/* * PicoSoC - A simple example SoC using PicoRV32 * * Copyright (C) 2017 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps // // Simple SPI flash simulation model // // This model samples io input signals 1ns before the SPI clock edge and // updates output signals 1ns after the SPI clock edge. // // Supported commands: // AB, B9, FF, 03, BB, EB, ED // // Well written SPI flash data sheets: // Cypress S25FL064L http://www.cypress.com/file/316661/download // Cypress S25FL128L http://www.cypress.com/file/316171/download // // SPI flash used on iCEBreaker board: // https://www.winbond.com/resource-files/w25q128jv%20dtr%20revb%2011042016.pdf // module spiflash ( input csb, input clk, inout io0, // MOSI inout io1, // MISO inout io2, inout io3 ); localparam verbose = 1; localparam integer latency = 8; reg [7:0] buffer; integer bitcount = 0; integer bytecount = 0; integer dummycount = 0; reg [7:0] spi_cmd; reg [7:0] xip_cmd = 0; reg [23:0] spi_addr; reg [7:0] spi_in; reg [7:0] spi_out; reg spi_io_vld; reg powered_up = 1; localparam [3:0] mode_spi = 1; localparam [3:0] mode_dspi_rd = 2; localparam [3:0] mode_dspi_wr = 3; localparam [3:0] mode_qspi_rd = 4; localparam [3:0] mode_qspi_wr = 5; localparam [3:0] mode_qspi_ddr_rd = 6; localparam [3:0] mode_qspi_ddr_wr = 7; reg [3:0] mode = 0; reg [3:0] next_mode = 0; reg io0_oe = 0; reg io1_oe = 0; reg io2_oe = 0; reg io3_oe = 0; reg io0_dout = 0; reg io1_dout = 0; reg io2_dout = 0; reg io3_dout = 0; assign #1 io0 = io0_oe ? io0_dout : 1'bz; assign #1 io1 = io1_oe ? io1_dout : 1'bz; assign #1 io2 = io2_oe ? io2_dout : 1'bz; assign #1 io3 = io3_oe ? io3_dout : 1'bz; wire io0_delayed; wire io1_delayed; wire io2_delayed; wire io3_delayed; assign #1 io0_delayed = io0; assign #1 io1_delayed = io1; assign #1 io2_delayed = io2; assign #1 io3_delayed = io3; // 16 MB (128Mb) Flash reg [7:0] memory [0:16*1024*1024-1]; reg [1023:0] firmware_file; initial begin if (!$value$plusargs("firmware=%s", firmware_file)) firmware_file = "firmware.hex"; $readmemh(firmware_file, memory); end task spi_action; begin spi_in = buffer; if (bytecount == 1) begin spi_cmd = buffer; if (spi_cmd == 8'h ab) powered_up = 1; if (spi_cmd == 8'h b9) powered_up = 0; if (spi_cmd == 8'h ff) xip_cmd = 0; end if (powered_up && spi_cmd == 'h 03) begin if (bytecount == 2) spi_addr[23:16] = buffer; if (bytecount == 3) spi_addr[15:8] = buffer; if (bytecount == 4) spi_addr[7:0] = buffer; if (bytecount >= 4) begin buffer = memory[spi_addr]; spi_addr = spi_addr + 1; end end if (powered_up && spi_cmd == 'h 0b) begin if (bytecount == 2) spi_addr[23:16] = buffer; if (bytecount == 3) spi_addr[15:8] = buffer; if (bytecount == 4) spi_addr[7:0] = buffer; if (bytecount >= 5) begin buffer = memory[spi_addr]; spi_addr = spi_addr + 1; end end if (powered_up && spi_cmd == 'h bb) begin if (bytecount == 1) mode = mode_dspi_rd; if (bytecount == 2) spi_addr[23:16] = buffer; if (bytecount == 3) spi_addr[15:8] = buffer; if (bytecount == 4) spi_addr[7:0] = buffer; if (bytecount == 5) begin xip_cmd = (buffer == 8'h a5) ? spi_cmd : 8'h 00; mode = mode_dspi_wr; dummycount = latency; end if (bytecount >= 5) begin buffer = memory[spi_addr]; spi_addr = spi_addr + 1; end end if (powered_up && spi_cmd == 'h eb) begin if (bytecount == 1) mode = mode_qspi_rd; if (bytecount == 2) spi_addr[23:16] = buffer; if (bytecount == 3) spi_addr[15:8] = buffer; if (bytecount == 4) spi_addr[7:0] = buffer; if (bytecount == 5) begin xip_cmd = (buffer == 8'h a5) ? spi_cmd : 8'h 00; mode = mode_qspi_wr; dummycount = latency; end if (bytecount >= 5) begin buffer = memory[spi_addr]; spi_addr = spi_addr + 1; end end if (powered_up && spi_cmd == 'h ed) begin if (bytecount == 1) next_mode = mode_qspi_ddr_rd; if (bytecount == 2) spi_addr[23:16] = buffer; if (bytecount == 3) spi_addr[15:8] = buffer; if (bytecount == 4) spi_addr[7:0] = buffer; if (bytecount == 5) begin xip_cmd = (buffer == 8'h a5) ? spi_cmd : 8'h 00; mode = mode_qspi_ddr_wr; dummycount = latency; end if (bytecount >= 5) begin buffer = memory[spi_addr]; spi_addr = spi_addr + 1; end end spi_out = buffer; spi_io_vld = 1; if (verbose) begin if (bytecount == 1) $write("<SPI-START>"); $write("<SPI:%02x:%02x>", spi_in, spi_out); end end endtask task ddr_rd_edge; begin buffer = {buffer, io3_delayed, io2_delayed, io1_delayed, io0_delayed}; bitcount = bitcount + 4; if (bitcount == 8) begin bitcount = 0; bytecount = bytecount + 1; spi_action; end end endtask task ddr_wr_edge; begin io0_oe = 1; io1_oe = 1; io2_oe = 1; io3_oe = 1; io0_dout = buffer[4]; io1_dout = buffer[5]; io2_dout = buffer[6]; io3_dout = buffer[7]; buffer = {buffer, 4'h 0}; bitcount = bitcount + 4; if (bitcount == 8) begin bitcount = 0; bytecount = bytecount + 1; spi_action; end end endtask always @(csb) begin if (csb) begin if (verbose) begin $display(""); $fflush; end buffer = 0; bitcount = 0; bytecount = 0; mode = mode_spi; io0_oe = 0; io1_oe = 0; io2_oe = 0; io3_oe = 0; end else if (xip_cmd) begin buffer = xip_cmd; bitcount = 0; bytecount = 1; spi_action; end end always @(csb, clk) begin spi_io_vld = 0; if (!csb && !clk) begin if (dummycount > 0) begin io0_oe = 0; io1_oe = 0; io2_oe = 0; io3_oe = 0; end else case (mode) mode_spi: begin io0_oe = 0; io1_oe = 1; io2_oe = 0; io3_oe = 0; io1_dout = buffer[7]; end mode_dspi_rd: begin io0_oe = 0; io1_oe = 0; io2_oe = 0; io3_oe = 0; end mode_dspi_wr: begin io0_oe = 1; io1_oe = 1; io2_oe = 0; io3_oe = 0; io0_dout = buffer[6]; io1_dout = buffer[7]; end mode_qspi_rd: begin io0_oe = 0; io1_oe = 0; io2_oe = 0; io3_oe = 0; end mode_qspi_wr: begin io0_oe = 1; io1_oe = 1; io2_oe = 1; io3_oe = 1; io0_dout = buffer[4]; io1_dout = buffer[5]; io2_dout = buffer[6]; io3_dout = buffer[7]; end mode_qspi_ddr_rd: begin ddr_rd_edge; end mode_qspi_ddr_wr: begin ddr_wr_edge; end endcase if (next_mode) begin case (next_mode) mode_qspi_ddr_rd: begin io0_oe = 0; io1_oe = 0; io2_oe = 0; io3_oe = 0; end mode_qspi_ddr_wr: begin io0_oe = 1; io1_oe = 1; io2_oe = 1; io3_oe = 1; io0_dout = buffer[4]; io1_dout = buffer[5]; io2_dout = buffer[6]; io3_dout = buffer[7]; end endcase mode = next_mode; next_mode = 0; end end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (!csb) begin if (dummycount > 0) begin dummycount = dummycount - 1; end else case (mode) mode_spi: begin buffer = {buffer, io0}; bitcount = bitcount + 1; if (bitcount == 8) begin bitcount = 0; bytecount = bytecount + 1; spi_action; end end mode_dspi_rd, mode_dspi_wr: begin buffer = {buffer, io1, io0}; bitcount = bitcount + 2; if (bitcount == 8) begin bitcount = 0; bytecount = bytecount + 1; spi_action; end end mode_qspi_rd, mode_qspi_wr: begin buffer = {buffer, io3, io2, io1, io0}; bitcount = bitcount + 4; if (bitcount == 8) begin bitcount = 0; bytecount = bytecount + 1; spi_action; end end mode_qspi_ddr_rd: begin ddr_rd_edge; end mode_qspi_ddr_wr: begin ddr_wr_edge; end endcase end end endmodule