123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566 |
- #
- # core-rules.mk
- #
- # Save value
- # Default tools
- IVERILOG ?= iverilog
- ICE40_LIBS ?= $(shell yosys-config --datdir/ice40/cells_sim.v)
- # Must be first rule and call it 'all' by convention
- all: sim
- # Base directories
- ifeq ($(origin NO2BUILD_DIR), undefined)
- NO2BUILD_DIR := $(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
- endif
- ifeq ($(origin NO2CORES_DIR), undefined)
- NO2CORES_DIR := $(abspath $(NO2BUILD_DIR)/../cores)
- endif
- # Temporary build-directory
- BUILD_TMP := $(abspath build-tmp)
- mkdir -p $(BUILD_TMP)
- # Discover all cores
- $(foreach core_def, $(wildcard $(NO2CORES_DIR)/*/no2core.mk), $(eval include $(core_def)))
- # Resolve dependency tree for project and collect sources
- $(BUILD_TMP)/core-deps.mk: Makefile $(BUILD_TMP) $(BUILD_TMP)/deps-core-$(THIS_CORE)
- @echo "SELF_DIR := \$$(dir \$$(lastword \$$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))" > $@
- @echo "include \$$(SELF_DIR)deps-core-*" >> $@
- @echo "CORE_ALL_DEPS := \$$(DEPS_SOLVE_TMP)" >> $@
- @echo "CORE_ALL_RTL_SRCS := \$$(RTL_SRCS_SOLVE_TMP)" >> $@
- @echo "CORE_ALL_SIM_SRCS := \$$(SIM_SRCS_SOLVE_TMP)" >> $@
- @echo "CORE_ALL_PREREQ := \$$(PREREQ_SOLVE_TMP)" >> $@
- include $(BUILD_TMP)/core-deps.mk
- # Include path
- CORE_SYNTH_INCLUDES := $(addsuffix /rtl/, $(addprefix -I$(NO2CORES_DIR)/, $(CORE_ALL_DEPS)))
- CORE_SIM_INCLUDES := $(addsuffix /sim/, $(addprefix -I$(NO2CORES_DIR)/, $(CORE_ALL_DEPS)))
- # Simulation
- iverilog -Wall -Wno-portbind -Wno-timescale -DSIM=1 -o $@ \
- $(addprefix -l, $(ICE40_LIBS) $(CORE_ALL_RTL_SRCS) $(CORE_ALL_SIM_SRCS)) \
- $<
- # Action targets
- sim: $(addprefix $(BUILD_TMP)/, $(TESTBENCHES_$(THIS_CORE)))
- clean:
- @rm -Rf $(BUILD_TMP)
- .PHONY: all sim clean