The goal was to write a core that would be similar to the SIE you find in classic microcontrollers that support USBs. That means it requires a soft core to implement the actual USB stack, the hardware itself only handle up to the transaction layer of USB.
It's designed to be small but still allow full flexibility of what kind of device it implements, supports all types of transfers, all packet sizes and any combination of end points without having to change the hardware configuration at all.
Each endpoint can be configured as any type and be either single or double buffered. When the core receives a token from the host, it will look up the EP status and check if there is any buffer ready to send/receive.
The data buffers are fully shared between each end point, the address field of each buffer descriptor has to be filled by the software stack to ensure no conflicts.
To know if/when transfer happens, the core can either generate/queue event in a FIFO or the software can also just poll the EP status fields.
End Point 0 and Control endpoint in general are almost treated like any other endpoint, and you can use control transfer on any endpoint if you wish.
However the hardware does offer a couple of special features to make the software implementation of control transfer easier.
The first one is called the "Control Endpoint Lockout" or CEL for short.
If enabled, any SETUP
packet received by a control endpoint will trigger
the lockout. This will in turn cause any IN
or OUT
transactions on a
control endpoint to be NAKed
to make sure that the soft core / usb stack
has time to properly analyze the received SETUP
packet before sending
any response in case previous buffers for IN
were left overs from
aborted transactions. This makes handling error cases much easier.
The second feature is a special double buffer mode for control endpoints
where instead of having two buffers alternating, you have two buffers
descriptors, the first one is used for OUT
transactions and the second
one is used for SETUP
transactions. Again, this makes the software stack
implementation a bit easier.
Although the core has been developped with the iCE40 in mind, it should be easily portable to other FPGAs as there is very few harware specific blocks inside. (Mostly just the IOs and BRAMs)
This module mostly just contains the IO tristate buffers and also a small glitch filter to improve signal quality.
This module implements the transmit side of bit stuffing, differential coding, symbol mapping and transmit baudrate timing.
This module handles the sending of packet. Handles adding header, CRC and serializing into a bitstream.
This module takes care of receive clock recovery, symbol unmapping, differential decoding and bit-unstuffing. It provides a stream of valid bits to the upstream block along with markers for packet sync and end-of-packet.
This takes the recovered bitstream from the low-level module and reconstructs packet, doing checks along the way (PID check / CRC check).
This module is the heart of the USB core. It implements the transaction layer of USB. This means all the diagrams of Chapter 8 of the USB specifications.
Because all the decisions to make are rather complex, this block main logic is implemented using microcode. So you have a very special purpose CPU (see Microcode instructions for its very limited instruction set), surrounded by some helper peripherals to control the TX/RX packets blocks, direct data appropriately and interact with the memory containing all the endpoint buffer descriptors and status information.
This memory is a BRAM that's used to store all the information about each endpoint (status / buffer descriptors / ... ). Because it needs to be accessed by both the microcode engine and by the softcore, it contains arbitration logic since the iCE40 doesn't suport true-dual-port RAM.
This is just a dual-port RAM with different read/write clocks and port width.
Because the synthesis tool isn't yet capable of inferring this optimally, it was written by instanciating the iCE40 RAM primitives manually.
This is the module that ties it all together and also implement the few global CSRs along with the wishbone interface.