@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ * hub75_framebuffer.v
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * vim: ts=4 sw=4
+ */
+`default_nettype none
+module hub75_framebuffer #(
+ parameter integer N_BANKS = 2,
+ parameter integer N_ROWS = 32,
+ parameter integer N_COLS = 64,
+ parameter integer N_CHANS = 3,
+ parameter integer N_PLANES = 8,
+ parameter integer BITDEPTH = 24,
+ // Auto-set
+ parameter integer LOG_N_BANKS = $clog2(N_BANKS),
+ parameter integer LOG_N_ROWS = $clog2(N_ROWS),
+ parameter integer LOG_N_COLS = $clog2(N_COLS)
+ // Write interface - Row store/swap
+ input wire [LOG_N_BANKS-1:0] wr_bank_addr,
+ input wire [LOG_N_ROWS-1:0] wr_row_addr,
+ input wire wr_row_store,
+ output wire wr_row_rdy,
+ input wire wr_row_swap,
+ // Write interface - Access
+ input wire [BITDEPTH-1:0] wr_data,
+ input wire [LOG_N_COLS-1:0] wr_col_addr,
+ input wire wr_en,
+ // Read interface - Preload
+ input wire [LOG_N_ROWS-1:0] rd_row_addr,
+ input wire rd_row_load,
+ output wire rd_row_rdy,
+ input wire rd_row_swap,
+ // Read interface - Access
+ output wire [(N_BANKS * N_CHANS * N_PLANES)-1:0] rd_data,
+ input wire [LOG_N_COLS-1:0] rd_col_addr,
+ input wire rd_en,
+ // Frame swap request
+ input wire frame_swap,
+ // Clock / Reset
+ input wire clk,
+ input wire rst
+ // Internal params
+ // ---------------
+ // This tries to come up with the best memory layout and sets up
+ // a bunch of constants appropriately
+ //
+ // Address seen from access PoV ( fb_addr signal ) :
+ // 1 : Buffer Select
+ // LOG_N_BANKS : Bank selection
+ // LOG_N_ROWS : Row address
+ // LOG_N_COLS : Column address
+ // LOG_FB_DC : Index of the word that compose the full color data
+ // (when framebuffer width is thinner than BITDEPTH)
+ // -------------
+ // FB_AW : (total number of bit in that address)
+ //
+ // To map this to the memory address ( mem_addr signal ):
+ // * Add PAD_BITS at the MSBs (just in case we use less than 1 SPRAM)
+ // * Drop OMUX_BITS + IMUX_BITS at the LSBs
+ // - IMUX_BITS used for muxing down the 16 bit wide bus down to
+ // FB_DW if needed
+ // - OMUX_BITS used to mux between the SPRAMs used in // to
+ // increase the total memory depth
+ `define MIN(_a, _b) ((_a) < (_b) ? (_a) : (_b))
+ `define MAX(_a, _b) ((_a) > (_b) ? (_a) : (_b))
+ // Round bitdepth to a power of 2 with minimum of 4
+ localparam integer LOG_BITDEPTH = (BITDEPTH > 4) ? $clog2(BITDEPTH) : 2;
+ // Number of SPRAM needed for frame buffer
+ localparam integer LOG_SPRAM_COUNT = `MAX(0, (1 + LOG_N_BANKS + LOG_N_ROWS + LOG_N_COLS + LOG_BITDEPTH) - 18);
+ localparam integer SPRAM_COUNT = 1 << LOG_SPRAM_COUNT;
+ // Width of the framebuffer access bus
+ localparam integer FB_DW = `MIN((16 * SPRAM_COUNT), (1 << LOG_BITDEPTH));
+ // Number of SPRAM used in 'width-mode'
+ localparam integer LOG_SPRAM_WIDE = $clog2(`MAX(FB_DW,16)) - 4;
