/* * usb_desc_app.c * * Copyright (C) 2020 Sylvain Munaut * All rights reserved. * * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include usb_ac_ac_hdr_desc_def(1); usb_ac_ac_feature_desc_def(6); usb_ac_as_fmt_type1_desc_def(3); usb_ac_ms_ep_general_desc_def(1); usb_ac_ms_out_jack_desc_def(1); static const struct { /* Configuration */ struct usb_conf_desc conf; /* DFU Runtime */ struct { struct usb_intf_desc intf; struct usb_dfu_func_desc func; } __attribute__ ((packed)) dfu; /* Audio Control Interface */ struct { struct usb_intf_desc intf; struct usb_ac_ac_hdr_desc__1 hdr; struct usb_ac_ac_input_desc input; struct usb_ac_ac_feature_desc__6 feat; struct usb_ac_ac_output_desc output; } __attribute__ ((packed)) audio_ctl; /* Audio Streaming Interface */ struct { struct usb_intf_desc intf[2]; struct usb_ac_as_general_desc general; struct usb_ac_as_fmt_type1_desc__3 fmt; struct usb_cc_ep_desc ep_data; struct usb_ac_as_ep_general_desc ep_gen; struct usb_cc_ep_desc ep_sync; } __attribute__ ((packed)) audio_stream; /* MIDI Streaming Interface */ struct { struct usb_intf_desc intf; struct usb_ac_ms_hdr_desc hdr; struct usb_ac_ms_in_jack_desc input; struct usb_ac_ms_out_jack_desc__1 output; struct usb_cc_ep_desc ep_data; struct usb_ac_ms_ep_general_desc__1 ep_gen; } __attribute__ ((packed)) midi_stream; } __attribute__ ((packed)) _app_conf_desc = { .conf = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_conf_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_CONF, .wTotalLength = sizeof(_app_conf_desc), .bNumInterfaces = 4, .bConfigurationValue = 1, .iConfiguration = 4, .bmAttributes = 0x80, .bMaxPower = 0x32, /* 100 mA */ }, .dfu = { .intf = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTF, .bInterfaceNumber = 0, .bAlternateSetting = 0, .bNumEndpoints = 0, .bInterfaceClass = 0xfe, .bInterfaceSubClass = 0x01, .bInterfaceProtocol = 0x01, .iInterface = 5, }, .func = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_dfu_func_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DFU_DT_FUNC, .bmAttributes = 0x0d, .wDetachTimeOut = 1000, .wTransferSize = 4096, .bcdDFUVersion = 0x0101, }, }, .audio_ctl = { .intf = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTF, .bInterfaceNumber = 1, .bAlternateSetting = 0, .bNumEndpoints = 0, .bInterfaceClass = 0x01, .bInterfaceSubClass = USB_AC_SCLS_AUDIOCONTROL, .bInterfaceProtocol = 0x00, .iInterface = 6, }, .hdr = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_ac_hdr_desc__1), .bDescriptorType = USB_CS_DT_INTF, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_AC_IDST_HEADER, .bcdADC = 0x0100, .wTotalLength = sizeof(_app_conf_desc.audio_ctl) - sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc), .bInCollection = 1, .baInterfaceNr = { 0x02 }, }, .input = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_ac_input_desc), .bDescriptortype = USB_CS_DT_INTF, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_AC_IDST_INPUT_TERMINAL, .bTerminalID = 1, .wTerminalType = 0x0101, .bAssocTerminal = 0, .bNrChannels = 2, .wChannelConfig = 0x0003, .iChannelNames = 7, .iTerminal = 9, }, .feat = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_ac_feature_desc__6), .bDescriptortype = USB_CS_DT_INTF, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_AC_IDST_FEATURE_UNIT, .bUnitID = 2, .bSourceID = 1, .bControlSize = 2, .bmaControls = { U16_TO_U8_LE(0x0001), // Mute U16_TO_U8_LE(0x0003), // Mute + Volume U16_TO_U8_LE(0x0003), // Mute + Volume }, .iTerminal = 0, }, .output = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_ac_output_desc), .bDescriptortype = USB_CS_DT_INTF, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_AC_IDST_OUTPUT_TERMINAL, .bTerminalID = 3, .wTerminalType = 0x0302, .bAssocTerminal = 0, .bSourceID = 2, .iTerminal = 10, }, }, .audio_stream = { .intf[0] = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTF, .bInterfaceNumber = 2, .bAlternateSetting = 0, .bNumEndpoints = 0, .bInterfaceClass = 0x01, .bInterfaceSubClass = USB_AC_SCLS_AUDIOSTREAMING, .bInterfaceProtocol = 0x00, .iInterface = 11, }, .intf[1] = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTF, .bInterfaceNumber = 2, .bAlternateSetting = 1, .bNumEndpoints = 2, .bInterfaceClass = 0x01, .bInterfaceSubClass = USB_AC_SCLS_AUDIOSTREAMING, .bInterfaceProtocol = 0x00, .iInterface = 12, }, .general = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_as_general_desc), .bDescriptortype = USB_CS_DT_INTF, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_AS_IDST_GENERAL, .bTerminalLink = 1, .bDelay = 0, .wFormatTag = 0x0001, /* PCM */ }, .fmt = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_as_fmt_type1_desc__3), .bDescriptortype = USB_CS_DT_INTF, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_AS_IDST_FORMAT_TYPE, .bFormatType = 1, .bNrChannels = 2, .bSubframeSize = 2, .bBitResolution = 16, .bSamFreqType = 1, .tSamFreq = { U24_TO_U8_LE(48000), }, }, .ep_data = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_cc_ep_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_EP, .bEndpointAddress = 0x01, /* 1 OUT */ .bmAttributes = 0x05, /* Data, Async, Isoc */ .wMaxPacketSize = 288, .bInterval = 1, .bRefresh = 0, .bSynchAddress = 0x81, }, .ep_gen = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_as_ep_general_desc), .bDescriptortype = USB_CS_DT_EP, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_EDST_GENERAL, .bmAttributes = 0x00, .bLockDelayUnits = 0, .wLockDelay = 0, }, .ep_sync = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_cc_ep_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_EP, .bEndpointAddress = 0x81, /* 1 IN */ .bmAttributes = 0x11, /* Feedback, Isoc */ .wMaxPacketSize = 8, .bInterval = 1, .bRefresh = 1, .bSynchAddress = 0, }, }, .midi_stream = { .intf = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTF, .bInterfaceNumber = 3, .bAlternateSetting = 0, .bNumEndpoints = 1, .bInterfaceClass = 0x01, .bInterfaceSubClass = USB_AC_SCLS_MIDISTREAMING, .bInterfaceProtocol = 0x00, .iInterface = 0, }, .hdr = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_ms_hdr_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_CS_DT_INTF, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_MS_IDST_HEADER, .bcdADC = 0x0100, .wTotalLength = sizeof(_app_conf_desc.midi_stream) - sizeof(struct usb_intf_desc) - sizeof(_app_conf_desc.midi_stream.ep_data) - sizeof(_app_conf_desc.midi_stream.ep_gen), }, .input = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_ms_in_jack_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_CS_DT_INTF, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_MS_IDST_MIDI_IN_JACK, .bJackType = USB_AC_MS_JACK_TYPE_EMBEDDED, .bJackID = 1, .iJack = 0, }, .output = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_ms_out_jack_desc__1), .bDescriptorType = USB_CS_DT_INTF, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_MS_IDST_MIDI_OUT_JACK, .bJackType = USB_AC_MS_JACK_TYPE_EXTERNAL, .bJackID = 2, .bNrInputPins = 1, .sources = { { .baSourceID = 1, .baSourcePin = 1, }, }, .iJack = 0, }, .ep_data = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_cc_ep_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_EP, .bEndpointAddress = 0x02, /* 2 OUT */ .bmAttributes = 0x02, /* Bulk */ .wMaxPacketSize = 64, .bInterval = 0, .bRefresh = 0, .bSynchAddress = 0, }, .ep_gen = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ac_ms_ep_general_desc__1), .bDescriptortype = USB_CS_DT_EP, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_AC_EDST_GENERAL, .bNumEmbMIDIJack = 1, .baAssocJackID = { 1 }, }, }, }; static const struct usb_conf_desc * const _conf_desc_array[] = { &_app_conf_desc.conf, }; static const struct usb_dev_desc _dev_desc = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_dev_desc), .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_DEV, .bcdUSB = 0x0200, .bDeviceClass = 0, .bDeviceSubClass = 0, .bDeviceProtocol = 0, .bMaxPacketSize0 = 64, .idVendor = 0x1d50, .idProduct = 0x6147, .bcdDevice = 0x0001, /* v0.1 */ .iManufacturer = 2, .iProduct = 3, .iSerialNumber = 1, .bNumConfigurations = num_elem(_conf_desc_array), }; #include "usb_str_app.gen.h" const struct usb_stack_descriptors app_stack_desc = { .dev = &_dev_desc, .conf = _conf_desc_array, .n_conf = num_elem(_conf_desc_array), .str = _str_desc_array, .n_str = num_elem(_str_desc_array), };