/* * spi.c * * Copyright (C) 2019 Sylvain Munaut * All rights reserved. * * LGPL v3+, see LICENSE.lgpl3 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include "config.h" #include "spi.h" struct spi { uint32_t _rsvd0[6]; uint32_t irq; /* 0110 - SPIIRQ - Interrupt Status Register */ uint32_t irqen; /* 0111 - SPIIRQEN - Interrupt Control Register */ uint32_t cr0; /* 1000 - CR0 - Control Register 0 */ uint32_t cr1; /* 1001 - CR1 - Control Register 1 */ uint32_t cr2; /* 1010 - CR2 - Control Register 2 */ uint32_t br; /* 1011 - BR - Baud Rate Register */ uint32_t sr; /* 1100 - SR - Status Register */ uint32_t txdr; /* 1101 - TXDR - Transmit Data Register */ uint32_t rxdr; /* 1110 - RXDR - Receive Data Register */ uint32_t csr; /* 1111 - CSR - Chip Select Register */ } __attribute__((packed,aligned(4))); #define SPI_CR0_TIDLE(xcnt) (((xcnt) & 3) << 6) #define SPI_CR0_TTRAIL(xcnt) (((xcnt) & 7) << 3) #define SPI_CR0_TLEAD(xcnt) (((xcnt) & 7) << 0) #define SPI_CR1_ENABLE (1 << 7) #define SPI_CR1_WKUPEN_USER (1 << 6) #define SPI_CR1_TXEDGE (1 << 4) #define SPI_CR2_MASTER (1 << 7) #define SPI_CR2_MCSH (1 << 6) #define SPI_CR2_SDBRE (1 << 5) #define SPI_CR2_CPOL (1 << 2) #define SPI_CR2_CPHA (1 << 1) #define SPI_CR2_LSBF (1 << 0) #define SPI_SR_TIP (1 << 7) #define SPI_SR_BUSY (1 << 6) #define SPI_SR_TRDY (1 << 4) #define SPI_SR_RRDY (1 << 3) #define SPI_SR_TOE (1 << 2) #define SPI_SR_ROE (1 << 1) #define SPI_SR_MDF (1 << 0) static volatile struct spi * const spi_regs = (void*)(SPI_BASE); void spi_init(void) { spi_regs->cr0 = SPI_CR0_TIDLE(3) | SPI_CR0_TTRAIL(7) | SPI_CR0_TLEAD(7); spi_regs->cr1 = SPI_CR1_ENABLE; spi_regs->cr2 = SPI_CR2_MASTER | SPI_CR2_MCSH; spi_regs->br = 3; spi_regs->csr = 0xf; } void spi_xfer(unsigned cs, struct spi_xfer_chunk *xfer, unsigned n) { /* Setup CS */ spi_regs->csr = 0xf ^ (1 << cs); /* Run the chunks */ while (n--) { for (int i=0; ilen; i++) { spi_regs->txdr = xfer->write ? xfer->data[i] : 0x00; while (!(spi_regs->sr & SPI_SR_RRDY)); if (xfer->read) xfer->data[i] = spi_regs->rxdr; } xfer++; } /* Clear CS */ spi_regs->csr = 0xf ^ (1 << cs); } void flash_cmd(uint8_t cmd) { struct spi_xfer_chunk xfer[1] = { { .data = (void*)&cmd, .len = 1, .read = false, .write = true, }, }; spi_xfer(SPI_CS_FLASH, xfer, 1); } void flash_manuf_id(void *manuf) { uint8_t cmd = 0x9f; struct spi_xfer_chunk xfer[2] = { { .data = (void*)&cmd, .len = 1, .read = false, .write = true, }, { .data = (void*)manuf, .len = 3, .read = true, .write = false, }, }; spi_xfer(SPI_CS_FLASH, xfer, 2); } void flash_unique_id(void *id) { uint8_t cmd = 0x4b; struct spi_xfer_chunk xfer[3] = { { .data = (void*)&cmd, .len = 1, .read = false, .write = true, }, { .data = (void*)0, .len = 4, .read = false, .write = false, }, { .data = (void*)id, .len = 8, .read = true, .write = false, }, }; spi_xfer(SPI_CS_FLASH, xfer, 3); } void flash_read(void *dst, uint32_t addr, unsigned len) { uint8_t cmd[4] = { 0x03, ((addr >> 16) & 0xff), ((addr >> 8) & 0xff), (addr & 0xff) }; struct spi_xfer_chunk xfer[2] = { { .data = (void*)cmd, .len = 4, .read = false, .write = true, }, { .data = (void*)dst, .len = len, .read = true, .write = false, }, }; spi_xfer(SPI_CS_FLASH, xfer, 2); }