+ localparam integer SPRAM_WIDE = 1 << LOG_SPRAM_WIDE;
+ // Number of SPRAM used in 'depth-mode'
+ localparam integer SPRAM_DEEP = 1 << LOG_SPRAM_DEEP;
+ // Number of framebuffer words for each pixel
+ localparam integer LOG_FB_DC = LOG_BITDEPTH - $clog2(FB_DW);
+ localparam integer FB_DC = 1 << LOG_FB_DC;
+ // Framebuffer final address width
+ localparam integer FB_AW = 1 + LOG_N_BANKS + LOG_N_ROWS + LOG_N_COLS + LOG_FB_DC;
+ // Zero-bits to MSB pad SPRAM address (if using less than 1 SPRAM)
+ localparam integer PAD_BITS = `MAX(0, 18 - (1 + LOG_N_BANKS + LOG_N_ROWS + LOG_N_COLS + LOG_BITDEPTH));
+ // Number of bits used for muxing inside the wide memory bus down to FB_DW
+ localparam integer IMUX_BITS = $clog2(`MAX(1, 16 / FB_DW));
+ // Number of bits used for muxing between the SPRAM used in // to increase depth
+ localparam integer OMUX_BITS = LOG_SPRAM_DEEP;
+ initial begin
+ $display("Hub75 Frame Buffer config :");
+ $display(" - SPRAM_COUNT : %d", SPRAM_COUNT);
+ $display(" - SPRAM_WIDE : %d", SPRAM_WIDE);
+ $display(" - SPRAM_DEEP : %d", SPRAM_DEEP);
+ $display(" - FB_AW : %d", FB_AW);
+ $display(" - FB_DW : %d", FB_DW);
+ $display(" - FB_DC : %d", FB_DC);
+ $display(" - PAD_BITS : %d", PAD_BITS);
+ $display(" - IMUX_BITS : %d", IMUX_BITS);
+ $display(" - OMUX_BITS : %d", OMUX_BITS);
+ end
+ // Signals
+ // -------
+ // Arbitration logic
+ reg arb_busy;
+ reg arb_prio;
+ // Write-in control
+ wire wi_req;
+ reg wi_gnt;
+ wire wi_rel;
+ // Read-out control
+ wire ro_req;
+ reg ro_gnt;
+ wire ro_rel;
+ // Raw signals from the storage cells
+ wire [16*SPRAM_WIDE-1:0] mem_di;
+ wire [16*SPRAM_WIDE-1:0] mem_do [0:SPRAM_DEEP-1];
+ wire [13:0] mem_addr;
+ wire [ 3:0] mem_mask;
+ wire mem_wren [0:SPRAM_DEEP-1];
+ wire [16*SPRAM_WIDE-1:0] mem_do_mux;
+ // Frame buffer access
+ wire [FB_DW-1:0] fb_di;
+ wire [FB_DW-1:0] fb_do;
+ wire [FB_AW-1:0] fb_addr;
+ wire fb_wren;
+ reg [FB_AW-1:0] fb_addr_r;
+ reg fb_pingpong;
+ // Write-in frame buffer access
+ wire [FB_AW-2:0] wifb_addr;
+ wire [FB_DW-1:0] wifb_data;
+ wire wifb_wren;
+ // Read-out frame-buffer access
+ wire [FB_AW-2:0] rofb_addr;
+ wire [FB_DW-1:0] rofb_data;
+ // Control
+ // -------
+ // Arbitration logic
+ always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
+ begin
+ if (rst) begin
+ arb_prio <= 1'b0;
+ arb_busy <= 1'b0;
+ wi_gnt <= 1'b0;
+ ro_gnt <= 1'b0;
+ end else begin
+ arb_busy <= (arb_busy | wi_req | ro_req) & ~(wi_rel | ro_rel);
+ arb_prio <= (wi_gnt | ro_gnt) ? ro_gnt : arb_prio;
+ wi_gnt <= ~arb_busy & wi_req & (~ro_req | arb_prio);
+ ro_gnt <= ~arb_busy & ro_req & (~wi_req | ~arb_prio);
+ end
+ end
+ // Double-Buffer
+ always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
+ if (rst)
+ fb_pingpong <= 1'b0;
+ else
+ fb_pingpong <= fb_pingpong ^ frame_swap;
+ // Shared access
+ // We assume users as well behaved and just use wren for mux control
+ assign fb_di = wifb_data;
