/* * dfu_helper.v * * vim: ts=4 sw=4 * * Copyright (C) 2020 Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com> * SPDX-License-Identifier: CERN-OHL-P-2.0 */ `default_nettype none module dfu_helper #( parameter integer TIMER_WIDTH = 24, parameter integer BTN_MODE = 3, // [2] Use btn_tick, [1] Include IO buffer, [0] Invert (active-low) parameter integer DFU_MODE = 0 // 0 = For user app, 1 = For bootloader )( // External control input wire [1:0] boot_sel, input wire boot_now, // Button input wire btn_pad, input wire btn_tick, // Outputs output wire btn_val, output reg rst_req, // Clock input wire clk, input wire rst ); // Signals // ------- // Button wire btn_iob; wire btn_v; wire btn_r; wire btn_f; // Timer and arming logic reg armed; reg [TIMER_WIDTH-1:0] timer; (* keep="true" *) wire timer_act; // Boot logic reg [1:0] wb_sel; reg wb_req; reg wb_now; // Button logic // ------------ // IOB generate if (BTN_MODE[1]) SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b000000), // Reg input, no output .PULLUP(1'b1), .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVCMOS") ) btn_iob_I ( .PACKAGE_PIN(btn_pad), .INPUT_CLK (clk), .D_IN_0 (btn_iob) ); else assign btn_iob = btn_pad; endgenerate // Deglitch glitch_filter #( .L(BTN_MODE[2] ? 2 : 4), .RST_VAL(BTN_MODE[0]), .WITH_SYNCHRONIZER(1), .WITH_SAMP_COND(BTN_MODE[2]) ) btn_flt_I ( .in (btn_iob ^ BTN_MODE[0]), .samp_cond(btn_tick), .val (btn_v), .rise (btn_r), .fall (btn_f), .clk (clk), `ifdef SIM .rst (rst) `else // Don't reset so we let the filter settle before // the rest of the logic engages .rst (1'b0) `endif ); assign btn_val = btn_v; // Arming & Timer // -------------- assign timer_act = btn_v ^ armed; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if (rst) armed <= 1'b0; else armed <= armed | timer[TIMER_WIDTH-2]; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if (rst) timer <= 0; else timer <= timer_act ? { TIMER_WIDTH{1'b0} } : (timer + { { (TIMER_WIDTH-1){1'b0} }, ~timer[TIMER_WIDTH-1] }); // Boot Logic // ---------- // Decision always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if (rst) begin wb_sel <= 2'b00; wb_req <= 1'b0; rst_req <= 1'b0; end else if (~wb_req) begin if (boot_now) begin // External boot request wb_sel <= boot_sel; wb_req <= 1'b1; rst_req <= 1'b0; end else begin if (DFU_MODE == 1) begin // We're in a DFU bootloader, any button press results in // boot to application wb_sel <= 2'b10; wb_req <= wb_now | (armed & btn_f); rst_req <= 1'b0; end else begin // We're in user application, short press resets the // logic, long press triggers DFU reboot wb_sel <= 2'b01; wb_req <= wb_now | (armed & btn_f & timer[TIMER_WIDTH-1]); rst_req <= rst_req | (armed & btn_f & ~timer[TIMER_WIDTH-1]); end end end // Ensure select bits are set before the boot pulse always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if (rst) wb_now <= 1'b0; else wb_now <= wb_req; // IP core SB_WARMBOOT warmboot ( .BOOT(wb_now), .S0(wb_sel[0]), .S1(wb_sel[1]) ); endmodule // dfu_helper