/* * vid_text.v * * vim: ts=4 sw=4 * * Video Text Mode generator * * Copyright (C) 2019 Sylvain Munaut * All rights reserved. * * BSD 3-clause, see LICENSE.bsd * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ `default_nettype none module vid_text ( // Timing input input wire vid_active_0, input wire vid_h_first_0, input wire vid_h_last_0, input wire vid_v_first_0, input wire vid_v_last_0, // Pixel output output wire [15:0] vid_pix0_11, output wire [15:0] vid_pix1_11, // Bus interface input wire [15:0] bus_addr, input wire [15:0] bus_din, output wire [15:0] bus_dout, input wire bus_cyc, input wire bus_we, output wire bus_ack, // Clock / Reset input wire clk, input wire rst ); // Signals // ------- // Char look-up reg [10:0] cl_y_cnt_0; reg [ 9:0] cl_y_cnt_1; reg [ 9:0] cl_x_cnt_1; reg cl_fetch_1; reg cl_valid_1; wire cl_stb_3; wire cl_valid_3; wire [15:0] cl_char_4; // Glyph look-up reg [ 1:0] gl_x_4; wire [ 3:0] gl_y_4; reg gl_fetch_4; wire gl_flip_x_4; wire gl_flip_y_4; wire gl_flip_x_7; wire [ 3:0] gl_pixa_7; wire [ 3:0] gl_pixb_7; reg [ 3:0] gl_pix0_8; reg [ 3:0] gl_pix1_8; wire [ 7:0] gl_attrs_8; wire gl_valid_8; // RAM fetch interfaces wire [13:0] sm_addr_1; wire [15:0] sm_data_4; wire sm_read_1; wire [13:0] gm_addr_4; wire [15:0] gm_data_7; wire gm_read_4; wire [ 7:0] cm_addr0_8; wire [ 7:0] cm_addr1_8; wire [15:0] cm_data0_11; wire [15:0] cm_data1_11; wire cm_read_8; wire cm_zero_8; // RAM bus interfaces wire smb_ready; reg smb_read; reg smb_zero; reg smb_write; wire gmb_ready; reg gmb_read; reg gmb_zero; reg gmb_write; wire cmb_ready; reg cmb_read; reg cmb_zero; reg cmb_write; wire [15:0] smb_dout; wire [15:0] gmb_dout; wire [15:0] cmb_dout; // Bus interface reg smb_req; wire smb_clear; reg gmb_req; wire gmb_clear; reg cmb_req; wire cmb_clear; reg bus_ack_wait; wire bus_req_ok; reg [2:0] bus_req_ok_dly; // Char lookup // ----------- // Y counter always @(posedge clk) if (vid_v_first_0) // Start at -27 to center the 1024 in the 1080 of full HD cl_y_cnt_0 <= 11'h7e5; else cl_y_cnt_0 <= cl_y_cnt_0 + vid_h_last_0; always @(posedge clk) cl_y_cnt_1 <= cl_y_cnt_0[9:0]; // X counter always @(posedge clk) if (vid_h_first_0) cl_x_cnt_1 <= 0; else cl_x_cnt_1 <= cl_x_cnt_1 + 1; // Valid flag always @(posedge clk) cl_valid_1 <= ~cl_y_cnt_0[10] & vid_active_0; // Fetch always @(posedge clk) cl_fetch_1 <= ~cl_y_cnt_0[10] & vid_active_0 & (vid_h_first_0 | (cl_x_cnt_1[1:0] == 3'b11)); // RAM interface assign sm_addr_1 = { cl_y_cnt_1[9:4], cl_x_cnt_1[9:2] }; assign sm_read_1 = cl_fetch_1; assign cl_char_4 = sm_data_4; // Provide some sync signals to the next stage delay_bit #(2) dly_stb13 ( .d(cl_fetch_1), .q(cl_stb_3), .clk(clk) ); delay_bit #(2) dly_valid13 ( .d(cl_valid_1), .q(cl_valid_3), .clk(clk) ); // Glyph lookup // ------------ // X Counter always @(posedge clk) if (cl_stb_3) gl_x_4 <= 2'b00; else gl_x_4 <= gl_x_4 + 1; // Y counter delay_bus #(3, 4) dly_y_cnt ( .d(cl_y_cnt_1[3:0]), .q(gl_y_4), .clk(clk) ); // Fetch always @(posedge clk) gl_fetch_4 <= cl_stb_3 | gl_x_4[0]; // X/Y flips attributes assign gl_flip_y_4 = cl_char_4[10] & ~cl_char_4[9]; assign gl_flip_x_4 = cl_char_4[11] & ~cl_char_4[9]; // RAM interface assign gm_addr_4 = { cl_char_4[8:0], gl_y_4 ^ { 4{gl_flip_y_4} }, // Handle Y-flip gl_x_4[1] ^ gl_flip_x_4 // Handle X-flip }; assign gm_read_4 = gl_fetch_4; // Delay control signal for the mux delay_bit #(3) dly_flip_h ( .d(gl_flip_x_4), .q(gl_flip_x_7), .clk(clk) ); // Mux assign gl_pixa_7 = (gl_x_4[0] ^ gl_flip_x_7) ? gm_data_7[11: 8] : gm_data_7[3:0]; assign gl_pixb_7 = (gl_x_4[0] ^ gl_flip_x_7) ? gm_data_7[15:12] : gm_data_7[7:4]; always @(posedge clk) begin gl_pix0_8 <= gl_flip_x_7 ? gl_pixa_7 : gl_pixb_7; gl_pix1_8 <= gl_flip_x_7 ? gl_pixb_7 : gl_pixa_7; end // Forward the attributes & validity to the next stage delay_bit #(5) dly_valid38 ( .d(cl_valid_3), .q(gl_valid_8), .clk(clk) ); delay_bus #(4, 8) dly_attrs ( .d(cl_char_4[15:8]), .q(gl_attrs_8), .clk(clk) ); // Color lookup // ------------ // RAM interface vid_color_map cmap0_I ( .attrs(gl_attrs_8), .glyph(gl_pix0_8), .color(cm_addr0_8) ); vid_color_map cmap1_I ( .attrs(gl_attrs_8), .glyph(gl_pix1_8), .color(cm_addr1_8) ); assign cm_read_8 = gl_valid_8; assign cm_zero_8 = ~gl_valid_8; assign vid_pix0_11 = cm_data0_11; assign vid_pix1_11 = cm_data1_11; // Memories // -------- // Screen memory (contains chars and attributes) vid_shared_ram #( .TYPE("SPRAM") ) screen_mem_I ( .p_addr_0(sm_addr_1), .p_read_0(sm_read_1), .p_zero_0(1'b0), .p_dout_3(sm_data_4), .s_addr_0(bus_addr[13:0]), .s_din_0(bus_din), .s_read_0(smb_read), .s_zero_0(smb_zero), .s_write_0(smb_write), .s_dout_3(smb_dout), .s_ready_0(smb_ready), .clk(clk), .rst(rst) ); // Glyph memory (contains bitmap for each character) vid_shared_ram #( .TYPE("SPRAM") ) glyph_mem_I ( .p_addr_0(gm_addr_4), .p_read_0(gm_read_4), .p_zero_0(1'b0), .p_dout_3(gm_data_7), .s_addr_0(bus_addr[13:0]), .s_din_0(bus_din), .s_read_0(gmb_read), .s_zero_0(gmb_zero), .s_write_0(gmb_write), .s_dout_3(gmb_dout), .s_ready_0(gmb_ready), .clk(clk), .rst(rst) ); // Palette memory (contain mapping to real color) // (duplicated to allow 2 looks ups in //) vid_shared_ram #( .TYPE("EBR") ) color_mem_a_I ( .p_addr_0(cm_addr0_8), .p_read_0(cm_read_8), .p_zero_0(cm_zero_8), .p_dout_3(cm_data0_11), .s_addr_0(bus_addr[7:0]), .s_din_0(bus_din), .s_read_0(cmb_read), .s_zero_0(cmb_zero), .s_write_0(cmb_write), .s_dout_3(cmb_dout), .s_ready_0(cmb_ready), .clk(clk), .rst(rst) ); vid_shared_ram #( .TYPE("EBR") ) color_mem_b_I ( .p_addr_0(cm_addr1_8), .p_read_0(cm_read_8), .p_zero_0(cm_zero_8), .p_dout_3(cm_data1_11), .s_addr_0(bus_addr[7:0]), .s_din_0(bus_din), .s_read_0(1'b0), .s_zero_0(1'b0), .s_write_0(cmb_write), .s_dout_3(), .s_ready_0(), .clk(clk), .rst(rst) ); // External bus interface // ---------------------- // Request lines from the various memories always @(posedge clk) if (smb_clear) begin smb_read <= 1'b0; smb_zero <= 1'b0; smb_write <= 1'b0; smb_req <= 1'b0; end else begin smb_read <= (bus_addr[15:14] == 2'b10) & ~bus_we; smb_zero <= (bus_addr[15:14] != 2'b10); smb_write <= (bus_addr[15:14] == 2'b10) & bus_we; smb_req <= (bus_addr[15:14] == 2'b10); end always @(posedge clk) if (gmb_clear) begin gmb_read <= 1'b0; gmb_zero <= 1'b0; gmb_write <= 1'b0; gmb_req <= 1'b0; end else begin gmb_read <= (bus_addr[15:14] == 2'b11) & ~bus_we; gmb_zero <= (bus_addr[15:14] != 2'b11); gmb_write <= (bus_addr[15:14] == 2'b11) & bus_we; gmb_req <= (bus_addr[15:14] == 2'b11); end always @(posedge clk) if (cmb_clear) begin cmb_read <= 1'b0; cmb_zero <= 1'b0; cmb_write <= 1'b0; cmb_req <= 1'b0; end else begin cmb_read <= (bus_addr[15:13] == 3'b011) & ~bus_we; cmb_zero <= (bus_addr[15:13] != 3'b011); cmb_write <= (bus_addr[15:13] == 3'b011) & bus_we; cmb_req <= (bus_addr[15:13] == 3'b011); end // Condition to force the requests to zero : // no access needed, ack pending or this cycle went through assign smb_clear = ~bus_cyc | bus_ack_wait | (smb_req & smb_ready); assign gmb_clear = ~bus_cyc | bus_ack_wait | (gmb_req & gmb_ready); assign cmb_clear = ~bus_cyc | bus_ack_wait | (cmb_req & cmb_ready); // Track when request are accepted by the RAM assign bus_req_ok = (smb_req & smb_ready) | (gmb_req & gmb_ready) | (cmb_req & cmb_ready); always @(posedge clk) bus_req_ok_dly <= { bus_req_ok_dly[1:0], bus_req_ok & ~bus_we }; // ACK wait state tracking always @(posedge clk) if (rst) bus_ack_wait <= 1'b0; else bus_ack_wait <= ((bus_ack_wait & ~bus_we) | bus_req_ok) & ~bus_req_ok_dly[2]; // Bus Ack assign bus_ack = bus_ack_wait & (bus_we | bus_req_ok_dly[2]); // Output is simply the OR of all memory since we force them to zero if // they're not accessed assign bus_dout = smb_dout | gmb_dout | cmb_dout; endmodule // vid_text module vid_color_map ( input wire [7:0] attrs, input wire [3:0] glyph, output reg [7:0] color ); always @(*) begin if (attrs[1]) begin if (glyph[3:1] == 3'b000) color <= { 4'b0000, glyph[0], glyph[0] ? attrs[7:5] : attrs[4:2] }; else color <= { 4'b0001, glyph }; end else begin color <= { attrs[7:4], glyph }; end end endmodule