+ assign rofb_data = fb_do;
+ assign fb_addr = wifb_wren ? { ~fb_pingpong, wifb_addr } : { fb_pingpong, rofb_addr };
+ assign fb_wren = wifb_wren;
+ // Storage
+ // -------
+ genvar i, j;
+ // Generate memory elements
+ generate
+ for (i=0; i<SPRAM_DEEP; i=i+1)
+ begin
+ for (j=0; j<SPRAM_WIDE; j=j+1)
+ begin
+ SB_SPRAM256KA mem_I (
+ .DATAIN(mem_di[16*j+15:16*j]),
+ .ADDRESS(mem_addr),
+ .MASKWREN(mem_mask),
+ .WREN(mem_wren[i]),
+ .CHIPSELECT(1'b1),
+ .CLOCK(clk),
+ .STANDBY(1'b0),
+ .SLEEP(1'b0),
+ .POWEROFF(1'b1),
+ .DATAOUT(mem_do[i][16*j+15:16*j])
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ // Register address to have it available for muxing
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ fb_addr_r <= fb_addr;
+ // Map fb_addr -> mem_addr
+ assign mem_addr = { {(PAD_BITS){1'b0}}, fb_addr[FB_AW-1:OMUX_BITS+IMUX_BITS] };
+ // Output muxing
+ generate
+ // Mux across the SPRAM used in parallel for depth (if needed)
+ if (OMUX_BITS > 0)
+ assign mem_do_mux = mem_do[fb_addr_r[OMUX_BITS+IMUX_BITS-1:IMUX_BITS]];
+ else
+ assign mem_do_mux = mem_do[0];
+ // Mux down to FB_DW (if needed)
+ if (IMUX_BITS > 0)
+ assign fb_do = mem_do_mux[FB_DW*fb_addr_r[IMUX_BITS-1:0]+:FB_DW];
+ else
+ assign fb_do = mem_do_mux;
+ endgenerate
+ // Map fb_di -> mem_di
+ generate
+ for (i=0; i<(1<<IMUX_BITS); i=i+1)
+ assign mem_di[FB_DW*i+:FB_DW] = fb_di;
+ endgenerate
+ // Input masking / write-enables
+ generate
+ // Write Enable
+ if (OMUX_BITS > 0)
+ for (i=0; i<SPRAM_DEEP; i=i+1)
+ assign mem_wren[i] = fb_wren & (fb_addr[IMUX_BITS+:OMUX_BITS] == i);
+ else
+ assign mem_wren[0] = fb_wren;
+ // Mask nibbles (if needed)
+ if (IMUX_BITS == 2)
+ assign mem_mask = {
+ fb_addr[1:0] == 2'b11,
+ fb_addr[1:0] == 2'b10,
+ fb_addr[1:0] == 2'b01,
+ fb_addr[1:0] == 2'b00
+ };
+ else if (IMUX_BITS == 1)
+ assign mem_mask = {
+ fb_addr[0], fb_addr[0],
+ ~fb_addr[0], ~fb_addr[0]
+ };
+ else
+ assign mem_mask = 4'hf;
+ endgenerate
+ // Write-in
+ // --------
+ hub75_fb_writein #(
+ .FB_AW(FB_AW-1),
+ .FB_DW(FB_DW),
+ ) writein_I (
+ .wr_bank_addr(wr_bank_addr),
+ .wr_row_addr(wr_row_addr),
+ .wr_row_store(wr_row_store),
+ .wr_row_rdy(wr_row_rdy),
+ .wr_row_swap(wr_row_swap),
+ .wr_data(wr_data),
+ .wr_col_addr(wr_col_addr),
+ .wr_en(wr_en),
+ .ctrl_req(wi_req),
+ .ctrl_gnt(wi_gnt),
+ .ctrl_rel(wi_rel),
+ .fb_addr(wifb_addr),
+ .fb_data(wifb_data),
+ .fb_wren(wifb_wren),
+ .clk(clk),
+ .rst(rst)
+ );
+ // Read-out
+ // --------
+ hub75_fb_readout #(
+ .FB_AW(FB_AW-1),
+ .FB_DW(FB_DW),
+ ) readout_I (
+ .rd_row_addr(rd_row_addr),
+ .rd_row_load(rd_row_load),
+ .rd_row_rdy(rd_row_rdy),
+ .rd_row_swap(rd_row_swap),
+ .rd_data(rd_data),
+ .rd_col_addr(rd_col_addr),
+ .rd_en(rd_en),
+ .ctrl_req(ro_req),
+ .ctrl_gnt(ro_gnt),
+ .ctrl_rel(ro_rel),
+ .fb_addr(rofb_addr),
+ .fb_data(rofb_data),
+ .clk(clk),
+ .rst(rst)
+ );
+endmodule // hub75_framebuffer