/* * ice40_iserdes.v * * vim: ts=4 sw=4 * * Copyright (C) 2020 Sylvain Munaut * All rights reserved. * * BSD 3-clause, see LICENSE.bsd * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ `default_nettype none module ice40_iserdes #( parameter EDGE_SEL = "SINGLE_POS", // "SINGLE_POS" / "SINGLE_NEG" / "DUAL_POS" / "DUAL_POS_NEG" parameter PHASE_SEL = "STATIC", // "STATIC" / "DYNAMIC" parameter integer PHASE = 0, parameter integer SERDES_GRP = 0 )( input wire [1:0] d, output wire [3:0] q, input wire edge_sel, input wire [1:0] phase_sel, input wire sync, input wire clk_1x, input wire clk_4x ); genvar i, j; /* 0 1 * SINGLE_POS POS / * SINGLE_NEG NEG / * DUAL_POS POS / * DUAL_POS_NEG POS NEG */ // FIXME: The DUAL_POS_NEG mode would need a negative edge sync signal as // well // Signals // ------- wire [3:0] shift_in[0:1]; wire [3:0] shift_out[0:1]; wire [3:0] fcap_in[0:1]; wire [3:0] fcap_out[0:1]; // Fast paths // ---------- // - For the "SINGLE_{POS,NEG}", we only have a single path // - For the "DUAL_POS_POS" case it's a single path as well with a pre-sel // mux. If dynamic phase is also enabled, this option will have an added // delay (because need for mux between path and between phase) // - For the "DUAL_POS_NEG" case, we have two independent paths generate for (j=0; j<2; j=j+1) begin if ((j == 0) || (EDGE_SEL == "DUAL_POS_NEG")) begin : fp localparam IS_NEG = (EDGE_SEL == "SINGLE_NEG") || (j == 1); wire edge_active; wire din_mux; wire din; // Edge Select // ----------- assign edge_active = (EDGE_SEL != "DUAL_POS_NEG") || (edge_sel == j); if (EDGE_SEL == "DUAL_POS_POS") begin // Need a pre-mux (* dont_touch *) SB_LUT4 #( .LUT_INIT(16'hFC30) ) lut_edgemux_I ( .I0(1'b0), .I1(edge_sel), .I2(d[0]), .I3(d[1]), // Fast Path for the neg-edge .O(din_mux) ); if (PHASE_SEL == "DYNAMIC") // If we have dynamic phase, we need the added stage // for timing ice40_serdes_dff #( .NEG(IS_NEG), .SERDES_GRP( (SERDES_GRP << 8) | 'h4b0 | (j << 4) ) ) dff_edgemux_I ( .d(din_mux), .q(din), .c(clk_4x) ); else // This mux can be packed with the first shift // register stage assign din = din_mux; end else begin // Directly from IOB signal assign din = d[j]; end // Shifter // ------- assign shift_in[j] = { shift_out[j][2:0], din }; for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin ice40_serdes_dff #( .NEG(IS_NEG), .SERDES_GRP( (SERDES_GRP << 8) | 'h4a0 | (j << 4) | i ) ) dff_shift_I ( .d(shift_in[j][i]), .q(shift_out[j][i]), .c(clk_4x) ); end // Fast Capture // ------------ // If we have dynamic phase selection, apply the LSB here if (PHASE_SEL == "DYNAMIC") assign fcap_in[j] = edge_active ? (phase_sel[0] ? shift_out[j] : shift_in[j]) : 4'h0; else assign fcap_in[j] = edge_active ? shift_out[j] : 4'h0; // Register for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin ice40_serdes_dff #( .NEG(IS_NEG), .ENA(1), .SERDES_GRP( (SERDES_GRP << 8) | 'h490 | (j << 4) | i ) ) dff_shift_I ( .d(fcap_in[j][i]), .q(fcap_out[j][i]), .e(sync), .c(clk_4x) ); end end else begin // Dummy assign fcap_out[j] = 4'h0; end end endgenerate // Slow Capture // ------------ generate if (PHASE_SEL == "STATIC") begin // Static Phase // - - - - - - - wire [3+PHASE:0] scap_in; wire [3+PHASE:0] scap_out; // Input if (PHASE > 0) assign scap_in[3+PHASE:4] = scap_out[PHASE-1:0]; assign scap_in[3:0] = fcap_out[0] | fcap_out[1]; // Registers for (i=0; i<(4+PHASE); i=i+1) ice40_serdes_dff #( .SERDES_GRP( (SERDES_GRP << 8) | 'h680 | i ) ) dff_scap_I ( .d(scap_in[i]), .q(scap_out[i]), .c(clk_1x) ); // Output assign q = scap_out[3+PHASE:PHASE]; end else begin // Dynamic Phase // - - - - - - - wire [5:0] scap_in; wire [5:0] scap_out; // Input if (EDGE_SEL == "DUAL_POS_NEG") begin // Dual Edge Path // - - - - - - - - wire [1:0] scap_pre_or; // Pre-OR (* SERDES_GRP=( (SERDES_GRP << 8) | 'h680 | 6 ) *) (* dont_touch *) SB_LUT4 #( .LUT_INIT(16'hFFF0) ) or_lut_2_I ( .I0(1'b0), .I1(1'b0), .I2(fcap_out[1][2]), .I3(fcap_out[0][2]), .O(scap_pre_or[0]) ); (* SERDES_GRP=( (SERDES_GRP << 8) | 'h680 | 7 ) *) (* dont_touch *) SB_LUT4 #( .LUT_INIT(16'hFFF0) ) or_lut_3_I ( .I0(1'b0), .I1(1'b0), .I2(fcap_out[1][3]), .I3(fcap_out[0][3]), .O(scap_pre_or[1]) ); // Main muxes (* dont_touch *) SB_LUT4 #( .LUT_INIT(16'hFE54) ) mux_lut_I[3:0] ( .I0(phase_sel[1]), .I1(fcap_out[1][3:0]), .I2(fcap_out[0][3:0]), .I3({scap_out[5:4], scap_pre_or}), .O(scap_in[3:0]) ); // Save regs assign scap_in[5:4] = fcap_out[0][1:0] | fcap_out[1][1:0]; end else begin // Single Edge Path // - - - - - - - - - assign scap_in = { fcap_out[0][1:0], phase_sel[1] ? { scap_out[5:4], fcap_out[0][3:2] } : fcap_out[0][3:0] }; end // Registers for (i=0; i<6; i=i+1) ice40_serdes_dff #( .SERDES_GRP( (SERDES_GRP << 8) | 'h680 | i ) ) dff_scap_I ( .d(scap_in[i]), .q(scap_out[i]), .c(clk_1x) ); // Output assign q = scap_out[3:0]; end endgenerate endmodule