valid(in_valid),
-		.out_pos(hdb3_pos),
-		.out_neg(hdb3_neg),
-		.out_valid(hdb3_valid),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	hdb3_dec dut_dec_I (
-		.in_pos(hdb3_pos),
-		.in_neg(hdb3_neg),
-		.in_valid(hdb3_valid),
-		.out_data(out_data),
-		.out_valid(out_valid),
-		.clk(clk),
-		.rst(rst)
-	);
-	// Data feed
-	always @(posedge clk)
-	begin
-		if (rst) begin
-			in_data  <= 1'b0;
-			in_valid <= 1'b0;
-			data     <= 32'h6ac0c305;
-		end else begin
-			in_data  <= data[0];
-			in_valid <= 1'b1;
-			data     <= { data[0], data[31:1] };
-		end
-	end
-	assign out_data_ref = data[23];
-	assign out_data_err = out_data_ref != out_data;
-endmodule // hdb3_tb