# # project-rules.mk # # Default tools YOSYS ?= yosys YOSYS_READ_ARGS ?= YOSYS_SYNTH_ARGS ?= -dffe_min_ce_use 4 NEXTPNR ?= nextpnr-ice40 NEXTPNR_ARGS ?= --freq 50 ICEPACK ?= icepack ICEPROG ?= iceprog IVERILOG ?= iverilog DFU_UTIL ?= dfu-util ifeq ($(PLACER),heap) NEXTPNR_SYS_ARGS += --placer heap endif ICE40_LIBS ?= $(shell yosys-config --datdir/ice40/cells_sim.v) # Must be first rule and call it 'all' by convention all: synth # Base directories ifeq ($(origin NO2BUILD_DIR), undefined) NO2BUILD_DIR := $(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) endif ifeq ($(origin NO2CORES_DIR), undefined) NO2CORES_DIR := $(abspath $(NO2BUILD_DIR)/../cores) endif # Temporary build-directory BUILD_TMP := $(abspath build-tmp) $(BUILD_TMP): mkdir -p $(BUILD_TMP) # Discover all cores $(foreach core_def, $(wildcard $(NO2CORES_DIR)/*/no2core.mk), $(eval include $(core_def))) # Resolve dependency tree for project and collect sources $(BUILD_TMP)/proj-deps.mk: Makefile $(BUILD_TMP) $(addprefix $(BUILD_TMP)/deps-core-,$(PROJ_DEPS)) @echo "SELF_DIR := \$$(dir \$$(lastword \$$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))" > $@ @echo "include \$$(SELF_DIR)deps-core-*" >> $@ @echo "PROJ_ALL_DEPS := \$$(DEPS_SOLVE_TMP)" >> $@ @echo "PROJ_ALL_RTL_SRCS := \$$(RTL_SRCS_SOLVE_TMP)" >> $@ @echo "PROJ_ALL_SIM_SRCS := \$$(SIM_SRCS_SOLVE_TMP)" >> $@ @echo "PROJ_ALL_PREREQ := \$$(PREREQ_SOLVE_TMP)" >> $@ include $(BUILD_TMP)/proj-deps.mk # Make all sources absolute PROJ_RTL_SRCS := $(abspath $(PROJ_RTL_SRCS)) PROJ_TOP_SRC := $(abspath $(PROJ_TOP_SRC)) # Board config PIN_DEF ?= $(abspath data/$(PROJ_TOP_MOD)-$(BOARD).pcf) BOARD_DEFINE=BOARD_$(shell echo $(BOARD) | tr a-z\- A-Z_) YOSYS_READ_ARGS += -D$(BOARD_DEFINE)=1 # Add those to the list PROJ_ALL_RTL_SRCS += $(PROJ_RTL_SRCS) PROJ_ALL_SIM_SRCS += $(PROJ_SIM_SRCS) PROJ_ALL_PREREQ += $(PROJ_PREREQ) # Include path PROJ_SYNTH_INCLUDES := -I$(abspath rtl/) $(addsuffix /rtl/, $(addprefix -I$(NO2CORES_DIR)/, $(PROJ_ALL_DEPS))) PROJ_SIM_INCLUDES := -I$(abspath sim/) $(addsuffix /sim/, $(addprefix -I$(NO2CORES_DIR)/, $(PROJ_ALL_DEPS))) # Synthesis & Place-n-route rules $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).ys: $(PROJ_TOP_SRC) $(PROJ_ALL_RTL_SRCS) @echo "read_verilog $(YOSYS_READ_ARGS) $(PROJ_SYNTH_INCLUDES) $(PROJ_TOP_SRC) $(PROJ_ALL_RTL_SRCS)" > $@ @echo "synth_ice40 $(YOSYS_SYNTH_ARGS) -top $(PROJ_TOP_MOD) -json $(PROJ).json" >> $@ $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).synth.rpt $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).json: $(PROJ_ALL_PREREQ) $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).ys $(PROJ_ALL_RTL_SRCS) cd $(BUILD_TMP) && \ $(YOSYS) -s $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).ys \ -l $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).synth.rpt $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).pnr.rpt $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).asc: $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).json $(PIN_DEF) $(NEXTPNR) $(NEXTPNR_ARGS) $(NEXTPNR_SYS_ARGS) \ --$(DEVICE) --package $(PACKAGE) \ -l $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).pnr.rpt \ --json $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).json \ --pcf $(PIN_DEF) \ --asc $@ %.bin: %.asc $(ICEPACK) -s $< $@ # Simulation $(BUILD_TMP)/%_tb: sim/%_tb.v $(ICE40_LIBS) $(PROJ_ALL_PREREQ) $(PROJ_ALL_RTL_SRCS) $(PROJ_ALL_SIM_SRCS) $(IVERILOG) -Wall -Wno-portbind -Wno-timescale -DSIM=1 -D$(BOARD_DEFINE)=1 -o $@ \ $(PROJ_SYNTH_INCLUDES) $(PROJ_SIM_INCLUDES) \ $(addprefix -l, $(ICE40_LIBS) $(PROJ_ALL_RTL_SRCS) $(PROJ_ALL_SIM_SRCS)) \ $< # Action targets synth: $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).bin sim: $(addprefix $(BUILD_TMP)/, $(PROJ_TESTBENCHES)) prog: $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).bin $(ICEPROG) $< sudo-prog: $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).bin @echo 'Executing prog as root!!!' sudo $(ICEPROG) $< dfuprog: $(BUILD_TMP)/$(PROJ).bin ifeq ($(DFU_SERIAL),) @echo "[!] DFU_SERIAL not defined" else $(DFU_UTIL) -e -S $(DFU_SERIAL) -a 0 -D $< endif clean: @rm -Rf $(BUILD_TMP) .PHONY: all synth sim prog sudo-prog clean